You will be an example and catalyst for the change process. If people note that you are against the change you will not meet your desired goal. This course will help you to focus on implementing six targets for change and what the outcome will look like. You will learn an approach to initiate change following five criteria for worthwhile results. Learning Objectives Identify the primary role of leaders, Apply six targets for change, Apply five criteria for worthwhile results, Explain the importance of continuous learning for leaders Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Personal leadership means taking ownership of your work, being in charge of your decisions, actions, and results without constant intervention from your manager. We will show you how to ask questions to find leadership opportunities and how to ensure you align with the organizational mission, goal and values. Discover the four stages of personal leadership and how you can implement these to reach your desired goals. Learning Objectives Identify opportunities to lead, Implement the four stages of personal leadership, Summarize strategies for getting "unstuck" Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Self-appreciation is the ability to acknowledge oneself with admiration, love, and gratitude, honoring our accomplishments and strengths. The greater one's self-appreciation, the more one has to contribute to others. Discover the benefits of self-appreciation and why it is important in your public and private life. Self-appreciation is a skill that everyone can learn. This course will help you choose a strategy that works for you. Learning Objectives Explain the benefits of self-appreciation, Apply 18 tried-and-true methods for building personal satisfaction Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Follow our guidelines for controlling paperwork and emails. We will show you how to implement the six guidelines to achieve more in less time with less effort. Understand how to effectively delegate work to others and know what to delegate. Uncover the secret to convert obstacles into opportunities and balance your home and career by attending to the eight areas of a balanced life. Learning Objectives Control paperwork and emails, Control file organization, Get more done in less time with less effort, Balance home and career Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Prospecting is the search for something of value and persistence is a vital component in prospecting. We will guide you through various techniques to overcome your prospecting fears. Discover the four principles of prospecting psychology so that people will let you into their world and how POWER prospecting engages the right frame of mind. Understand the most vital tool to engage the interest of others in your offerings. Learning Objectives Describe how to create a successful prospecting mindset, Define essential sales terminology, Implement POWER Prospecting techniques Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand the three goals of qualification and how to apply suitability, eligibility, and forecasting. Discover how to quickly qualify the appropriateness of a prospect to your offering. We will guide you how to use your emotional intelligence to subjectively assess how you feel about an account relative to a sales goal and adjust strategically. Learning Objectives Describe the big five categories for qualifying buyers, Identify the three goals of qualification, Create screen test questions to work with suitable and eligible prospects, Apply your emotional intelligence for strategic guidance Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Think of a presentation organized as parts of a body: head and eyes, body, legs, and feet. We will guide you to select and outline supporting materials for each main point. Discover how to prepare your introduction and summary to deliver your main points. Your opener and close are the most impactful parts of your presentation. Learning Objectives Explain how to create a presentation using four parts of the "presentation body", Prepare effective visuals, transitions, introductions, and summaries, Write compelling openers, Recommend a closing call to action Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand how to base duty-principled decisions on doing what is right according to natural laws such as the right to life, health and safety. How do you take the emotion out of a situation and decide what is right? We will show you how to understand the facts, the ethical dilemma, stakeholders, the consequences, duties and responsibilities, character and integrity and clarify these before reaching a decision. Learning Objectives Apply three philosophical approaches for resolving ethical dilemmas, Implement seven steps to ethical dilemma decision-making Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
'Procrastination makes easy things hard, and hard things harder' - Mason Cooley. Learn how to avoid procrastination and finalize your tasks with ease. Learn how to apply the most effective guidelines for delegation and ensuring responsibilities get taken care of. You will learn how to get more done, in less time and we will teach you how to balance your precious home life with that of a stressful career life. Learning Objectives Control paperwork and emails, Demonstrate file organization, Effectively delegate work to others, Balance home and career Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
How do you use the six influence techniques? Understand how to use persuasion, asserting, visioning, involving, disengaging and the 'Z' model. Be in control and master the skill to spot the required influence technique to achieve the desired result. Learning Objectives Describe how to use six influence techniques, Apply guidelines for each methods, Utilize a "Z" model to increase influence when you have no authority Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams