Are you feeling stressed or tired after a long week at work? Perhaps with the new hybrid working arrangement you are working from home? Then come and join me every Friday morning at 8AM (UK) for a rejuvenating yet relaxing somatic movement-based class. This class is based on the floor with the support of a blanket. Expect a class that involves gentle movements through the spine, hips, shoulders and other areas of the body. The aim is to release stress but also mobilise all of the key joints of the body, helping you to build strength, release tension and create new energy. ‘Yoga for Stress Relief & Fatigue Reduction‘ lasts around 45 minutes. No previous experience is necessary. All levels are welcome. Bring a blanket and mat with you.
In person kundalini yoga class in the west end of Edinburgh off Gorgie Road with sound journey and guided relaxations, meditation, breath work and mantra.
In person kundalini yoga class in the west end of Edinburgh off Gorgie Road with sound journey and guided relaxations, meditation, breath work and mantra.
Find ease in your posture and your natural balance on this 6 week online Yoga course with Pippa Graham. This is an experiential course that will bring awareness to the key postural structures in your body and integrate a new understanding of alignment and sensation.
4-week yoga course that explains in detail the practice of uddiyana bandha, and offers helpful information for refining respiration during yoga practice.
A gentle yoga class that goes into detail about the energetic channels of the legs and how we can work with them in practice.
Charity Yoga Retreat Day ~ Sunday 13th July at Barnwell Village Hall, celebrating 20 years of Yoga teaching in Northamptonshire with Harshani, and supporting a well worthy local charity for the Homeless and those in need ~ The DayLight Centre, Wellingborough.
Course Description Numerous individuals consider yoga a delicate action and a few styles are however to receive yoga's numerous rewards, you must figure out how to do it right. Yoga has gained notoriety for making muscles more adaptable. What's more, it does, yet heaps of stances are likewise useful for reinforcing and conditioning muscles since they expect you to hold up or balance your own body weight with your arms or potentially legs. Since one of the initial steps you learn in yoga is the way to appropriately get your profound abs, you acquire a lot of solidarity and steadiness around your abs, as well. One key to advancing this feeling of internal harmony is the breathing you do in yoga. With yoga, you build up superior attention to substantial sensations, for instance, perceiving when your breathing is quiet and centered versus constrained and rough and furthermore a consciousness of what's happening in your mind. This online arrangement covers Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Yoga methods. Course Content Amateur Yoga Situated Breathing Neck and Spine Stretches on the Floor Sun Salutations Standing Postures Equilibrium Postures Upper Back Strengthener Situated Stretches Simple Stretches on the Back Extension Pose Shavasana (last unwinding) Intermediate Yoga Situated Breathing Shoulder Stretches Bowing Balance Sun Salutations Standing Postures Equilibrium Posture Board Pose Upper Back Strenthener Reversal Situated Stretches Simple Stretches on the Back Extension Pose Shavasana (last unwinding) Progressed Yoga Breathing Centering Sun Salutations A Sun Salutations B Standing Postures Equilibrium Poses Situated Postures (Vinyasa between Poses) Extension/Backbend Shavasana (last unwinding)
Based on the book 'Sleep Recovery' by Lisa Sanfilippo, we will work through the 5 steps towards recovering your rest - with a mixture of discussion/information and techniques, tools and practices to assist a better night's sleep.