In this class you will learn the Yang 10-Step Tai Chi Form. This is a 'standardised' routine, in other words it is performed in the same way throughout the world. We are also doing a set of Qigong exercises for the health of the internal organs. This is a 13-week term.
In this class we work on the Yang 24-Step Tai Chi Form. This is a 'standardised' set of movements that is performed in the same way throughout the world. We also occasionally look at the 'applications' of the movements - how they can be used for self-defence in a gentle non-confrontational way. This is a 13-week term.
This professional one-day massage course is designed for the upper back, shoulders, upper arms, neck, scalp and finishing with the face whilst the client remains seated in an upright position. Indian head massage is one our most popular courses at a very affordable price. It is an extremely effective therapy that has evolved from traditional techniques practiced in India as part of family rituals for over a thousand years.
training at home, fitness, personal trainer, workout, health
Over the course of this weekend with classes running from 9am to 4pm each day we will develop the fundamental skills to take you into the the ancient Daosit process of Nei Gong using the tools of the Ji Ben Qi Gong set. This will be an intensive weekend that will transfer to you the knowledge and skills to begin a proper exploration of the internal arts and the transfomational journey of mind, body and soul it can take you on. The course will run from 9am to 4pm each day and be taught by Jaemie, who is a recognised Qi Gong instructor under the banner of Lotus Nei Gong International and who has close to a decade of experience in the internal arts and over 30 years in the eastern arts in general. We have a friendly and welcoming group training on a regular basis and you are more than welcome to join us for some practice. Please check our website for a detailed explanation of Nei Gong and internal arts practice.