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Inspiring, interactive and unique 4-hour CPD certified Communication and Co-production training.
Inspiring, interactive and unique 4-hour CPD certified training on Communication and Co-production with Parents/Carers
Inspiring, interactive and unique 4-hour CPD certified training on Communication and Co-production with Parents/Carers
Inspiring, interactive and unique 4-hour CPD certified Communication and Co-production training.
2-hour CPD certified introductory e-learning course focusing on the lived experience, communication and collaboration of working with families of children who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
2-hour CPD certified introductory e-learning course focusing on the lived experience, communication and collaboration of working with families of children who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
2-hour CPD certified introductory e-learning course focusing on the lived experience, communication and collaboration of working with families of children who use ???
2-part workshop for parents hosted by Rachel Wright, Founder of Born at the Right Time and author of 'The Skies I'm Under'.