Morsbags - saving the planet one bag at a time!Delivered In-Person in BrackleyBrackleyThu, Apr 3, 10:00 AM GMT+1 + more5.0(2)FREE
Overlocker 1 - Learn to love your Overlocker - AKA SergerDelivered In-Person in BrackleyBrackleySat, Apr 12, 09:30 AM GMT+1 5.0(49)£40
Sew a Camisole. Ogden Cami by True BiasDelivered In-Person in BrackleyBrackleyTue, Apr 15, 06:00 PM GMT+1 + more5.0(49)£85
Crumb Quilt Block Cushion WorkshopDelivered In-Person in BrackleyBrackleyThu, Apr 24, 10:00 AM GMT+1 5.0(49)£45
Sew a skirt in a day - Ramona Delivered In-Person in BrackleyBrackleySat, May 31, 10:00 AM GMT+1 5.0(49)£90
Double Lucky Star Quilt - Patchwork & Quilting for BeginnersDelivered In-PersonIn-Person courseJoin Waitlist5.0(49)£187.50 to £225
Sew a Dress or Blouse using Tilly and the Buttons NellDelivered In-PersonIn-Person workshopJoin Waitlist5.0(47)£95
Sewing Workshop - Beginners - PJ Bottoms Delivered In-PersonIn-Person workshopJoin Waitlist5.0(49)£80