This course is suited to those who are involved in the planning, provision, and assistance of meals for those in care. It provides a solid insight into the basics of good nutrition as well as providing practical guidance for how to put these into practice within a care setting. Learners will also look briefly at Food Hygiene. This subject forms standard 8 in The Care Certificate.
The core principles gained from this course will help delegates have a better understanding of how to manage the relationships between sales and marketing stakeholders on the demand side and the manufacturing and other operational stakeholders on the supply side. PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN HOW TO: • Take a different perspective on traditional data such as sales history and forecasts, as well as time-phased inventory projections and production capacity. • Recognise how their forecasts impact manufacturing schedules and inventory levels. • Assess whether they are producing enough products to meet sales demand. • Recognise how production is tied to finance and see the financial impact of production decisions, so appropriate adjustments may be then undertaken. COURSE TOPICS INCLUDE: What is S&OP? – Introduction – Definition and benefits S&OP processes – What information is required? – The stages of the S&OP process (including inputs & outputs) The integration of S&OP into a business – Critical success factors for an effective implementation – Typical roles and responsibility matrix
The Dance of Earth and Venus results in one of the most beautiful and breathtaking rhythms and patterns of the solar system. Every eight Earth years (13 Venus years) they dance a pentagonal form in space akin to the pip-star inside your apple or the petals of a primrose flower! During this course we will learn how to draw this incredible pattern using the traditional tools of compass and straight-edge; we will explore the key aspects of Earth and Venus' cycles that determine such extraordinary heavenly harmony. And time allowing ... with copper leaf and watercolour paint made from malachite and azurite - which in the Hermetic/Alchemical tradition have forever been associated with the planet Venus - we will create stunning mandalas embodying the Earth/Venus dance ... (More info at
Safer recruitment is designed to help those who are responsible for employing anyone who works with vulnerable groups, to identify and deter or reject individuals who are deemed to be at risk of abusing. It is crucial that all employers have a recruitment policy in place that takes into account safer recruitment best practices and considerations. This course covers key topics including: advertising, application forms, selecting candidates for interview based on the information they have presented, and post-interview checks - including DBS checks - before making an offer of employment. Recruitment of staff is now a complex process and there are many issues that need to be considered to ensure safe and successful recruitment, to reduce in turn the risk of harm, abuse and neglect of adults and children.
We have expanded our asbestos awareness courses to specifically cover the awareness of asbestos in soils, made-ground and construction and demolition materials. Essential for geotechnical engineers, plant operators, civil engineering contractors and ground workers.
We have expanded our asbestos awareness courses to specifically cover the awareness of asbestos in soils, made-ground and construction and demolition materials. Essential for geotechnical engineers, plant operators, civil engineering contractors and ground workers. The content of this course is designed to provide anyone whose work could foreseeably expose them to asbestos with sufficient knowledge to avoid putting themselves or others at risk, in line with regulatory requirements laid out in Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, and specifically for those working on land with potential asbestos-contamination.
The main subject areas of the course are: Good practice in asbestos removal or remediation Asbestos Removal Control Plans Air sampling for asbestos Enclosures, clearance air monitoring and reporting
The main subject areas of the course are: Good practice in asbestos removal or remediation Asbestos Removal Control Plans Air sampling for asbestos Enclosures, clearance air monitoring and reporting
The main subject areas of the course are: Good practice in asbestos removal or remediation Asbestos Removal Control Plans Air sampling for asbestos Enclosures, clearance air monitoring and reporting
Tuition centres play a crucial role in adapting their teaching methods to cater to individual learning styles. By understanding each student’s unique needs and preferences.