PowerPoint for Business in 60 Minutes Course Description Copyright Ross Maynard 2021 Course Description Welcome to PowerPoint for Business in 60 Minutes. Microsoft PowerPoint has been around for nearly 35 years, and I am sure you are familiar with it, and have experienced many PowerPoint presentations – some good; many extremely tedious! Creating a business presentation in PowerPoint presents a number of challenges and there is a danger of “death by PowerPoint”. I recently attended a meeting which was supposed to be a planning discussion but which the person leading the meeting insisted on introducing with a PowerPoint presentation of 60 slides – mostly bullet points! We were hardly in the mood for action planning after that assault on our senses. PowerPoint is good for presenting business results or for a training course, but you need to plan your slideshow carefully to avoid bullet-point boredom and to keep your audience engaged and interested. And that is the purpose of this course – to teach you PowerPoint techniques which you may not be familiar with, and which will help you improve the impact of your business presentations. Less is more in a slide show so it is important to use techniques and effects which will help engage your audience and draw their attention to the points that matter. In “PowerPoint for Business in 60 Minutes”, I cover six key topics that will help you produce more impactful business presentations: The best slide transitions and animations for business presentations The morph transition to make the narration of an agenda, or similar list, or a team photograph extremely slick and professional The Zoom effect to create a summary slide with hyperlinks to zoom into the section that you or your audience choose How to animate charts to highlight the key points you want to bring out How to embed Excel tables with slicers into PowerPoint, and why PowerPoint is not developed enough to make this useful for a business presentation How to turn your PowerPoint presentation into a video. This is the technique I am most often asked how to do. This is not a full “PowerPoint from scratch” course: it assumes familiarity of Microsoft’s ubiquitous programme. Instead, the course takes only 1 hour of your time to focus on key techniques that can help you improve the impact of the presentations you create. I hope you enjoy the course. Key Learning Points On completion of the course, delegates will be able to: Identify the most useful slide transitions and animations for business presentations Use the morph transition to draw the audience’s attention Create a “zoom” summary slide to jump to user-selected sections of slides Animate charts to highlight key points Embed a Microsoft Excel table in a PowerPoint slide Create a video with commentary of their PowerPoint presentation Curriculum Lesson 1: Transitions and Animations Lesson 2: The Morph Transition Lesson 3: Zoom Lesson 4: Animating Charts Lesson 5: Excel Tables and Slicers in PowerPoint (or Not!) Lesson 6: Making a PowerPoint Video Pre-Course Requirements There are no pre-course requirements Additional Resources None Course Tutor Your tutor is Ross Maynard. Ross is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in the UK and has 30 years’ experience as a process improvement consultant specialising in business processes and organisation development. Ross is also a professional author of online training courses. Ross lives in Scotland with his wife, daughter and Cocker Spaniel Questions What slide effect allows you to give the illusion of moving around a larger “page”? The Wipe transition. The Dissolve transition. The Push transition. The Fly-In animation What does “Zoom” in PowerPoint allow you to do? Zoom creates the illusion of “zooming in” on a particular part of a slide Zoom creates a summary slide with hyperlinks to the individual slides or sections contained in the summary Zoom creates a smooth object animation from one slide to another to animate, for example, an agenda or timeline Zoom is used to highlight areas of a chart or graphic to draw the audience’s attention What is the main problem with embedding a Microsoft Excel table with slicers into PowerPoint? The slicers do not work, and the table cannot be manipulated, in presentation mode in PowerPoint The table cannot be opened or manipulated in PowerPoint slide view Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint are incompatible with each other The file size created is too large for most business PCs to handle When seeking to create an MP4 video file from a PowerPoint presentation, why is it advisable to record the commentary separately? PowerPoint’s built-in recording facility is unreliable and frequently crashes It’s much quicker to record the audio separately and then insert it into PowerPoint and save as a video file Separate video editing software needs to be used to improve the video’s look and sound where the audio is recorded directly in PowerPoint It removes the stress of commentating “live” on the presentation while recording it, and allows any mistakes and errors to be cut out
A movement and poetry workshop using the Erotic as a powerful prompt.
Welcome to Refashion My Town’s upcycled Denim Design competition! Refashion My Town is a social enterprise based in Chippenham. Our mission is to help and encourage young people to make a positive social and environmental impact through fashion. Our goal is to highlight the impact that fast fashion has on the environment and while doing so, we aim to help young people reduce, reuse, refashion and mend more. And what better way to start is by participating and joining our Upcycled Denim Design Competition! Why Denim? Denim has become an integral part of everyday life, but it wasn’t always like that. Denim was long known to be worn by working class individuals such as miners, railroad workers and even labourers, before booming into a fashion trend that had not ceased to stop. Now you see denim worn by nearly everyone across the globe due to its easy and comfortable wear. However, denim has done more than become a global fashion trend, it has also contributed to the slow destruction of the environment. Most demin products are made with an overwhelmingly large number of dyes that are highly toxic and damaging. Denim also relies on cotton that needs lots of water and pesticides to grow. Pesticides are harmful to human health and can become an environmental risk but that is just one part of the problem. The production of one pair of jeans could require up to 80 gallons of water which is around 360 litres. This is a lot! This is why here at Refashion my Town, we want young people to reduce, reuse, refashion and mend more to combat the issues the fashion industry has on society and environment. Our upcycled Denim design competition is open to 14-18 year olds on Friday 22nd April 2022 and submissions will close on Monday 5th September 2022. This competition requires you to EITHER: A. A 3-minute video explaining the concept, inspiration, and idea of your upcycled denim design. We would like to see a mock-up of your design within your presentation, as well as before and after of the material used. You can also include a completed final product or garment but this is optional. Or B. 1 x A3 sheet with design concept 1 x A3 sheet with design development 1 x A3 sheet with final design including before and after Mock-up of final design ( Final product - optional ). Please note: this is a design ( NOT sewing ) competition, so entries will mainly be judged based on creative flair and out of the box thinking, rather than technical sewing skills. So play and have fun developing your ideas. There will be FIVE judges of the competition: • Liz Alstrom - Mayor of Chippenham • Rachel Sheila Kan - Founder, Circular earth • Yvonne Skelton - Head of textiles, Bath College • Melissa Barnett - Curator, Chippenham Museum • Tricia Morris - Mending and Upcycling Expert, Morrissews. All entrants have access to materials and trimmings from Refashion My Town. Refashion My Town will also have FREE drop-in sessions every Friday at 3.30 - 5 pm, starting 29th April, to help entrants develop their ideas and if necessary, learn new skills to complete their entries.
It can be a lonely world beavering away building your business alone and navigating the veritable rollercoaster! Love to see you for warm chats and networking to assure you that you are not alone and provide you with the support, encouragement and the motivation to keep going, even when times are tough. We will also be hearing all about Guildford's new exciting "Soulspace", an independent members club and coworking space with community at its heart, soon to be completed and opening 2023 in Guildford. Soulspace Director, Jessica Meins will be saying hello and telling us a little bit about their plans! There will be goody bags to take away too! You also get a chance to view a lovely potential venue/workshop/talks space (The Brew House) you may want to use?! Can't wait to see you. xo Lara Doherty The Motivation Clinic 07817247727 / lara@themotivationclinic.co.uk
An interactive workshop with Karen Hale. Learn how to gain the confidence, skills and techniques to speak up so you can be heard. "There are two types of speakers: Those who get nervous and those who are liars." - Mark Twain Is this you? Promotions not applied for, jobs roles not tried for, networking events not attended? Parties avoided, family ceremonies not spoken at, too much left unsaid? Do you have excellent ideas that get lost in time because you are fearful of voicing them. Have you missed opportunities because it involves showing up? Do you stay silent in meetings? Do you have a brilliant business idea that isn’t being pursued because you know it will involve some kind of networking or public speaking? If the answer to any/most of these is YES, then read on... This workshop is strange by its nature. Why would someone who disliked public speaking, go to a place where they would speak in public? This is why.... Because Karen has analysed what makes a good communicator when speaking informally to people; she has taken those aspects and developed a group of exercises that allows you to use these exact techniques when speaking at networking events and in public. Added to that, Karen provides a smorgasbord of methods on how to control nerves to ensure you communicate at your authentic best. Please note: everybody in the room will be there for the same reason as you! You will be supported and encouraged and will learn how to turn fear into empowerment! About Karen: An empowerment and public speaking coach with over 30 years experience in coaching and advising individuals and business leaders from a diverse range of sectors on effective communication skills. It takes a second to form a first impression about a person. Your body language, clothes, speech and personal presence convey messages about your background, skills and expertise. Karen works with her clients to ensure they make that first impression powerful and authentic so they get remembered for the right reasons. By creating a confident and authentic presence you increase your visibility and your credibility. “Karen is a truly special individual. She made me feel totally at ease and was able to help me stand and speak confidently for the first time and she did that all with huge warmth and a lot of humour.” She fulfils her greatest passion on a daily basis, helping people present themselves to the outside world in the very best way. She has enabled hundreds of people to move on in their life and careers and build their growth, confidence and image. Karen works across a huge spectrum - from CEOs in FTSE 100 companies to Foundation Class university students at UAL coaching presentation skills. She coaches senior individuals and consults to leading global banks, private banks and family offices, advising business leaders and their teams. She is Central School of Speech and Drama trained. Kind words about Karen... I have had the absolute pleasure of working with Karen numerous times over the past 16 years to assist me in my various corporate roles. Karen has always been the person I have turned to first and foremost when I have needed help with my personal brand, presence and communication, helping me develop confidence in public speaking and showing up in front of the camera. A HUGE thank you for Monday – you were wonderful. The feedback we have had has been unbelievable – I can honestly say in all my years in this industry I have never heard such positive comments on every aspect. Karen has an incredible gift of making you feel completely at ease and is able to bring the best out of a person with ease. She is friendly, approachable and warm and I now refer Karen to everybody I know who needs assistance with any type of public speaking, communication and confidence requirement. The results speak for themselves. Highly recommend! You can contact Karen at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karen-hale-8925862b/ / 07956626740 For any questions regarding this event, please contact the organiser lara@themotivationclinic.co.uk / 07817247727 - thank you!
A beautiful guided meditation to embrace the new moon in VIRGO. Time to start your new adventure! A great way to balance your aura and chakra system bringing sense of relaxation and peace
Building Confidence, Self Worth & Friendships Making Tracks is for children with additional needs and their families, allowing them access to an inclusive and sensory rich environment. Developing confidence and self esteem, motivation to learn and improving self worth. This group is based around the children and their needs. Our highly skilled staff work with children and their families, to encourage growth in a supportive and nurturing environment. Activities include outdoor play and learner led activities such as den building, campfire cooking and exploration. How To Access Our Alternative Schooling Sessions Making Tracks, our alternative schooling sessions, are open to all children of school age and currently takes place on a Tuesday during term time from Group One 10am - 12pm Group Two 1pm - 3pm. Each session costs £5.00 Making Tracks can be paid for through your Educational Health Care Plan. Book Now To discuss your child’s needs, or to organise One to One session please contact us. Why Choose Nature for your child? Whatever the reason children come to the woods to access our programmes, we aim to incorporate the forest school ethos into all our activities and sessions, offering a learner-centred approach wherever possible. In line with forest school objectives, we strive to use their Badger Forest School experience to help children overcome their previous experiences and become positive and pro-active learners. As an organisation with trauma-informed status, our Nurture Programme is specifically designed to support emotional wellbeing as we believe this best supports a child’s development and aids their return to a school setting on a full-time basis. Children are assisted to understand their emotions, their triggers and their behaviours, so that they can learn self-regulation and management techniques. They build trusted relationships with staff which enables therapeutic conversations to happen. The outdoors environment and associated skills building offers children the opportunity to succeed which helps develop confidence, self-esteem and identity. All-weather outdoor learning generates motivation and resilience, as well as helps relieve passivity, stress and anxiety. In terms of academic learning, sessions deliver a wide range of activities designed to develop the child’s concentration, practical skills, fine and gross motor development, problem solving, language and communication skills, and expand their understanding of the natural world. Activities might include: Shelter building Fire lighting and cooking on an open fire Tool use Studying wildlife Rope and string work Art and sculpture work Sensory activities Developing and discussing stories Creating and completing obstacle courses Activities frequently incorporate opportunities for working on literacy or numeracy skills, and additionally, we can work towards including some elements of the National Curriculum if this is a priority for the client, as many of our staff are teacher trained or have experience working in schools.
Healthy boundaries start by knowing yourself at a deeper level. Learn how, who and when to say Yes or No to in a way that serves all.