Learn simple breathing and vocal techniques to reduce stress and anxiety in the body, boost the immune system, and build connections for general wellbeing. We play with sound, rhythm and improvisation, learn close vocal harmony arrangements of different genres, and have loads of fun! Come and enjoy the incredible benefits singing in a group has on mental and physical health, and be part of this wonderful growing community. Everyone is welcome!
Online psychic development and guided meditation class in a friendly group. Every month has a different theme.
Simple, easy and effective meditation
RELAX YIN & MEDITATION is a serene and restorative class designed to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit through gentle Yin Yoga poses and guided meditation Benefits: Promotes deep relaxation and stress reduction. Enhances self-awareness and emotional balance. Improves flexibility and releases physical tension. Supports energy flow and chakra alignment for holistic well-being. This class is ideal for individuals seeking a gentle, introspective practice to unwind and reconnect with their inner selves. No prior experience in yoga or meditation is necessary—everyone is welcome. This class is spondsored by the Lottery Community Fund, Awards for All. By attending this class you release the teacher, Giada Gaslini and Art and Spirituality Cic, from any liability arising out of any personal injuries, emotional or physical release, death, expectations of results, theft in the venue or damages that may happen to people and objects while attending.
Monthly Qigong workshops: a powerful healing art that involves gentle movements meditation and breathing techniques to cleanse, circulate, strengthen and ground our life energy (Qi).
Manifest Good Fortune and Happiness Through focused intention, emotion, and visualization, and with the aid of ceremonial cacao, we will connect more deeply to the energy of the heart with a gentle and immersive meditation to manifest and bring your goals, dreams, and desires into physical form. #manifestation #newmoonceremony #ceremonycacao #sacredcacao #surbitonmums #surbiton #surreylife #surbiton #kingstonuponthames #manifesting #newlife #fullmoonmanifestation #crystalgrid
A full day exploring and experiencing the art of Kirtan meditation for self practice and facilitation