Our Dealing with Difficult People Training provides your team with communication skills to handle challenging situations, identify early warning signs & triggers, whilst creating more positive outcomes.
Non-Invasive Ventilation Course CPAP and BiPAP Training Respiratory Support Course NIV Techniques for Nurses Cough Assist and High Flow Training CPAP and BiPAP Certification Non-Invasive Ventilation for HCAs/Carers Home and Hospital NIV Training CPAP and BiPAP Online Course The CPD Standard Office Accredited NIV Course Revalidation
Breakthrough Plus - overcome trauma and self-esteem issues (2 weekends course) Fast, effective and proven to overcome difficult life experiencesthat have caused you to shut down or have undermined your confidence and self-esteem Overcome your fears, improve your career prospects, build confidence, and make personal breakthroughs. Recommended for introverts, quiet people, or those hampered by difficult life experiences If your lack of confidence is connected to bad experiences in the past that have caused you to shut down and to close down your options, then the Breakthrough Plus is probably the fastest most effective way of overcoming this.
This workshop is designed to give those who have to give bad news and broach difficult conversations increased confidence. Participants will leave the workshop with the tools and techniques to prepare for a difficult conversation and ensure that they are supporting patients and relatives through a stressful time in their lives.
Are you a manager in Early Years? Do you need some new skills to help manage your teams and be the best you can be? Then have a look at what this course covers and get in touch to book. Week 1. Exploring the role of a Manager in Early Years. Characteristics of an effective manager. Exploring different Leadership Styles and identifying your own. Looking after your own wellbeing. Week 2. How to manage difficult Conversations Exploring different personality types. Developing resillience. 4 Step process for managing a difficult conversation. Week 3. Creating Connection & Belonging within your team The importance of Connecting with a Diverse team. How to create a culture of connection & belonging. An introduction to Leading with Emotional Intelligence. We deliver this session on a one to one virtual platform or face to face. We can deliver to small groups but please contact us separately for costings. This specific course is for training one person at a time.