Master the basics of Microsoft Excel on our 1-day Excel Introduction training course. Our friendly, certified Excel trainers will have you confidently using Excel in no time. ✔ A complete beginners’ Excel course that covers all of the basics. ✔ Plenty of one to one attention and time to ask questions. ✔ Friendly expert trainers, small groups and a comfortable place to learn. Our courses are delivered in Guildford, London, Online, or even on-site at your offices!
If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on generating long-standing customer loyalty.
If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on managing complaints and complaining clients successfully.
If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on managing expectations successfully.
Remote training session for FreeAgent Accounting and Payroll software.
Remote training session for Sage Accounting and Payroll software.
If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on telephone etiquettes, communication and behaviours.
If you want your employees to improve their customer service skills and deliver an amazing experience to your customers, feel free to check out my Training course focusing on delivering the best customer care.
Remote training session for QuickBooks Accounting and Payroll software.
Remote training session for Xero Accounting and Payroll software.