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On-Demand course
15 hours
Intermediate level
You can do this course online by following the videos or you can use this in addition to the in-person training.
Discover the ‘Shimuryo Zammai’ practices – the four limitless meditations.
These practices offer a kinder and more compassionate way to live in the world, to be more loving, joyful, peaceful and compassionate towards ourselves and others. They provide a remedy for the negative and unhelpful emotions of anger, loneliness, loss, sadness, jealousy, apathy and more.
This course introduces you to the 4-boundless practices that can enhance how you live in the world and help smooth your spiritual path.
Here is what we will cover on this course:
Introduction to the practices
Ji - Metta or loving kindness
Jihi – Karuṇā or Compassion
Ki – Muditā or Sympathetic Joy
Sha – Upekkhā or Peace and Equanimity
Plus additional workshops:
Living from the heart
Finding peace and equanimity
Complete compassion practice
You will be given:
5 hours of teaching - recordings of live sessions
5 guided meditations
Printable handouts to guide you through each step
Additional creative ideas to help you bring these qualities into your life more fully.
Plus another 5 hours of bonus workshops and meditations
It is helpful if you already have a meditation practice, as those with a regular practice will have developed a level of concentration and focus that can help. However, if you are keen and willing to give everything a try and offer 100%, then you are very welcome to participate.
You will need:
A notebook and pen to write your meditation diary
A quiet space to practice in your own time
To be willing to try to all the methods offered
Take time to develop and grow these positive qualities within
Be open to ideas of bringing these elements into your day
Create Harmony offers classes with a focus on Mindfulness including Meditation, Relaxation, Zen Yoga and Restorative Yoga. Join the private Facebook group