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On-Demand workshop
1 hour 30 minutes
All levels
Complete Compassion Practice
Exploring the four boundless meditations of loving-kindness, compassion, joy and peace.
Recorded live, this workshop offers an introduction to the 'Brahma Viharas' or Shimuryo Zammai’ practices – the four limitless meditations, that are shared in the Zen Compassion Meditation course. The methods offered provide you with a great way to get started, or to finish the full course by bringing them all together in one meditation.
We take time to contemplate the different elements and bring them into our meditation and mindful movement practices.
With this workshop you can create some space at home for your own mini retreat, watch the video (the live recording from the workshop) and learn these wonderful methods to develop positive qualities within.
Create Harmony offers classes with a focus on Mindfulness including Meditation, Relaxation, Zen Yoga and Restorative Yoga. Join the private Facebook group