Understand the three steps that are important practices and tools we can use to develop our EI further and how to develop healthy practices and habits. Learning Objectives Understand the three steps that are important practices and tools we can use to develop our EI further and how to develop healthy practices and habits. Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Confidence is a situational expectation of positive outcomes while developing strengths and managing weaknesses. We will help you to identify your strengths and four ways to develop them. Manage your weaknesses to get the job done right. Learning Objectives Describe how confidence builds rapport, Identify your strengths, Implement four ways to develop your strengths confidence Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand how to identify the symptoms of complacency that include feeling stuck, fear of change, boredom and if left unchecked and depression. All people experience complacency at different times, typically after a reaching a success. Implement strategies for overcoming complacency before it spreads. Learning Objectives Explain the dangers of team complacency, Apply eight ways to defeat complacency Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand what is the difference between and employees' rights and responsibilities. Discover what is your circle of ethical influence and what responsibilities you need to demonstrate. We will unpack the various types of ethical responsibilities and why they are important. Learning Objectives Explain three employee rights, Describe your ethical 'Circle of Influence', Recognize your employee ethical responsibilities Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Call escalation is including others in facilitating the resolution of a customer request. It may take place in person, on the phone, or through electronic communication. We will show you four steps in handling customer issues and call escalation. Learning Objectives Explain when call escalation is appropriate, Apply CORE⢠steps for effectively facilitating an escalated call Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Responsible risk-taking is understanding your organization's risk policies and decision parameters. Apply characteristics of responsible risk-takers to become a more effective change agent. Understand that preparation steps for risk-taking create a safe environment for risk and reduce uncertainty. Learning Objectives Define responsible risk-taking, Employ a risk-taking assessment calculator, Implement preparation steps for risk-taking Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Discover how to implement quick-result referral techniques. Understand the fastest way to bring in a steady stream of qualified referrals and quick-result techniques. Understand how to cultivate current clients and become a MVP (Most Valuable Prospector). Learning Objectives Implement quick-result referral techniques, Apply the fastest way to bring in a steady stream of qualified referrals Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Use the WRAP methodology to ask for referrals. This includes to wait until the right time, review the benefits, how to ask and pave the way. We will show you to deal with rejection by playing the odds. Learning Objectives Summarize the WRAP⢠technique to ask for referrals, Explain the best time to ask for referrals, Manage rejected requests Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Knowledge of the competition to gain competence and confidence are interconnected to professional success. Understand how competitive company information, product information and representative's information can add insight and valuable data for you. Learning Objectives Explain how knowledge of industry competition increases your success, Identify competitive product information representatives need to know, Explain key ingredients of an effective Competitive Knowledge Management System Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Explore ways to increase your currency power before negotiating to leverage buying power. We will guide you how to use ten effective behavioral traits of successful negotiators and how to apply six planning tactics. Learning Objectives Identify questions needing answers before negotiating, Define three types of currencies to negotiate, Explain how to increase your currency power, Apply six planning tactics Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams