This course aims to give the learner the understanding of what autism is and how it affects a child or adults daily life, we will discuss the typical behaviours and how to offer support. We will identify a range of interventions and approaches improve the quality and daily lives of individuals with these conditions
Each session will be 90 minutes long In our Mummy Morning it will be very easy going with an option to take part in gentle core exercises to slowly strengthen our core and pelvic floors which is vital after birth, but not only that, we work on the whole of our bodies. Our bodies go through so much from carrying our little ones but the process during and after impacts our precious bodies, so we need to look after them. Mind, body and soul :)
A defibrillator (AED) plays an essential part when attempting to save the life of someone who is in cardiac arrest. This training aims to provide the learner with the knowledge, confidence and skills to effectively use the this equipment in a safe and competent manner.
Pole jams run at the same time that another class is running at the other end of the studio. Class/course members receive priority over poles (due to paying a higher rate) so you may be required to share a pole with another jammer if we are busy, however most of the time you should have a pole to yourself.