A webinar in which we explore the true cost of pointless stress and worry on our health, our happiness and our time and present the possibility of a future with more balance, more joy and better outcomes.
Qigong Taiji 37 (Tai Chi) Daoyin exercises Makko-Ho and Do-in exercises Japanese Ki Exercises and Hara training Breathing and sound exercises Meditation Well-being guidance There are also currently 3 online Qigong classes each week: Mondays at 9.45am, or Tuesdays and Fridays at 10.00am, all 75 minutes. When you use the link there is usually no need to sign up to Zoom. You can use the app or attend via your usual browser. No experience necessary.
A workshop on the art of switching off and letting go, and why it's important that you do.
How to stay focued, organised and motivated in 2023
The sessions include an initial period of settling in, relaxing and focusing on the breath. Once the busy mind has quieted, there will be time to go deeper into the space of the heart, to be still and to listen inwardly to connect with ourselves and those around us. The Zoom details are the same each week. If you would like to be added to the Weekly Peace Meditation reminder list, fill out the form below. The weekly sessions are normally facilitated by Kathryn Bingham, yoga teacher and former Hamblin Team member. Some sessions will be led by astrologer Patricia Godden, Hamblin trustee Victoria Willson, and invited guest facilitators. These Weekly Peace Meditation sessions are free of charge, but donations are welcome to help us keep our events either free or low cost. Thank you so much for your generosity.
One of the most powerful ways to tap into intrinsic motivation is by cleaning up your mindset. The way you talk to yourself, visualise and manage your emotions is directly related to your ability to stay motivated and focused. This session will introduce you to a menu of mind hacks to help you Free your Mind?
Understanding trauma-informed practices and becoming a better, more compassionate leader, coach, manager and individual.