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Are you an over-thinker, a serial worrier, a stressor par excellence? Don't worry, I'm not looking to tell you that you shouldn't be. More to ask you about how that feels. Whether the balance is ok, or whether all that stress, worry and overthinking is stopping you from enjoying your life.
You see, I used to stress and worry about everything too. I used to tie myself up in knots with all the stress and worry until, one day, I had a rather horrifying realisation. That, for the most part, all the time and energy I put into worrying and stressing DIDN'T MAKE THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF DIFFERENCE TO THE SITUATION/OUTCOME. In fact, I noticed, it often seemed to make things worse.
It was time to make a change. Time for a new relationship with stress and worry. Time to get back in charge, even when stuff wasn't in my control.
How? Well that's what I'm going to share with you in this little webinar. I really hope that you will join me!
Stress and worry reality check - time spent vs outcomes
What stress and worry actually are and what that means for you
Pointless vs actionable stress/worry
A healthier relationship with stress and worry
Time for a focus on you
I'm test driving this workshop concept, so for a limited time it's totally free. All I ask is that you come along to the session if you book a ticket (it's not going to be recorded) and then let me know what you think.
Cami x