Course details : Small group up to 4 persons. Purpose: 1. To learn basic theory and prinicples of how tuning forks and sound can be beneficial to our health and well being. 2. To gain an understanding of how energy structures can be supportive or limiting and how we can use sound to influence these. 3. To learn practical methods using tuning forks to dissolve frozen/stuck energy in order to free up and allow greater flow of essence energy ( Chi/prana/life-force/universal energy/intelligence energy - it has many names) 3. To experience the benefits of using tuning forks whilst participating in the workshop. Who : Emma Hall is running the workshop. I trained in person with Eileen McCusick,the founder of Biofield Tuning some 8 years ago. Where: It will be held in East Northamptonshire and a light vegetarian lunch will be provided. I cannot cater for any special dietary preferences as the teaching is my focus! Teas and coffees will be provided. (Please note: I do have a little Westie dog that will hang out with us) Tools: I have tuning forks that will be available for you to use during the day, so you do not need your own for the workshop. I will offer the option to order a starter kit from me in advance should you like your own forks. If you are unsure then just wait until you have completed the workshop. There is no obligation to get these.Cost: £115 I do have a vision to run more advanced workshops which can eventually lead to practitioner training level. This one day workshop is a pre-requisite foundation for all future training courses.
Sacred Kakaw Ceremony and Sound Journey You are warmly invited to join us for this autumnal gathering in the Sunhouse, guided by Annabelle and Arjuna. We will begin by sharing a kakaw ritual together before flowing into a long sound medicine journey to deeply relax, release, rejuvenate on a cellular level and experience a vaster state of awareness. Instruments include a Chiron gong, crystal singing bowls, drums, flutes, voice, kora, handpan, chimes, rattles and more. KAKAW RITUAL We will share a ceremonial brew of the plant Kakaw (a Mayan spelling of Cacao), with honour to traditions Toltec and Mayan. Kakaw opens the heart, connecting us to the ancestral wisdom in our blood, to our sensuous creativity and inspiration, and to the unseen realms. She is a grandmother plant for bringing about equilibrium and elemental connection, for supporting emotional expression, illuminating the shadows, and celebrating the bliss of existence. The Kakaw we will be communing with comes from an ecological plantation in the ancient Lacandona jungle of Chiapas, Mexico, where it is lovingly tended by a Mayan family and prepared with the intention for it to be shared ceremonially. SOUND MEDICINE A deep meditative journey, vibrating the material of our being to bring us into a more harmonious flow. Amongst other things, it supports our bodies in relaxation and stress release, circulation, detoxification, and cellular rejuvention. Meditatively, it can guide us into waking dream states whereby we can reconcile subconscious memories, receive clarity and guidance, and journey into the unseen. YOUR HOSTS ANNABELLE CHARANBANI My path is devoted to the healing and creative arts, supporting people to come into greater presence and to engage with life with more passion, ease, curiosity and confidence. For this, we work towards optimising physical health, creative flow, connecting with spirit, and allowing the heart and soul to lead with greater clarity. I primarily serve with kundalini yoga and meditation, sound medicine, intuitive storytelling, ritual and holistic massage, accompanied by various plants. This line of work is ultimately about finding balance. Of solar and lunar, personal and impersonal, infinity and finity consciousness, earth-water-wind-fire-ether. It includes detoxing physically and emotionally, reconciling and releasing tired memories, finding greater flow with creative energy and joy, and stimulating sensuality. We develop our relationship with the soul, and we become more awake to the ways in which wisdom and guidance is being transmitted in each moment. I’m in deep gratitude to my many teachers and guides – human, plant, animal, mineral, angel and other – with whose perspective and company I’ve had the fortune to be gifted. ARJUNA MAGEE I am a multi-instrumentalist with over 20 years of experience in music performance, recording, and teaching drums across the UK and abroad, and was raised in Glastonbury. From an early age I developed a passion for music and rhythm. I was born into a bhakti tradition, and whilst on a family holiday to India at the age of 10 I fell in love with the ecstatic heartfelt folk music, kirtan. This began my journey of music education, receiving lessons on the Mridanga, the Harmonium, the drum kit, the African djembe, Indian, Irish and Japanese flutes, guitar, hand pan, kora and singing. Since the age of 14 I’ve been performing with bands around Europe, playing and exploring many styles including Funk, Jazz, Reggae, Rock, Soul, Folk and World music. As well as making music, a lot of my focus is now directed toward studying music and rhythm therapy and offering this in care homes, hospitals and hospices.
A conscious gathering to experience the ritual of energy blessings, icaros, medicine songs and offerings. Fundraising for Sacred Ways Foundation. "MITAKUYE OYASIN" or "WE ARE ALL RELATED" is a Lakota phrase at the center of the 'way of life' of the indigenous people of the world. It is also the corner stone of today's PSYCHEDELIC RENAISSANCE. In a time where we are experiencing the emergence of psychedelic as a new pathway to explore the limit of the mind and a solution to societal crisis, Francois Demange (Metsa Nihue) and Kelly Jennings (Kapomo) both initiated in the lineages of the Quechua's, Shipibos, Lakota, Dene, Mazatec, Tsitujiles, Awajun and Meshicas...bring the beauty of indigenous wisdom into the context of our everyday life. Everything is energy ... it is all interconnected... Being and Becoming the Medicine, is a gathering to experience at first hand the ritual of energy blessings, medicine songs and offerings. Come and witness, Participate in an emergent process of connection, Be in the Conversations where the WATER is listening, where SPACE, a co-creation of our presence SPEAKS... Indigenous Wisdom and Psychedelics today. Songs, Icaros, Indigenous Wisdom, Ritual and Conversations. The Space where Water Listens. Re-Membering your Essence. Connecting to Oneness. Francois Demange whose indigenous name is Metsa Nihue (meaning “Good Wind”) is an internationally known healer who specialises in traditional Amazonian lineages. He trained in the Peruvian Amazon for fifteen years under the guidance of the Quechua-Lamistas, Aguarunas, and the Shipibo indigenous peoples. He has since been in practice leading grandmother retreats and plant medicine rituals in South America building awareness for communities from the US, Europe, and Canada for more than twenty eight years. He comes as the most highly recommended practitioner by many accredited scholars in the field of psychedelic study and by leaders in organisations dedicated to research in these fields. He is a Reiki master healer and a Sun Dancer with the Dakota Tipi Nation of Canada, initiated in the Bwiti healing art and ceremonies of the Iboga tradition in Gabon by Maman Bernadette Ribiennot, and part of the Native American Church of the Denee Nation. He brings these lineages and practices together in ceremony to provide a powerful healing transmission and awakening our western culture into a collective consciousness resonance rooted in everyday life reality. Kelly whose indigenous name is Kapomo is dedicated to the evolution of our planetary consciousness and culture through radical self-care, transformational individual and group healing experiences, and shamanic Qi Gong transmission. She's mother to a mixed family of 5, daughter to a Chilean mamá and Aruban raised father and wife to a renegade French/Peruvian. She's a naturopathic physician and Chinese medicine practitioner, informed by two decades of ritual practice and training with indigenous healers from the Shipibo, Mayan, Moshica, Daoist and Quechua traditions. Her work is inspired by this question: How are we becoming the elders our children are yearning for? Please note all profits from this gathering will go to Sacred Ways Foundation. Please donate what you can afford to. Find us on social media: @numinity.collective Join our Whatsapp Group for new event updates.
Let’s soak each one of our cells into a deeper relaxation. It’s beyond sleep state. Each time of the practice takes us to a new journey. There is no expectation towards the end of the journey, and we simply stay at each very moment.
I am a DJ with over 20 years of experience playing for crowds at some of the most well-respected venues, events, and festivals across the globe. I have played DJ sets for crowds of anywhere between a small, intimate group, right up to over 10,000 people at events such as 'Burning Man' in the USA. My styles can either be of a dance tempo involving deep, melodic, trance-inducing beats, which are perfect for any dancefloor space large or small. Or I have many years of experience in selecting the perfect eclectic soundtrack for sunset moments, chill-out spaces, or creating magical background atmospheres within various events and spaces. For all enquiries, please contact me here.
As a qualified crystal healer, I can come to your home and provide a 1hr crystal healing session. We can work on any areas you may be aware of that require some attention. Or I can do a full body scan and assessment, free up an unbalanced energy flow within the body and bring everything back into alignment. I can also free the body from any negative energies and restore positive balance and harmony within. These sessions are a fantastic way to relieve stress and promote healing. For more information or booking enquiries, please contact me here.
As a qualified Reiki master, I can come to your home and provide a 1hr Reiki healing session. We can work on any areas you may be aware of that require some attention. Or I can do a full body scan and assessment, free up an unbalanced energy flow within the body and bring everything back into alignment. These sessions are a fantastic way to relieve stress and promote healing. For more information or booking enquiries, please contact me here.
I occasionally organise one-off events such as outdoor sound journeys & gong baths in magical woodland locations, peaceful parks or on beautiful beaches. Sometimes under the stars with a fire. Any upcoming events like this will be listed HERE (Eventbrite). So be sure to check regularly. I also occasionally organise all-night puja events. Guests are invited to bring comfy bedding and everything they need to spend a whole night sleeping to the subtle healing frequencies of gongs and other powerful healing instruments that continue throughout the whole night. These events will begin with a welcome ceremony, followed by a beautiful meditation session. After this, we all lay down, get comfortable, relax and slowly fall into a beautiful deep sleep. In the morning we gently awaken feeling refreshed, revitalised and re-energised. Any upcoming events like this will be listed here. So be sure to check regularly.