Booking options
Delivered Online or In-Person
12 months
All levels
Congratulations on making your decision on joining our programme!
With this booking you are signing up for the “Pay by Instalment” option to receive the Women's Voice Medicine Journey.
This involves 3 x monthly payments of £90.
I truly trust that this programme will offer you a transformative journey that will allow you to blossom into the full potential of your authentic feminine voice!
"Our Voices are like seeds, they can sit dormant until the right conditions present themselves, and when this occurs they come bursting out full bloom!"
I look forward to sounding with you soon!
With Big Love and the Warmest Wishes from
Saraswati Vanisha
Founder of Sing for Your Soul and Co-Founder of The Voice Tantra Academy | #Saraswati_SOUL |
Sing for your Soul is an initiative set up to hel...