Are you interested in enrolling on an Online (Distance) Learning Degree at Arts University Plymouth, but curious about how virtually attending an Arts University works? If so, join us online for our Free 3-Session Online Learning Taster Course. An introduction to our January-start degrees. This course has been designed to give you a taste of what it is like to study with us virtually, as well as giving you tailored support for your university application. You will get a virtual art university experience, and a chance to meet some of the lecturers for the subjects you are interested in studying.
Who says what's right for you? How aware are you of how much you actually drink each week? Is it more than you want it to be? Does it take the edge off your performance? Or do you just think it's time to change? This session will challenge the way you think about drink. It's not about what someone else thinks you ought to drink - it's about your own attitude to it. Take away a completely fresh way of thinking about drinking. Get some insights into 'how come' you drink what you do. Find out what you can easily do to drink less. During the session you will have the opportunity to take a fresh look at: Your drinking habits - casual/social drinking, habitual drinking, binge drinking 'How come I do this'? How we think about habits 'How could I change my drinking'?
Animal Behaviour & Pet Training Diploma Level 3 Embark on a journey of discovery with our Animal Behaviour & Pet Training Diploma Level 3. This course is designed to deepen your understanding of Animal Behaviour, specifically focusing on pet and dog training. Explore the nuances of various breeds and mixed breed dogs, and gain insights into the specific behaviors and training needs of dogs. Learning Outcomes: Develop a comprehensive understanding of Animal Behaviour in pet training. Master the techniques and principles of effective dog training. Gain knowledge about different breeds of dogs and their unique characteristics in relation to Animal Behaviour. Understand the specific needs and behaviors of mixed breed dogs in the context of Animal Behaviour. Learn about dog behavior and how it impacts training methods and outcomes. More Benefits: LIFETIME access Device Compatibility Free Workplace Management Toolkit Key Modules from Animal Behaviour & Pet Training Diploma Level 3: Pet Training: Learn foundational techniques and strategies for training pets, emphasizing the role of Animal Behaviour. Dog Training: Delve into specific methodologies and best practices for training dogs, informed by understanding Animal Behaviour. Breeds of Dogs: Explore the diverse world of dog breeds, understanding their distinct traits and how they influence Animal Behaviour and training. Mixed Breed Dogs: Gain insights into the unique aspects of mixed breed dogs, including how their varied genetic backgrounds affect Animal Behaviour and training. Dog Behavior: Study the behavioral patterns of dogs, understanding how these behaviors are influenced by and can inform Animal Behaviour training techniques.
Expanded Talks webinar about design in with VR on 13/10 at 19h CET. Live demo with studio Lavamachine Design in VR with Multibrush and other VR tools.
Onze studenten, alumni en docenten zijn ijzersterk in het bedenken van artistieke en creatieve concepten. Maar om van concept te gaan naar realisatie zijn er acht andere bouwstenen die even noodzakelijk zijn. Die bouwstenen vormen samen een business plan. Gelukkig is er met het Canvas Model van Alex Osterwalder een model dat je toelaat om die bouwstenen snel en accuraat te benoemen zodat je creatief concept geen volledig boekdeel nodig heeft om tot stand te komen. Deze webinar is bijzonder handig voor studenten en docenten die overwegen om een LUCAbreakoutsteun aan te vragen. Dit model wordt gebruikt in de beoordeling van de voorstellen.
Kunst is een vorm van communicatie. Het is niet altijd een neerschrijfbare boodschap, maar wel iets dat werd gecreëerd om iemand te raken. Kunst kan daarom moeilijk bestaan zonder een publiek. Hoe kan je dat publiek bereiken, wat kan je gebruiken om dat publiek te overtuigen om naar jouw werk te komen kijken en vooral welke hulpmiddelen biedt de hogeschool om je daarbij te ondersteunen. Dat zijn de aspecten die aan bod komen in deze workshop. Deze workshop staat open voor studenten, alumni en docenten van LUCA School of Arts.
Sinds kort vindt men crowdfunding steeds vaker terug als vorm van “alternatieve financieringen”. Crowdfunding is een vorm van collaboratieve of participatieve financiering van een project via een groot aantal kleine investeerders. Vandaar het woord “crowd” (menigte). In deze workshop gaan we in op de verschillende fases van een geslaagde fondsenwerving, geven we tips & tricks voor, maar ook voorbeelden van crowdfunding. We zoomen ook in op het platform dat door LUCA School of Arts werd ontwikkeld in samenwerking met KOALECT. Webinar en het platform staan open voor studenten, alumni en docenten van LUCA School of Arts.
Emergency Disaster Recovery during Wildfire for Woodland Officers Explore critical aspects of forestry, including the roles of Forest Rangers in the UK, wildfire safety precautions, effective action plans during wildfires, post-fire recovery strategies, the impact of heat waves and climate change, and the crucial role of Rangers in protecting our woodlands. Master Forestry roles in wildfire safety and recovery. Learn Forestry strategies for action during wildfires. Understand the Forestry impact of heat waves and climate change. Learning Outcomes: Define Forestry roles of UK forest rangers. Explain Forestry wildfire safety precautions. Develop Forestry action plans for wildfires. Implement Forestry wildfire recovery strategies. Analyse Forestry impact of heatwaves and climate change. More Benefits: LIFETIME access Device Compatibility Free Workplace Management Toolkit Emergency Disaster Recovery during Wildfire for Woodland Officers Course Syllabus Forest Rangers in UK: Explore the pivotal role of forest rangers in UK Forestry, focusing on woodland protection. Wildfire Safety Precautions: Learn key safety precautions within Forestry to prevent and manage wildfires effectively. Action Plan During Wildfires: Develop comprehensive Forestry action plans for effective wildfire response and management. Wildfire Recovery: Understand post-wildfire recovery strategies in Forestry, including reforestation and habitat restoration. Heat Waves and Climate Change: Examine how heatwaves and climate change influence Forestry, particularly wildfire risks and management. Role of Rangers: Delve into the specific responsibilities of Forestry rangers during wildfire emergencies, ensuring efficient response and coordination.
This is a step by step digital workshop that will be sent directly to your inbox for you to keep forever. All my workshops are suitable for beginners and the more experienced artist. I have 25 years experience delivering workshops to all ages and abilities. I use raku sculpture clay and finish with oxides but any clay can be used including air dry clay for people who do not have a kiln. I am happy to answer any questions via my facebook page or here.An info sheet will be sent out with this workshop with a list of recommended tools and where you can purchase.
This is a step by step digital workshop that will be sent directly to your inbox for you to keep forever. All my workshops are suitable for beginners and the more experienced artist. I have 25 years experience delivering workshops to all ages and abilities. I use white earthenwear clay and finish with underglazes but any clay can be used including air dry clay for people who do not have a kiln. An info sheet will be sent out with this workshop with a list of recommended tools and where you can purchase.