We discuss ideas and projects that use the arts to bring positive change to people who are or have been homeless. We are holding monthly global video meetings to give people in our network, or simply interested in arts and homelessness, a chance to get together remotely. The meetings are relaxed and fun and a place to share news, ideas and creativity. This year we are adding some amazing training sessions and professional development to the schedule. We are also cahnging from two sessions to just the one at 2pm every last wednesday of the month. Come and enjoy the space, learn some new things and maske some new friends.
Some fun with mixed media, inks, Used in a very unusual way.
Some fun with mixed media, inks, watercolour ink. Used in a very unusual way.
Moon gazing hare workshop . The workshop lasts for one hour and forty five minutes and is a step by step guide on how to make a moon gazing hare. You can watch it as many times as you like and pause it at your leisure. Ideal for people who can't make it to my real life workshops or for those who want to follow up at home. If you do not have access to a kiln then you can use air dry clay. A list of suggested materials and tools will be sent out to you with the workshops and if you have any questions please feel free to message me.
Join our wait list! As we add new Beginner Painting Classes to this site, we will endeavour to contact you to let you know that they have become available. Courses usually cost £15, however, there are occasional free or special edition courses. More information on the tutor: https://www.letscraftni.com/blog--news/about-lets-craft-ni
Is learning to paint on your bucket list? This FREE beginner's class to experiment with watercolour paints, and have fun making a floral abstract greeting card. Learn to paint and draw a lovely floral greeting card in a more abstract, non-representational style!
Get inside my mind as I work out how to paint this peaceful French harbour quickly and easily in colourful Vibrant acrylics
Tartan design course.
This webinar is part of a series of free, hands-on practical webinars hosted by Cademy on how to get yourself set up to sell spaces, coordinate ticket sales and build online content. This webinar will focus on: How to record and prepare your course content How to create an on-demand / self-taught course on Cademy How to sell your course How to manage student access to your course There’s no commitment to sign up to anything, and it’s free to join in. So please share with anyone you think might be interested. We're really looking forward to meeting you.