A festive-themed soap and skincare gift making class in Edinburgh City Centre
The ceremony invites us to let go of all the distorted perceptions of the Feminine and reclaim her true nurturing qualities. The Spirits of Cacao and Rose will assist and support our journey with their alchemical transformative energy. The event combines Shamanic Journeys, Cacao and Rose Ceremony (following the energy of the Mayan calendar) and Sacred Sounds.
The Night Rating can be added to a PPL or LAPL, once completed, the rating permits you to fly at night under certain conditions. Once started, the rating must be completed in 6 months, from the start date. Take to the night skies and enjoy a total different and unique flying experience. Our night flying training will lead to an additional rating for your PPL or LAPL pilot licence allowing you to fly at night. We would love to join you on your new challenge as a qualified pilot. Whether you want a new experience, challenge or just want to enhance your existing skills, Aerohire have the aircraft and experienced team to support you.
I’m a qualified Guitar Instructor offering personalized lessons and instruction to students in the Berkshire area.