If you are a Mental Health First Aider or MHFA Champion you have skills for life that support you and the people around you.
We believe that mental health should be treated equally to physical health - and just like physical first aid, Mental Health First Aid training should be kept up to date.
The four-hour MHFA Refresher course will empower you to:
Keep your awareness of mental health supports current
Update your knowledge of mental health and what influences it
Practice applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan
About mental health
Stress and factors that influence mental health
Mental health continuum and stigma
Frame of reference and non-judgement
Reintroducing ALGEE
Warning signs of mental ill-health
Depression and anxiety
Suicide and first aid for suicidal crisis
Psychosis and first aid for severe psychotic episodes
Practising our MHFA sills
Self-care, wellbeing and recovery