bridgwater and taunton college
We believe in the ability of each of our students to fulfill their potential and
become the best they can be. We do this by offering a broad and diverse range of
subject and qualifications to suit the needs and learning styles of all our
students. The courses combine real-world experience with academic rigour and
fantastic employability. By studying with us, you’ll be given all the support
you need to go in whichever direction you choose. Our tutors meet with students
regularly to offer encouragement and guidance and, if needed, extra support. I
could not be prouder to be the Principal of this amazing college. With the
support of our large network of tutors and staff, students have demonstrated
their resilience, innovation, perseverance and positivity during the past two
years, and I feel sure that, as we move forward, we are in a good position to
provide you with great opportunities. Exciting developments are happening all
the time. Next year will see new facilities open including a state-of-the-art
Construction & Civil Engineering building at our Bridgwater campus and Health &
Early Years Hub and T Level Centre of Digital Technologies at our Taunton
campus. To keep up with everything that’s happening, keep coming back to the
website, follow us on social media and join us for our information and other
events, where you will get a real feel for this amazing college.