Understand and cultivate the fundamental aspects that contribute to an individual's ability to bounce back from adversity and thrive in the face of challenges. These pillars typically encompass key dimensions such as mental toughness, emotional intelligence, social support, adaptability, and purpose or meaning. Discover the critical importance of developing resilience across these dimensions to navigate life's inevitable ups and downs successfully. By focusing on strengthening each pillar through self-awareness, skill-building, and support networks, the goal is to empower individuals to weather setbacks, manage stress, and maintain well-being amidst adversity. Learning Objectives The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Understand why resilience promotes positive outcomes, Five characteristics you can strengthen to become more resilient, Learn about the link between self-awareness and resilience, Explore solutions that can help you to develop both Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals
Explore ways to increase your currency power before negotiating to leverage buying power. We will guide you how to use ten effective behavioral traits of successful negotiators and how to apply six planning tactics. Learning Objectives Identify questions needing answers before negotiating, Define three types of currencies to negotiate, Explain how to increase your currency power, Apply six planning tactics Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Discover how to open discussion with a positive attitude, keeping an atmosphere of trust and cooperation. Use collaborative win-win negotiation to satisfy underlying needs of both parties. Understand how you can be in control and build high-trust, positive client relationships. Learning Objectives Describe steps for opening a discussion, Explain four ways to build high-trust, positive client relationships, Apply five criteria for high-quality negotiations, Summarize win-win alternatives to positional bargaining Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Exploring alternatives is a problem-solving stage. Pinpoint areas of agreement and conflict and discover how to look for common ground and reassess positions. Understand how to encourage seeking an agreement that collaborates, but compromise if necessary. Discover a strategy to learn buyer price limitations. Learning Objectives Summarize how to pinpoint underlying needs, Determine buyer price limits, Describe how to work defensively with 'offensive' buyer gambits Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
At its core, social engineering is not a cyber attack. Instead, social engineering is all about the psychology of persuasion: It targets the mind like your old-school grifter or con man. The aim is to gain the trust of targets, so they lower their guard, and then encourage them into taking unsafe actions such as divulging personal information or clicking on web links, or opening attachments that may be malicious. Learning Objectives The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Understand Social Engineering and how to spot common infiltration methods Learn about the different types of social engineering attacks and how to avoid becoming a victim Understand what phishing is and how to spot the red flags of fraudulent emails Explore the best cybersecurity practices to protect your systems and accounts Learn about the five types of business email compromise Detect the warning signs of this scam and how to prevent attacks Target Audience Young Professionals
Understand the value of guiding and inspiring others effectively during times of adversity or uncertainty. This involves demonstrating resilience in the face of challenges, maintaining composure, and providing direction and support to those under your leadership. By cultivating attributes such as empathy, decisiveness, and effective communication, the goal is to empower leaders to navigate challenges gracefully, inspire resilience in others, and ultimately lead their teams or organizations toward successful outcomes despite adversity. Learning Objectives The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Discover five common types of challenges organizations face, Tips for successfully leading your team through a challenging situation, Understand how to cope with challenges, Use resilience-building techniques to bounce back Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals
Discover the importance of fostering a team culture that can effectively withstand and overcome adversity. This involves developing strategies and practices to cultivate resilience among team members, such as promoting open communication, fostering mutual support, and providing resources for personal and professional development. By focusing on building trust, fostering collaboration, and empowering individuals to learn and grow from adversity, the goal is to create a resilient team capable of thriving amidst uncertainty and achieving collective success. Learning Objectives The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Explore why traits associated with resilience give teams a competitive advantage , Learn strategies for developing a fearless and adaptable team, Discover tips and strategies for finding opportunities in challenging situations Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals
Everything you do or say sends a message. Be aware of how your verbal, vocal and visual messages convey your intended meaning. We will guide you to present with vocal impact by controlling monotone, volume, rate of speech, and non-words. Understand how to control your posture, movement, eye contact, clothing and gestures. Learning Objectives Identify the challenges of ambiguous messages, Express your message with vocal and visual impact, Close your presentation with impactful results Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Ethics is the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do. Understand what is ethics and how it attempts to answer questions about how people should behave. How can you identify a potential ethical dilemma? Discover the 3 causes of unethical behaviors and how to handle them. Learning Objectives Explain the importance of ethics in business, Define ethical values, conduct, and dilemmas, Identify the three top causes of unethical business behavior Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand how to base duty-principled decisions on doing what is right according to natural laws such as the right to life, health and safety. How do you take the emotion out of a situation and decide what is right? We will show you how to understand the facts, the ethical dilemma, stakeholders, the consequences, duties and responsibilities, character and integrity and clarify these before reaching a decision. Learning Objectives Apply three philosophical approaches for resolving ethical dilemmas, Implement seven steps to ethical dilemma decision-making Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams