Understand opportunities for providing feedback that include opinion, recurring errors, behaviors, and work habits. Learn how to deliver positive feedback by being specific, timely, and avoiding pitfalls mistakes. Deliver opportunity feedback with planning, remembering to point out what's going well with your observations and invite a discussion. Learning Objectives Explain the conditions for giving constructive feedback, Effectively deliver positive feedback, Apply a Fast Feedback technique Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
The most important qualifier is to help prospects recognize a buying need. Utilize the three objectives for developing interest and uncover dissatisfaction by asking questions. We will help you to ask the right questions Develop dissatisfaction by asking questions that explore the impact of problems on a prospect's current situation. Learning Objectives Describe objectives for developing buyer interest, Explain how to uncover dissatisfaction, Set criteria for call objectives, Control the focus of dissatisfaction Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand the difference between trends and fads and we will guide you how to identify fourteen consumer trends. Discover four trends that your business can satisfy and promote to stay ahead of the curve and how to offer trend advice for your buyers to position yourself as the go-to person for industry advice. Learning Objectives Explain the difference between trends and fads, Describe how to become an industry trend resource for your clients Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
The single greatest job motivator is recognition for a job well done. Learning Objectives Explain the importance of rewarding teams, Apply 'Thank-you' recognition tips, Implement creative ways to reward team members Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Evaluation questions help move people from being unaware of their trouble, into awareness and a desire to change. evaluation questions help buyers explore the extent of the damage their trouble is causing. understand all the benefits of evaluation questions and when to use this the most effectively. Learning Objectives Explain four ways people leave their comfort zone, Describe the consequences of not using Evaluation questions in a major sale, Apply Evaluation questions to build urgency for change Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand the importance of a written team charter when a team is newly formed and how you set up the team's foundation for success. You will learn how to ensure everyone understands what needs to be done, measures for success, who is responsible for the work to be done, and what resources are available. Discover how to increase acceptance and buy-in and how you can get a dysfunctional team back on track. Learning Objectives Explain the consequences of a poor team start, Identify the four stages of building a team, Describe what's needed for success in the Forming Stage of team building Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand the three goals of qualification and how to apply suitability, eligibility, and forecasting. Discover how to quickly qualify the appropriateness of a prospect to your offering. We will guide you how to use your emotional intelligence to subjectively assess how you feel about an account relative to a sales goal and adjust strategically. Learning Objectives Describe the big five categories for qualifying buyers, Identify the three goals of qualification, Create screen test questions to work with suitable and eligible prospects, Apply your emotional intelligence for strategic guidance Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Strategic prospecting is a planned, organized step-by-step approach for finding potential customers. We will show you how to Keep an 'it depends' attitude and shift gears if a strategy isn't working. Understand all the considerations when creating your ideal customer profile and how to create a win-win working relationship. Learning Objectives Organize a strategic prospecting plan, Create ideal customers, Implement strategic prospecting steps Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Credibility is the ability to inspire belief. The two dimensions of credibility are trustworthiness and expertise. Understand the steps for building credibility that include planning, training, listening, trusting others, building democracy, and building community. Implement the disciplines of credibility to increase credibility. Learning Objectives Explain why credibility is the core of effective leadership, Apply steps for gaining and maintaining credibility, Describe three ways to restore damaged credibility, Identify top four qualities expected of leaders Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Team culture problems can hold you back! Does your team struggle with low morale, poor communication, or conflicting personalities? Team culture problems can seriously impact productivity and happiness. We will equip you to identify and address these issues. Learn powerful assessment tools to diagnose your current culture, discover strategies for cultivating positivity and collaboration, and understand the steps to transform even the most toxic teams. Take control of your team's dynamics and unlock its full potential! Learning Objectives The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Describe what is team culture and why does it matter Define types of team cultures Assessing your team culture Creating a strengths-based culture How to build a positive team culture Transforming a Negative Team Culture Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals Course Outline Team culture problems can hold you back! Does your team struggle with low morale, poor communication, or conflicting personalities? Team culture problems can seriously impact productivity and happiness. We will equip you to identify and address these issues. Learn powerful assessment tools to diagnose your current culture, discover strategies for cultivating positivity and collaboration, and understand the steps to transform even the most toxic teams. Take control of your team's dynamics and unlock its full potential!