We will show you how to engage audiences throughout your presentation by being interactive and keeping it conversational. Understand how to keep your verbal, vocal, and visual messages congruent to increase likeability, believability, credibility, and persuasiveness. Be prepared and think through the presentation from start to finish and anticipate any problems. Learning Objectives Define the new language in sales persuasion, Identify the three V's of communication, Select objectives for your presentation, Analyze your audience Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Often larger sales introduce innovative solutions, making its diffusion challenging and slow to accept. Understand the four elements of diffusion and the three dimensions of consequences. Discover three objectives for resolving concerns that will assist you and the four rules for resolving negative consequence issues. Learning Objectives Explain the difference between resolving concerns in small versus large sales, Reduce decision-making time, Explain how consequences and risk affect sales results, Explain consequence Red Flag Factors, Apply four rules for resolving major account concerns Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand the difference between objections and conditions and how you can prevent objections by qualifying early. Discover valuable questions to evaluate how prospects think, controlling mental focus. Anticipate and be ready for objections before your conversation. Learning Objectives Explain the difference between objections and conditions for not buying, Identify the challenge salespeople encounter with objections and conditions, Anticipate and plan for objections Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Negotiation is necessary when a buyer and seller can't agree. Understand the two strategies to negotiate and how to use a variety of techniques to increase your personal negotiating power. We will unpack each step of the negotiation process and guide you through all you need to know to master any negotiation. Learning Objectives Define key negotiation concepts, Explain how negotiations may be used to resolve conflict, Identify opportunities for negotiation, Apply two win-win negotiation strategies Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
A robust cybersecurity policy protects secure, critical or sensitive data and prevents it from falling in to the hands of malicious third parties. Accounts that contain highly sensitive data often require multiple layers of security - or multifactor authentication (MFA). Personal security can't just be restricted to your computer. All of your devices, even those without internet connectivity, need protective measures. Learning Objectives The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: What are portable devices and removable media? Know the risks associated with using them and how you can safeguard your devices Understand the risks associated with portable devices and removable media Understand physical safety and the value of any effort to mitigate on-site threats to facilities, assets, and employees Target Audience Young Professionals
Understand the steps for reaching agreement, these include making a reasonable offer, suggesting alternative currencies when necessary, summarizing, and confirming the details. Discover how to hold off if possible, on price concessions and use appropriate tactics to avoid a no-sale. Learning Objectives Apply steps for reaching agreement, Describe key components to the agreement, Identify concession tactics for confirming the sale Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Learn how to make the most of your time by implementing guidelines that is smart, measurable, achievable, relevant and time based. With accurate goal setting, you will maximize your efficiency as well as your effectiveness and in doing so, learn how to record and track your progress throughout the duration of a specific task, or even merely throughout your normal routine day. You will be able to schedule recurring activities without having anxiety about where you'll have to find the time. Learning Objectives Schedule goals and activities, Find hidden time Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
In the business world, effective written communication is essential, yet many individuals encounter challenges in this area. Writing skills problems often manifest as difficulties in crafting clear and concise messages, resulting in misunderstandings, errors, and a lack of professionalism. Common issues include improper grammar and punctuation usage, vague or convoluted language, and an inability to structure documents logically. These problems can hinder productivity, damage a company's reputation, and strain professional relationships. Learning Objectives The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Explore how you can write with purpose Learn why professional communication should have a purpose, how to identify that purpose Benefits of keeping your writing structured, and how to lay out your introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion most effectively. Explore the rules of grammar, spelling, punctuation and understand the most common writing mistakes and explain how to Target Audience Young Professionals
Moments of Truth are 'touch points' in time that a customer evaluates when giving you a service 'score.' Apply our 10 tips for great greetings md introductions. Discover why it is important to choose your opening words selectively. We will show you how to strike the perfect balance between professionalism and 'personalism'. Learning Objectives Describe the Primary Effect's influence on first impressions, Implement effective greeting words choices, Balance professionalism with personalism Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Concentrating to hear messages is the first phase of authentic listening. Understand why verbal, vocal, and visual messages need to be congruent in order to be believable. Discover how to be fully present and use our tips for improved concentration. Learning Objectives The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Summarize concentration challenges Explain how to be a congruent communicator Apply tips for increasing concentration Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams