Talk through problems Check up call Help with single parenting dating issue Dating advice Your own coach for 3 weeks Mini sessions Depression and stress relief strategies 30 mins x 2 per week for 3 weeks Support and anxiety issues addressed Time convenience coaching Phone sessions Dating advice for singles
Course Summary: This workshop is designed for Club Welfare Officers and it is highly recommended that attendees complete UK Coaching's Safeguarding and Protecting Children Workshop first. Are you new to the Welfare Officer role or has it been three years since you last attended a Time to Listen workshop? The 3 hour workshop covers the following and learners will be able to: Describe how a club welfare officer works with others to create a child centered environment. Explain how the club welfare officer role fits into the wider safeguarding environment. Apply learning to case studies including sharing good safeguarding practice.
WORKSHOP: Working as a Psychologist Expert Witness specialising in Trauma and Memory: From Instruction to Cross Examination An online practical workshop for Clinical, Counselling and Forensic Psychologists, guiding you through the process of working as an Expert Witness.
This is an opportunity to go gently into the world of forest story and to explore your intuitive creativity as a wisdom stream you can connect with. Your inner world and neurodiversity is celebrated.
This is an opportunity to go into the world of forest story and to explore your intuitive creativity as a wisdom stream you can connect.Under-pinned by somatic intelligence, breathwork practices, This is an opportunity to go gently into the world of forest story and to explore your intuitive creativity as a wisdom stream you can connect with. Neurodiversity is celebrated here.
Course Content: Open discussions - risks associated with the workplace Health and safety legislation in relation to workplace violence - employer and employee duties Digital online security; avoiding online harassment The conflict cycle, dynamic threat assessment Effective use of body language and communication skills during confrontational situations Managing confrontation through distractions and interpersonal skills Lone worker safe systems of work; communication responsibilities Recognising potentially unsafe situations or situations of deteriorating safety i.e., violence and aggression, inappropriate conduct, malicious allegations Case study review Legislation regarding self-defence, emphasising its role as a last resort measure Post-incident procedures, emphasising the formulation of comprehensive and robust incident reports to identify potential risks and provide a thorough account of the situation.
In this workshop, you will gain a better understanding of the benefits and challenges of working with neurodiverse people. Make your Organisation a more inclusive place for neurodiverse individuals.
The Jade Lady is another name for the Kundalini Shakti. This kriya uses hand and arm movements, coordinated with the breath to harmonise the prānic force and direct it inward for the subtle practices of hatha yoga
A Samhain ritual to commune with ancestors and to participate with the majestic creativity of shedding and becoming of this season.