Click to read more about this training, in which we demonstrate a live problem solving approach which is based on the active participation of family members. Course Category Inclusion Parents and Carers Behaviour and relationships Problem Solving Description In this training we demonstrate a live problem solving approach which is based on the active participation of family members. ‘Family Circles’ is an evolving new approach to problem solving with families and is based on our years of family work and the development and use of the Circle of Adults process. Inspired by our own Parent Solutions work and the Circle of Adults process as well as Family Group Conferencing and other Restorative Interventions we bring you Family Circles. Essentially the approach involves gathering a family together for a process that is facilitated but majors on the family members offering each other their wisdom and ideas. The approach is capacity focused, person centred approach to working with families rather than the dominant deficit oriented and ‘medical model’ of viewing and planning for or doing things to families. This training can be modelled with a group of professionals or better still with a family. In our work with families we develop the importance of naming stories or theories and seeking linkages and synthesis between what is found out and explored about the family situation and its history. We like participants to sit with the uncertainty, to reflect on the question ‘why’ but without judgement of each other. Deeper reflections may span a whole range of perspectives from ‘within person’ considerations, to situational or systemic possibilities. Health or emotional issues can be reflected on alongside organisational or transactional aspects of what is going on for the family. The better the shared understanding the better the strategy or actions which emerge from these meetings. Quality hypotheses with a close fit to reality lead to more effective implementation in the real world. We encourage ‘loose’ thinking, a search for connections, deeper listening, an ‘open mind’, speculation and exploration without moral judgements. From this stance self-reflection as well as reflection on the situation can produce remarkable insights. The quality of theories or new stories generated is directly influenced by family members’ experiences and the models of learning, behaviour and emotion, systems, educational development, change and so on that they have been exposed to. Learning Objectives To provide opportunities for: Shared problem solving in a safe exploratory climate in which the family will find its own solutions. Individuals to reflect on their own actions and strategies An exploration of whole-family processes and their impact Emotional support and shared understandings of issues at a child, parent, family, school and community level. Feed back to each other on issues, ideas and strategies that are agreed to be worth sharing with them. Who Is It For? Anyone interested in working with families in a way that builds and makes use of their capacities rather than focus on their challenges and difficulties. Social Care teams School staff Community organisers Educational Psychologists Course Content True family empowerment Deepening shared stories and understandings Facilitating groups Problem solving process Handling family group communication Allowing direct feedback and challenge between participants in a safe way Building relationships Process: Family members are welcomed: Introductions are carried out, ground rules and aims clarified whilst coffee is drunk. A recap from the last session is carried out: To follow up developments and reflections after the last meeting. One issue is selected for the main focus Issue presentation: The family member who raised the concern is asked questions to tell the ‘story’ of the issue or problem. Additional questions/information from the group about the problem are gathered: Ground rules may need to be observed carefully here. Individual participants need to be kept focused and prevented from leaping to premature conclusions or to making ‘helpful’ suggestions about strategy. Relationship aspects to the problem are explored. Metaphors and analogies are invited. How would a fly on the wall see your relationship? If you were alone together on a desert island, what would it be like? Impact of previous relationships/spillage from one relationship to another are explored. Eg what situation they are reminded of? For instance, does this situation remind you of any of those angry but helpless feelings you had with your other son when he was an adolescent? This provides opportunities to reflect on how emotions rub off on other people. The parent feels really frustrated, and on reflection we can see that so does the child System/Organisation factors (Family system/school and community systems and so on): What aspects help or hinder the problem? For instance, does the pastoral system of the local school provide space, or time and skilled personnel able to counsel this young person and work actively with their parents? Synthesis. At this stage the Graphic facilitator summarises what they have heard. They then go on to describe linkages and patterns in what they have heard. This can be very powerful. The person doing the graphic work has been able to listen throughout the presentation process and will have been struck by strong messages, emotions and images as they have arisen. The story and meaning of what is happening in the situation may become a little clearer at this point. Typical links may be ‘mirrored emotions’ strong themes such as loss and separation issues, or repeated processes such as actions triggering rejection. This step provides an excellent grounding for the next process of deepening understanding. What alternative strategies/interventions are open to be used? Brainstormed and recorded. ’Either/ors’ need to be avoided at this time also. This needs to be a shared session in which the family member who is presenting the concern contributes as much as anyone. Care is needed to ensure that this person is not overloaded with other people’s strategies. The final selection of strategy or strategies from the brainstormed list is the problem presenter’s choice. Strategies might include: a special time for the young person, a meeting with the child’s parents to explore how she is being managed at home and to share tactics, a home-school diary, counselling, or an agreed action plan that all are aware of, agreed sanctions and rewards and so forth. Strategies may productively involve processes of restitution and restoration, when ‘sorry’ is not enough. Making it right, rather than punishments or rewards, may then becomes the focus. First Steps. The problem presenter is finally asked to agree one or two first steps which they can carry out over the next 3-7 days. It can help to assign a ‘coach’ who will check in with them to ensure they have carried out the action they have named. This is a time to be very specific. Steps should be small and achievable. The person is just ‘making a start’. A phone call, or making an agreement with a key other person not present at the meeting would be ideal examples. Final reflections. Sometimes referred to as a ‘round of words’ help with closure for all involved. Reflections are on the process not the problem. In large families this is best done standing in a circle. In smaller groups all can remain sitting. Passing around a ‘listening stick’ or something similar such as a stone or light heighten the significance of the process ending and improve listening. Finally the problem presenter is handed the ‘Graphic’ this is their record of the meeting and can be rolled and presented ceremoniously by the facilitators for maximum effect! If you liked this course you may well like: Parent Solutions
Duration 3 Days 18 CPD hours This course is intended for This course is aimed at people in senior roles including CIOs, chief digital officers and other aspiring CxOs, as well as consultants and others involved in digital transformations, service delivery and strategic delivery. Overview By the end of this course, you will understand: The internal and external factors to consider while crafting digital strategy How IT strategy differs from digital strategy and how they can be integrated Creating a digital strategy that achieves the most value from digital Implementing and sustaining digital strategy Developing and nurturing digital capabilities for continual business innovation and value co-creation This course takes you on a digital strategy journey. Its iterative, eight-step model moves from ?vision? through to ?actions? and is about creating sustainable, digital momentum. You experience the four key capabilities to develop a holistic, digital capability framework: digital leadership, managing innovation and emerging technologies, risk management and structuring a digital enterprise. This class includes an exam voucher. Prerequisites Delegates attending this course must have successfully achieved the ITIL 4 Foundation Qualification; your certificate must be presented as documentary evidence to gain admission to this course. Although there is no mandatory requirement, ideally candidates should have at least two years professional experience working in IT Service Management. 1 - ITIL GUIDING PRINCIPLES TO ALL ASPECTS OF DIGITAL AND IT STRATEGY Focus on Value Start Where You Are Progress Iteratively with Feedback Collaborate and Promote Visibility Think and Work Holistically Keep It Simple and Practical Optimise and Automate 2 - LEVERAGE DIGITAL STRATEGY TO REACT TO DIGITAL DISRUPTION Digital Technology Digital Business Digital Organisation Digitisation Digital Transformation Business Strategy and Business Models Digital and IT Strategy Products Services Relationship Between Digital, IT Strategy and Components of ITIL SVS. 3 - RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CONCEPTS OF DIGITAL AND IT STRATEGY, SERVICE VALUE SYSTEM AND SERVICE VALUE CHAIN Environmental Analysis External Analysis: PESTLE Internal Analysis: Four Dimensions of Service Management 4 - HOW AN ORGANISATION USES DIGITAL AND IT STRATEGY TO REMAIN VIABLE IN ENVIRONMENTS How an Organisation?s Viability is Related to Agile, Resilient, Lean, Continuous and Co-Creational it is How to Analyse the VUCA Factors and Address them in a Digital and IT Strategy Organisation?s Position in a Particular Market or Industry Digital Positioning Tool to Determine Appropriate Position for a Digital Organization 5 - EXPLAIN AND COMPARE THREE LEVELS OF DIGITAL DISRUPTION Ecosystem Industry/Market Organisational Influenced factors Achieving Customer/Market Relevance Achieving Operational Excellence Internal and External Focus Balanced Approach 6 - STRATEGIC APPROACHES BY DIGITAL AND IT TO ACHIEVE CUSTOMER/MARKET RELEVANCE AND OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE How to Apply Approaches to Achieve Customer/Market Relevance Customer Journeys Omnichannel Delivery and Support Context-Sensitive Delivery and Support Customer Analytics Customer Feedback and 360ø Approaches How to Achieve Operational Excellence in the Four Dimensions of Service Management Understand the Financial Aspects of Digital and IT Strategy in Terms of the Following Financial Policies Portfolio Optimization Funding Projects, Products and Services Balancing Cost of Innovation and Operation Charging Models Assess Strategic Approaches for Digital Organizations 7 - RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES OF DIGITAL AND IT STRATEGY Concept of Risk Management in the Context of a Digital Organisation Context of Digital and IT Strategy Identify Risk Assess Risk Concept of Risk Posture and Show How to Determine an Acceptable Balance Between Opportunity and Risk Explain the Concept of Innovation, Including its Key Elements and Techniques Apply Techniques to Develop and Maintain a Culture of Innovation 8 - STEPS AND TECHNIQUES INVOLVED IN DEFINING AND ADVOCATING FOR DIGITAL AND IT STRATEGY How to Use Digital Readiness Assessment to Perform Gap Analysis Between an Organisation?s Current and Desired Positions Approaches for Scraping Data from Dynamic Websites How to Define and Communicate a Vision and a Strategy How to Use Business Cases to Advocate for a Digital and IT Strategy 9 - IMPLEMENTATION OF A DIGITAL AND IT STRATEGY How to Define Operating Models for Digital Organisations Major Skills Required of Leaders in Digital Organisation Apply Approaches to Strategy Coordination and Implementation: Large-Scale Transformation Incremental Transformation Mergers and Acquisitions Individual Changes Approaches to POMs (Parallel Operating Models) How to Assess Success of a Digital and IT Strategy Typical Activities of a Digital Transformation Programme
We communicate daily in many ways, including email, phone, text, Zoom, Teams, Google Meets, Slack, and even that old-fashioned thing, what was it now... oh yes, talking face-to-face. But, when we look at communication closely and really drill down into what we are doing in conjunction with how our brain works (neuroscience), how internal, organisational, and social politics control what we believe we can say, how hierarchical positioning impacts our honesty and how the lack of psychological safety means we say what we know others want to hear rather than what they need to hear…. It is oh so complicated! This workshop not only explores the concept of excellent communication, but we also want to hear what you believe it is too. We also delve into how organisational culture influences our perception of speaking up. Factors that hinder open and honest communication, and we work collaboratively towards removing these barriers to achieve a communication style that fosters trust and transparency, creating psychological safety. This workshop is particularly relevant to our Emotional Intelligence workshop (EI and Me). We firmly believe that developing emotional intelligence is the key to unlocking Clean Communication, a skill that is crucial for all of us, regardless of our roles and responsibilities, so that we thrive in our professional environment. If you want to see if we are correct, why not have us facilitate a workshop for you and see what you get by the end of it? LENGTH - Normally, one day. But please contact us to discuss your specific needs, or we can offer advice. NEXT WORKSHOP START - Please ask for more information as we deliver bespoke closed events for your people at your location or a mutually suitable location. WORKSHOP DELIVERY - The best environment for this workshop is face-to-face, but we can facilitate this workshop online. Suitability - Who should attend? Who Should Attend and Why? Who? - Perhaps think of this another way… who shouldn’t attend to ensure we can attain Clean Communication? There’s your answer. Why? - Every person needs to understand what we are saying above about how we get trapped in this organisational formatting which changes how we communicate and how it prevents us from communicating cleanly. EVERY organisation has this, despite what our values profess. And 'Values', that’s a whole other story. Workshop Content Using the 'Moccasin Approach'® to clean our personal and organisational communication LaPD’s Communication Cycle and what we must consider. (Can you work out what the ? represent above? Accountability and Responsibility raises its head in Communication. It has to. Bias, unconscious bias and its impacts on our communication. The conundrum of communicating with others and their styles (The TRAP). How would my perfect Manager/Leader communicate with me? Nonverbal communication (body language), rapport, Clean Communication. Negative communication can go viral (Self-Fulfilling Prophecy). Reflections, findings and goals (individual and team). Meeting our workshop objectives by listing five areas for development. Workshop delivery and venue This workshop is usually one day in duration, and it focuses solely on how we communicate with each other. It can also be a two-day event incorporating aspects of Emotional Intelligence (EI) with group, and individual activities to allow discussions about the various communication we need in your organisation. When you consider the content we deliver, we are sure you will understand why we always prefer to deliver our workshops, courses and programmes face-to-face. Face-to-face workshops and courses can be held at a location of your choice or, if you wish, a central UK location, such as the Macdonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham, located directly across from the Birmingham New Street train station. We can deliver our workshops, courses and programmes online, although this will mean splitting elements into manageable learning events to suit the online environment.
Duration 2 Days 12 CPD hours This course is intended for The primary audience for this course is any IT, facilities or data centre professional who works in and around the data centre and who has the responsibility to achieve and improve the availability and manageability of the data centre. Overview After completion of the course the participant will be able to:? Choose an optimum site for mission-critical data centre based on current and future needs? Describe all components that are important for high availability in a data centre and how to effectively setup the data centre? Name and apply the various industry standards? Describe the various technologies for UPS, fire suppression, cooling, monitoring systems, cabling standards, etc, and to select and apply them effectively to cost-efficiently enhance the high-availability of the data centre.? Review the electrical distribution system to avoid costly downtime? Enhance cooling capabilities and efficiency in the data centre by using existing and new techniques and technologies for the increased cooling requirements of the future? Design a highly reliable and scalable network architecture and learn how to ensure installers apply proper testing techniques? Create effective maintenance contracts with equipment suppliers ensuring the best return on investment? Setup effective data centre monitoring ensuring the right people get the right message? Ensure proper security measures, both procedural and technical, are established to safeguard your company's valuable information in the data centre The course will address how to setup and improve key aspects such as power, cooling, security, cabling, safety, etc., to ensure a high available data centre. It will also address key operations and maintenance aspects. The Data Centre, it?s Importance and Causes for DowntimeData Centre Standards and Best PracticesData Centre Location, Building and Construction Selecting appropriate sites and buildings and how to avoid pitfalls Various components of an effective data centre and supporting facilities setup Raised Floor/Suspended Ceiling Uniform, concentrated and rolling load definitions Applicable standards Raised Floor guidelines Signal Reference Grid, grounding of racks Disability act and regulations Suspended ceiling usage and requirements Light Standards Light fixture types and placement Emergency lighting, Emergency Power Supply (EPS) Power Infrastructure Power infrastructure layout from generation to rack level ATS and STS systems Redundancy levels and techniques Three-phase and single-phase usage Power distribution options within the computer room Power cabling versus bus bar trunking Bonding versus grounding Common Mode Noise and isolation transformers Distribution boards, form factors and IP-protection grades Power quality guidelines Real power versus apparent power How to size and calculate load in the data centre Generators Static and dynamic UPS systems, selection criteria, how they operate and energy efficiency option Battery types, correct selection and testing Thermo-graphics Electro Magnetic Fields Electrical fields and magnetic fields definitions and units of measurements Sources of EMF Effects of EMF on human health and equipment (H)EMP Standards EMF shielding solutions Equipment Racks Rack standards, properties and selection criteria Security considerations Power rail/strip options Cooling Infrastructure Temperature and humidity recommendations Cooling measurement units and conversion rates Sensible and latent heat definitions Differences between comfort and precision cooling Overview of different air conditioner technologies Raised floor versus non-raised floor cooling Placement of air conditioner units and limitations to be observed Supplemental cooling options Cold aisle/hot aisle containment Water Supply Importance of water supply and application areas Backup water supply techniques Designing a Scalable Network Infrastructure The importance of a Structured Cabling System Planning considerations Copper and Fiber cable technology and standards ANSI/TIA-942 Cabling hierarchy and recommendations Testing and verification SAN storage cabling Network redundancy Building-to-building connectivity Network monitoring system requirements Fire Suppression Standards for fire suppression Detection systems Various total flooding fire suppression techniques and systems, their benefits and disadvantages Handheld extinguishers Signage and safety Regulatory requirements and best practices Data Centre Monitoring Data centre monitoring requirements EMS versus BMS Water leak detection systems Notification options and considerations Operational Security and Safety Practices Data centre security layers Physical, infrastructure and organisational security Safety measures and essential signage Labelling Choosing a labelling scheme Recommended labelling practices Network labelling Documentation How to setup proper documentation Document management policies and procedures Cleaning Cleaning practices for the data centre MTBF/MTTR Standards and definitions Calculation models The ?real? value Maintenance Contracts/SLA/OLAEXAM: Certified Data Centre Professional Additional course details: Nexus Humans Certified Data Centre Professional (CDCP) training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the Certified Data Centre Professional (CDCP) course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.
Management of Value (MoV®) Practitioner: In-House Training This interactive MoV® Practitioner course provides a modular and case-study-driven approach to learning Management of Value (MoV). The core knowledge is structured and comprehensive; and well-rounded modules cover the methodology and various techniques. A case study is used to help appreciate the relevance of MoV in its practical application. What you will Learn The MoV Practitioner Course prepares you for the MoV Practitioner exam. Individuals certified at the MoV Practitioner level will be able to: Apply Management of Value (MoV) principles, processes and techniques, and advocate the benefits of this application appropriately to the senior Management. Develop a plan of MoV activities for the whole lifecycle of small and large projects and programs. Plan an MoV study, tailoring it to particular projects or programs and developing practical study or workshop handbooks as required. Understand and articulate value in relation to organizational objectives. Prioritize value drivers using function analysis and use these to demonstrate how value might be improved. Quantify monetary and non-monetary value using the Value Index, Value Metrics and the Value for Money ratio. Describe and comment on the application of various techniques relevant to MoV. Monitor improvements in value realized throughout a project lifecycle and capture learning which can be transferred to future projects. Offer suggestions and guidance about embedding MoV into an organization, including policy issues, undertake a health check, assess maturity and competence, and provide guidance on typical roles and responsibilities. Understand and articulate the use of MoV within other Best Management Practice methods and its contributions to them Benefits of Taking This Course Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: Organise and contribute constructively to a Management of Value (MoV) Study Demonstrate a knowledge of MoV principles, processes, approach, and environment Analyse a company, programme or project to establish its organisational value includes identification and weighting of Value Drivers Pass the AXELOS Practitioner Examination Function Analysis Customer FAST Diagram Value Tree Development Weighting Attributes Paired Comparisons Developing a Value Profile Developing a Value Index Value for Money Ratio Stimulating Innovation Value Engineering Option Evaluation and Selection Evaluation Matrix Value and Value for Money Timing and Planning Teams and Stakeholders MoV in the Organization Integrating with Best Management Practice Relationship between Process and Approach
Management of Value (MoV®) Practitioner: Virtual In-House Training This interactive MoV® Practitioner course provides a modular and case-study-driven approach to learning Management of Value (MoV). The core knowledge is structured and comprehensive; and well-rounded modules cover the methodology and various techniques. A case study is used to help appreciate the relevance of MoV in its practical application. What you will Learn The MoV Practitioner Course prepares you for the MoV Practitioner exam. Individuals certified at the MoV Practitioner level will be able to: Apply Management of Value (MoV) principles, processes and techniques, and advocate the benefits of this application appropriately to the senior Management. Develop a plan of MoV activities for the whole lifecycle of small and large projects and programs. Plan an MoV study, tailoring it to particular projects or programs and developing practical study or workshop handbooks as required. Understand and articulate value in relation to organizational objectives. Prioritize value drivers using function analysis and use these to demonstrate how value might be improved. Quantify monetary and non-monetary value using the Value Index, Value Metrics and the Value for Money ratio. Describe and comment on the application of various techniques relevant to MoV. Monitor improvements in value realized throughout a project lifecycle and capture learning which can be transferred to future projects. Offer suggestions and guidance about embedding MoV into an organization, including policy issues, undertake a health check, assess maturity and competence, and provide guidance on typical roles and responsibilities. Understand and articulate the use of MoV within other Best Management Practice methods and its contributions to them Benefits of Taking This Course Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: Organise and contribute constructively to a Management of Value (MoV) Study Demonstrate a knowledge of MoV principles, processes, approach, and environment Analyse a company, programme or project to establish its organisational value includes identification and weighting of Value Drivers Pass the AXELOS Practitioner Examination Function Analysis Customer FAST Diagram Value Tree Development Weighting Attributes Paired Comparisons Developing a Value Profile Developing a Value Index Value for Money Ratio Stimulating Innovation Value Engineering Option Evaluation and Selection Evaluation Matrix Value and Value for Money Timing and Planning Teams and Stakeholders MoV in the Organization Integrating with Best Management Practice Relationship between Process and Approach
About this Training Course Within the energy industry, it is a requirement, both contractual and in some areas legislative, to ensure effective internal systems are in place which support employee development and provide evidence of their competence. A Competence Management and Assurance process - if correctly developed and applied - provides employees and organisations with the tools to demonstrate competence and contributes to career development of the individual. The 3 full-day course focuses on Competence Management Systems (CMS) which are typically in use within the Energy Industry, their structure and process development requirements. In addition, the course details the assessment process, the role of the competency assessors within the organisation and the relationship between competence management and training provision. For impactful learning, the course instructor uses a variety of instructional methodologies such as lectures, discussions, individual reflection, games, mystery puzzles, video, case studies, team syndication, group presentations, sharing and feedback. Training Objectives This course will provide attendees with an understanding of: The role of competencies in the Energy industry The benefits of Competency Management System to the organisation The components of a Competency of Competency Management System The know how to implement the Competency Management System The roles and responsibilities within a Competency Management System The know how to develop Competency Models The relationship between Competency Management and Capability Development The know how to conduct Organisational Analysis The know how to conduct Job Analysis and Task Analysis The know how to develop Competency Standards and Development Guides using the 70:20:10 principle The competency assessment process, tools and methodologies The know how to package and communicate the Competency Assessment Reports to Management Competency Management Case Studies in the Energy Industry Target Audience This course will benefit professionals from Human Resource and Capability Development as well as Line Managers. Course Level Basic or Foundation Trainer Your expert course leader is an independent consultant trainer with more than 30 years of experience in People & Organizational Development. She has retired from her full-time job and is currently serving as an Associate Consultant / Trainer with several Learning & Development organizations operating in Malaysia and Singapore. A chemist by training, her interest in People & Organizational Development was so intense that she decided to switch profession during her earlier years of employment, and she has never looked back since. She has gathered extensive hands-on experience, leading key projects and delivering learning programs in her field of expertise with numerous leading organizations in South East Asia, the Middle East and Europe. A project that she is particularly proud in completing was the transformation of PETRONAS Management Training Institute into a regional Leadership Centre. While leading this project, she was given the opportunity to be seconded to General Electric (GE), a Fortune 500 multinational known for its cutting-edge leadership development innovation. She was instrumental in the development of the existing leadership model for PETRONAS. In addition, she was also extensively involved in the development and implementation of Technical Competency Development process that is currently being used by more than 20 disciplines in the organization. Another massive project that she was heavily involved in was the creation of the quality culture for PETRONAS. The project saw the establishment of PETRONAS' own quality principles where she played a key role in propagating the desired mindset towards the creation of a high performing culture. Her involvement in this project took her to many PETRONAS Operating Companies which spanned into several countries across the globe including Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Sudan, South Africa and Switzerland, creating awareness through learning programs and consultancy services. The PETRONAS Quality Principles have since evolved into shared values that are now known as the PETRONAS Culture Beliefs. In keeping her expertise current after retiring from full-time employment since 2017, she has continued to deliver learning programs, providing coaching and consultancy services to selected Oil & Gas companies in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, India, Oman and Thailand. Among her most recent work are virtual learning deliveries and consultancies during the COVID-19 pandemic to some government linked companies / agencies in Malaysia and PTT Exploration & Production Company of Thailand. Outside her professional circle, she is an avid cyclist, a jungle tracker and a mount climber. She is also an accredited trainer from the Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD CORP). POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations
Managers at all levels have to be able to introduce, lead and manage change to ensure the organisational objectives of change are met.