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Welcome to the Mindful Living Community, this group is open to all those who have joined the Mindful Living Membership, Mindful Living Coaching clients, Reiki students and regular Yoga and Meditation students.
If you sign up to the the Mindful Living Membership you can try online learning options, guided meditations, receive discounts and join in the Cosy Corner Conversations and Mindful Meet-ups in this community group.
To receive the full membership benefits, with access to free and discounted courses and coaching, you will need to join the membership itself, as this community group is just our little meeting place.
This Mindful Living Community is where you will find:
Videos to help you navigate Cademy
Dates for the Mindful Meet-ups & Cosy Corner Conversations
Sparks of inspiration and encouragement to live a more mindful life
Special offers just for the Mindful Living Community
Plus the new Community Forum, where we can connect, chat and share
Be part of our community and let's develop our mindful living practice together.
If you would like to be added just ask and I can help you.
Create Harmony offers classes with a focus on Mindfulness including Meditation, Relaxation, Zen Yoga and Restorative Yoga. Join the private Facebook group