10 QLS Endorsed Courses for Depression Counselling | 10 Endorsed Certificates Included | Life Time Access
Become an MHFA Champion in just one day, gaining an understanding of common mental health issues, the confidence to advocate for awareness, the skills to recognise signs of mental ill health, and the ability to support positive wellbeing."
Would you like to immerse yourself in your personal yoga practice? To refresh and inspire your personal approach to yoga? If, like many of us, you feel the need to take time out, dive deep into your personal practice and replenish your energy levels, then join us for this year’s Scaravelli Inspired Yoga & Wellbeing Immersion. This year, we’re focusing on feeling good. Exploring how and why yoga helps to lift our mood and downregulate our nervous system. Each day, we’ll practice yoga, breathwork and meditation. We’ll walk across the downs and down to the beach for a swim, maybe light a bonfire as the sun sets.
Understand more about mindfulness and how to use it to develop your resilience and wellbeing. Learn the ability to pay attention to the present moment without judgement and use this skill in the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous wo work.
Clinical skills, HCAs, Nurses, Chronic disease
FAA Level 1 Award In Awareness Of Safeguarding (RQF) Face-to-Face Classroom: Half-day course Virtual Classroom: 2 sessions of 2 ½ hours For those who work with children, young people and vulnerable adults Promotes awareness of safeguarding, enabling learners to identify problems and show where to report these to Course Contents: Safeguarding legislation and guidance Key safeguarding roles Different types of abuse Signs and indicators of abuse and neglect Actions to take when a safeguarding concern arises Benefits of this course: In 2018/2019, 415,050 concerns of abuse were raised In 2018/2019, there were nearly 400,000 children in need 52,300 children were subject to a child protection plan 63% of adult safeguarding concerns are for people over 65 1 in every 42 adults aged 85+ have required safeguarding enquires... Child abuse often goes unreported and unrecorded - till it is picked up on by someone who then does something about it. This Level 1 Safeguarding Awareness course gives people the knowledge to make a real difference to a person's life! This basic Safeguarding course is a nationally recognised, Ofqual regulated qualifications accredited by First Aid Awards Ltd. This means that you can be rest assured that your Level 1 in Safeguarding Certificate provides information for best practice to make a real difference to protect the health and wellbeing of the most vulnerable in our society. The Ofqual Register number for this course is 603/5635/2
A standalone 10 week/session course that will introduce you to the basic materials, tools, equipment and techniques used in paper crafting and mixed media work and to Craft4Smiles C.I.C and our tutors. You will be sent all the materials and equipment needed to complete the course. At the end of each lesson you will have a crafted item to take away to keep or show family and friends. You will be told about the other courses you offer so that you can make an informed choice about further learning.