Course Overview Learn how you can generate more leads and boost sales with creative advertising! These days if you want to sell a product you have to be creative. Consumers are getting smarter and smarter and they're not easily impressed. Old marketing strategies do not work anymore. This Extended Diploma in Creative Advertising will help you level up your advertising game. It'll teach you the secrets of creating ads that'll sell your products and how you can become an amazing advertiser. In the course, you'll learn what advertising is, what you should emphasize on in your ads, what headlines you should use and how you can trigger an emotional response in your customers with your ads that'll compel them to buy your products. You'll also learn how you can advertise the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of your product and use it to achieve your advertising goals. Remember, advertising is how you attract your customers. So, you better make sure you nail your advertising. Enrol today! What You Will Learn This is one of the course on creative advertising you'll find and it'll teach you everything that you need to know about this amazing topic. You'll learn: What is Advertising? How to trigger an emotional response in your customers How to advertise The Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of your product How your writing should be What to emphasize on in your ads How to create ads that your customers will believe What headline you should use The Structure of AIDA and many more Why You Should Choose This Course From iStudy Study at your own pace Full Tutor support on weekdays (Monday - Friday) Fully compatible with any device Free Printable PDF Certificate immediately after completion No prior qualifications are needed to take this course No hidden fees or exam charges CPD Qualification Standards and IAO accredited Efficient exam system, assessment, and instant results Our customer support team is always ready to help you Gain professional skills and better earning potential Certification After completing the course you'll receive a free printable CPD accredited PDF certificate. Hard Copy certificate is also available, and you can get one for just £9! Accreditation This course is accredited by Continuing Professional Development (CPD). It is a recognised independent accreditation service.â Enrol today and learn something new with iStudy. You'll find a full breakdown of the course curriculum down below, take a look and see just how much this course offers. We're sure you'll be satisfied with this course.
Course Overview Master the art of selling with this Sales Skills & Negotiation Skills - Sales Training course! There's no denying that sales and negotiating skills are a must in today's world. If you want to succeed, then you must get good at selling and negotiating. When you get good at selling, your life becomes much easier. This course will teach you how you can master the art of selling and negotiating. You'll learn how the mind of a master negotiator works, how you can sell anything by using the right techniques. You'll also learn how you can get the upper hand in negotiations, how to gain control of the room, how to read body language and many more. This sales training course is a goldmine for people who want to get better at selling. Enrol today and get certified with valuable professional skills. Learn how you can sell anything and become a fantastic negotiator! What You Will Learn This is one of the best courses on sales and negotiation you'll find, and it'll teach you everything that you need to know about this topic. How To Become a Successful Sales Consultant Understand How the Sales Process Works From Start to Finish The Skills You Need to Get the Best From Any Negotiation and Sales Situation How to Negotiate Successfully How to Handle Objections How to Read Your Customers in a Sales Meeting How to Find Prospects to Sell to To Develop a Sales Strategy How to Manage Your Emotions in a Sales Situation How to Close a Sale How to Leverage Your Prospect for Multiple Sales Opportunities Why You Should Choose This Course From iStudy Study at your own pace Full Tutor support on weekdays (Monday - Friday) Fully compatible with any device Free Printable PDF Certificate immediately after completion No prior qualifications are needed to take this course No hidden fees or exam charges CPD Qualification Standards and IAO accredited Efficient exam system, assessment, and instant results Our customer support team is always ready to help you Gain professional skills and better earning potential Certification After completing the course you'll receive a free printable CPD accredited PDF certificate. Hard Copy certificate is also available, and you can get one for just £9! Accreditation This course is accredited by Continuing Professional Development (CPD). It is a recognised independent accreditation service. Enrol today and learn something new with iStudy. You'll find a full breakdown of the course curriculum down below, take a look and see just how much this course offers. We're sure you'll be satisfied with this course.
Course Overview Are you looking to improve your computer literacy or kickstart a career in the IT sector? This Professional Information Technology Course covers all the basics, from the anatomy of a PC to programming language and essential software. You will also explore the role of an IT Technician and Computer Programmer, including career path and opportunities. Through tutor-led guidance, you will learn about the latest IT technologies and gain the core skills required to gain employment in this field. You will also deepen your understanding of IT security and troubleshooting issues, to protect your PC and networks. Once you have successfully completed this course, a range of professions will be open to you, and you will have the certification and skills to maintain and upgrade any PC with confidence. This Information Technology Course is an introductory course, with no specific entry requirements. Fast track your career online and gain the practical knowledge to become an IT Technician or Programmer! What You Will Learn This Diploma in Information Technology is ideal for aspiring IT professionals and those who wish to improve their computer literacy. It provides essential information and guidance on networking, programming, troubleshooting and other key topics, covering the fundamental components of a PC. Understanding the Components of a PC Do You Need to Upgrade Your PC? Essential Software Every PC Must Have How to Install and Organise Your PC Tips & Guidelines for Troubleshooting How to Speak to a Technician The Role of a Computer Programmer An Introduction to Programming Language The Basics of Computer Networking Network Routing, Switching, Bridging & Security Why You Should Choose This Course From iStudy Study at your own pace Full Tutor support on weekdays (Monday - Friday) Fully compatible with any device Free Printable PDF Certificate immediately after completion No prior qualifications are needed to take this course No hidden fees or exam charges CPD Qualification Standards and IAO accredited Efficient exam system, assessment, and instant results Our customer support team is always ready to help you Gain professional skills and better earning potential Certification After completing the course you'll receive a free printable CPD accredited PDF certificate. Hard Copy certificate is also available, and you can get one for just £9! Accreditation This course is accredited by Continuing Professional Development (CPD). It is a recognised independent accreditation service. Enrol today and learn something new with iStudy. You'll find a full breakdown of the course curriculum down below, take a look and see just how much this course offers. We're sure you'll be satisfied with this course.
Course Overview Ethical hacking, (or penetration testing) involves exploiting computer networks and systems to detect vulnerabilities that could be exposed to dangerous hackers. Many organisations use ethical hackers to test the security of their website or web applications, which is where the role of the Penetration Tester comes in. If you're looking to become a certified Penetration Tester or Ethical Hacker, then this is the course for you. It covers everything you need to know about security testing, including how to use Linux operating systems and SQL programming language. Learn how to reduce the risk of a cyber attack with this step-by-step training course, designed to equip you with the skills to detect weaknesses in computer systems quickly and easily. It will familiarise you with a range of cyber attacks and techniques for securing systems, from how to create a fake WiFi network and even spy on your clients. Learn ethical hacking from scratch and enrol in this introductory training course today! What You Will Learn In this Ethical Hacking training course, you will learn how to exploit IT systems to detect vulnerabilities that attackers could take advantage of. It will provide you with the fundamental skills to become a qualified Penetration Tester. How to Hack a Windows 10 Computer & Access Their Webcam Installing Kali 2019 As a Virtual Machine A Basic Overview of Kali Linux and Linux Commands An Introduction to Network Penetration Testing Network Hacking - Pre Connection Attacks Website Hacking and Information Gathering Tips & Tricks An Introduction to SQL and SQLmap What is XSS or Cross-Site Scripting? How to Scan a Target Website For Vulnerabilities Extracting Sensitive Data Such As Passwords Why You Should Choose This Course From iStudy Study at your own pace Full Tutor support on weekdays (Monday - Friday) Fully compatible with any device Free Printable PDF Certificate immediately after completion No prior qualifications are needed to take this course No hidden fees or exam charges CPD Qualification Standards and IAO accredited Efficient exam system, assessment, and instant results Our customer support team is always ready to help you Gain professional skills and better earning potential Certification After completing the course you'll receive a free printable CPD accredited PDF certificate. Hard Copy certificate is also available, and you can get one for just £9! Accreditation This course is accredited by Continuing Professional Development (CPD). It is a recognised independent accreditation service. Enrol today and learn something new with iStudy. You'll find a full breakdown of the course curriculum down below, take a look and see just how much this course offers. We're sure you'll be satisfied with this course.
Course Overview Receptionists play an important role in office support, with a diverse range of duties from welcoming customers to scheduling appointments and dealing with clients. To succeed in this role, you'll need to have an array of soft skills and be an excellent communicator. This is where this Receptionist Skills Course comes in! In this Online Receptionist Course, you will learn a range of skills needed to excel in any office support role. It will teach you all about telephone etiquette, time management, business communication, organisation, and much more. You will also familiarise with fundamental office procedures. The role and responsibilities of a Receptionist will be discussed throughout the course, through case studies designed for aspiring professionals. What's more, this course is packed with tips and strategies for self-empowerment and professional development, including how to stay disciplined and manage workplace stress. Gain a recognised qualification in Admin & Receptionist Skills and advance your career today! What You Will Learn In this Receptionist Training Course, you will learn a wide range of transferable skills and administrative skills needed to become a successful Receptionist. It covers ley office procedures, office etiquette, professional development techniques, and much more. Strategies for Getting Organised & Managing Your Time Improving Your Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Self-Empowerment Techniques for the Workplace How to Work Effectively in a Team of Two An Overview of Office Administrative Procedures The Role & Responsibilities of a Receptionist What You Should Include in Your Binder How to Schedule and Prioritise Your Time Business Writing and Telephone Etiquette How to Deal With Difficult Customers/Clients Why You Should Choose This Course From iStudy Study at your own pace Full Tutor support on weekdays (Monday - Friday) Fully compatible with any device Free Printable PDF Certificate immediately after completion No prior qualifications are needed to take this course No hidden fees or exam charges CPD Qualification Standards and IAO accredited Efficient exam system, assessment, and instant results Our customer support team is always ready to help you Gain professional skills and better earning potential Certification After completing the course you'll receive a free printable CPD accredited PDF certificate. Hard Copy certificate is also available, and you can get one for just £9! Accreditation This course is accredited by Continuing Professional Development (CPD). It is a recognised independent accreditation service. Enrol today and learn something new with iStudy. You'll find a full breakdown of the course curriculum down below, take a look and see just how much this course offers. We're sure you'll be satisfied with this course.
Course Overview Microsoft Project is one of the world's leading project management software products, designed for Project Managers and any professional with project management responsibilities. It allows you to efficiently manage all your project tasks in one place, assign resources to tasks, develop a project schedule, manage your budget, and much more. In this complete Professional Microsoft Project Training course, you will gain full proficiency in this advanced software, taking you from beginner to expert in no time. You'll learn how to create your first project and add each task, add resources, create reports, track progress, work with custom fields, manage project risks, and manage multiple projects at the same time. Not just that, but you will save precious time by speeding up the project management process and organising tasks effectively, allowing you to map out your strategy through custom-made templates! Build proficiency in Microsoft Project and develop your project management skills with this Advanced Project Training Course! What You Will Learn In this complete Microsoft Project Training Course, you will learn how to manage work projects and tasks in one place, taking your level of proficiency from beginner to advance in no time. It includes step-by-step guidance and video instruction. How to Open and Close a Project How to Add Tasks and Resources Performing Advanced Task Operations Other Ways to View Project Information How to Manage Your Project Status Tracking and Monitoring Your Progress How to Create Reports & Add Finishing Touches Working With the Project Environment Working With Custom Fields Working With Multiple Projects Why You Should Choose This Course From iStudy Study at your own pace Full Tutor support on weekdays (Monday - Friday) Fully compatible with any device Free Printable PDF Certificate immediately after completion No prior qualifications are needed to take this course No hidden fees or exam charges CPD Qualification Standards and IAO accredited Efficient exam system, assessment, and instant results Our customer support team is always ready to help you Gain professional skills and better earning potential Certification After completing the course you'll receive a free printable CPD accredited PDF certificate. Hard Copy certificate is also available, and you can get one for just £9! Accreditation This course is accredited by Continuing Professional Development (CPD). It is a recognised independent accreditation service. Enrol today and learn something new with iStudy. You'll find a full breakdown of the course curriculum down below, take a look and see just how much this course offers. We're sure you'll be satisfied with this course.
Course Overview Are you considering hiring a Virtual Assistant or article writer to outsource your content? Outsourcing is a great way to manage bulk content creation, and this Virtual Assistant Content Writing Course will walk you through the process, providing essential information on how to find the right people to work with long-term. It explores the benefits of hiring VAs and article writers, as well as where and when to hire a VA. There are many steps to consider when outsourcing work for you or your clients, and this Virtual Assistant Training Course will take you through all of them. It covers price insights on outsourcing content creators, how to leave feedback and how to make referrals, as well as practical guidance on how to train your content creators to ensure they meet the standards you expect. Save precious time and energy and learn how to outsource virtual assistants and article writers! What You Will Learn In this Outsource Article Writing Course, you will learn how to save time and energy by outsourcing virtual assistants and content writers. It covers how and where to hire VAs, as well as the benefits of hiring them. Why You Should Hire a Virtual Assistant Finding the Right People to Work With Leaving Feedback and Making Referrals Hiring a Content Writer to Manage a Team of Writers Price Insights on Outsourcing Content Writing Training Your VA to Publish on WordPress Sites Expert Tips for Freeing Up Your Time Where to Hire Virtual Assistants and Article Writers Why You Should Choose This Course From iStudy Study at your own pace Full Tutor support on weekdays (Monday - Friday) Fully compatible with any device Free Printable PDF Certificate immediately after completion No prior qualifications are needed to take this course No hidden fees or exam charges CPD Qualification Standards and IAO accredited Efficient exam system, assessment, and instant results Our customer support team is always ready to help you Gain professional skills and better earning potential Certification After completing the course you'll receive a free printable CPD accredited PDF certificate. Hard Copy certificate is also available, and you can get one for just £9! Accreditation This course is accredited by Continuing Professional Development (CPD). It is a recognised independent accreditation service. Enrol today and learn something new with iStudy. You'll find a full breakdown of the course curriculum down below, take a look and see just how much this course offers. We're sure you'll be satisfied with this course.
Hatha Yoga is one of the best course ever for learning Yoga. You will acquire knowledge of all the fundamentals of hatha yoga. This course is designed to learn Hatha Yoga fast, simple and easy. Do not worry if you have no experience in yoga before! Each pose of Hatha Yoga will be described for your easy learning. Step by step explanation and broken down for you. Our yoga expert is always ready to help you. Our expert will provide you with some techniques and tips that will help you to get your exercise easily. Assist from an expert will be very supportive of your entire learning process. Do not worry. Yoga will be a very easy one for you. In this course, you will learn the Hatha Yoga in a fast, simple and easy way. This course is one of the trending courses in the UK. You will gain the necessary skills to perform well in this field. Specific modules in this course are designed to teach you the whole thing you need to know to become a successful professional in this sector. You can study this course at your own pace. Within a few hours, you will get an accredited certificate in this course. You can access the course easily from anywhere at any time. This course is designed for students, professionals and for those who have a keen interest to know about this topic. To design this course, we have selected a professional an experienced tutor. The tutor will guide you throughout the course and will help you out with all your queries. You will get 24/7 support from our customer support team as well. What will you learn? Learn how to breathe properly Stretches for specific areas Main hatha yoga poses demonstration and explanation. Step by step of each pose Learn how to properly warm-up You will get maximum results and benefits Learn how to get a better balance Know how to tone muscles Stretching, Relaxation & peace of mind tips Career Path: If you complete the course, you will be able to know the strategies and secrets of Hatha Yoga. You will get all the essential skills for getting more views on Hatha Yoga which help you to keep your body fit. You will be able to generate more income by assisting others. After completing this course, you will be able to gain the necessary knowledge and skills required to succeed in this sector. All our courses are IAO accredited. Then, what stopping you? Join the course today. Enrol NOW!!! Hatha Yoga 01. Intro FREE 00:02:00 02. Warm-Up 00:06:00 03. Standing Poses - Part 1 00:05:00 04. Standing Poses - Part 2 00:04:00 05. Standing Poses - Part 3 00:06:00 06. Standing Poses - Part 4 00:05:00 07. Standing Poses - Part 5 00:06:00 08. Balancing Poses 00:04:00 09. Seated Poses - Part 1 00:06:00 10. Seated Poses - Part 2 00:04:00 11. Relaxation Poses 00:03:00
Highlights of the Course Course Type: Online Learning Duration: 1 to 2 hours Tutor Support: Tutor support is included Customer Support: 24/7 customer support is available Quality Training: The course is designed by an industry expert Recognised Credential: Recognised and Valuable Certification Completion Certificate: Free Course Completion Certificate Included Instalment: 3 Installment Plan on checkout What you will learn from this course? Gain comprehensive knowledge about circuit design and simulation without software Understand the core competencies and principles of circuit design and simulation without software Explore the various areas of circuit design and simulation without software Know how to apply the skills you acquired from this course in a real-life context Become a confident and expert electronic engineer Multisim Live: Circuit Design and Simulation without Software Course Online Master the skills you need to propel your career forward in circuit design and simulation without software. This course will equip you with the essential knowledge and skillset that will make you a confident electronic engineer and take your career to the next level. This comprehensive circuit design and software course is designed to help you surpass your professional goals. The skills and knowledge that you will gain through studying this circuit design and software course will help you get one step closer to your professional aspirations and develop your skills for a rewarding career. This Multisim live: circuit design and simulation without software course online is endorsed by the Quality Licence Scheme for its high-quality, non-regulated provision and training programmes. The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. This comprehensive course will teach you the theory of effective circuit design and simulation without software practice and equip you with the essential skills, confidence and competence to assist you in the circuit design and simulation without software industry. You'll gain a solid understanding of the core competencies required to drive a successful career in circuit design and simulation without software. This course is designed by industry experts, so you'll gain knowledge and skills based on the latest expertise and best practices. This extensive course is designed for electronic engineer or for people who are aspiring to specialise in circuit design and simulation without software.This Multisim live: circuit design and simulation without software course online has been endorsed by the Quality Licence Scheme for its high-quality, non-regulated provision and training programmes. This course is not regulated by Ofqual and is not an accredited qualification. Enrol in this circuit design and software course today and take the next step towards your personal and professional goals. Earn industry-recognised credentials to demonstrate your new skills and add extra value to your CV that will help you outshine other candidates. Who is this Course for? This comprehensive circuit design and software course is ideal for anyone wishing to boost their career profile or advance their career in this field by gaining a thorough understanding of the subject. Anyone willing to gain extensive knowledge on this circuit design and simulation without software can also take this course. Whether you are a complete beginner or an aspiring professional, this course will provide you with the necessary skills and professional competence, and open your doors to a wide number of professions within your chosen sector. Entry Requirements This circuit design and software course has no academic prerequisites and is open to students from all academic disciplines. You will, however, need a laptop, desktop, tablet, or smartphone, as well as a reliable internet connection. Assessment This circuit design and software course assesses learners through multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Upon successful completion of the modules, learners must answer MCQs to complete the assessment procedure. Through the MCQs, it is measured how much a learner could grasp from each section. In the assessment pass mark is 60%. Advance Your Career This circuit design and software course will provide you with a fresh opportunity to enter the relevant job market and choose your desired career path. Additionally, you will be able to advance your career, increase your level of competition in your chosen field, and highlight these skills on your resume. Recognised Accreditation This course is accredited by continuing professional development (CPD). CPD UK is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations, and academic institutions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. What is CPD? Employers, professional organisations, and academic institutions all recognise CPD, therefore a credential from CPD Certification Service adds value to your professional goals and achievements. Benefits of CPD Improve your employment prospects Boost your job satisfaction Promotes career advancement Enhances your CV Provides you with a competitive edge in the job market Demonstrate your dedication Showcases your professional capabilities What is IPHM? The IPHM is an Accreditation Board that provides Training Providers with international and global accreditation. The Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) accreditation is a guarantee of quality and skill. Benefits of IPHM It will help you establish a positive reputation in your chosen field You can join a network and community of successful therapists that are dedicated to providing excellent care to their client You can flaunt this accreditation in your CV It is a worldwide recognised accreditation What is Quality Licence Scheme? This course is endorsed by the Quality Licence Scheme for its high-quality, non-regulated provision and training programmes. The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. Benefits of Quality License Scheme Certificate is valuable Provides a competitive edge in your career It will make your CV stand out Course Curriculum Introduction Introduction 00:03:00 What Is a Circuit Simulator. 00:04:00 Getting Started Getting Started with Multisim Live 00:07:00 Build Your First Circuit Build Your First Circuit 00:09:00 Simulate Your First Circuit 00:09:00 Simple DC LED Circuit Simulate Simple DC LED Circuit 00:04:00 Sine to Square Wave Converter Using an Analog Comparator Sine to Square Wave Converter Using an Analog Comparator 00:09:00 Fuse Burn Indicator Fuse Burn Indicator 00:10:00 Power BJT Switching With Speed-Up Capacitor Power BJT Switching With Speed-Up Capacitor 00:12:00 Simple Series and Parallel Connection Simple Series and Parallel Connection 00:06:00 Digital to Analog Converter - DAC Digital to Analog Converter - DAC 00:12:00 Saving Editing and Deleting Circuits. Saving Editing and Deleting Circuits 00:11:00 Multisim Live on Mobile Simulate Electronic Circuits on Mobile using Multisim Live on Mobile 00:06:00 Grapher and Different Simulation Modes Grapher and Different Simulation Modes 00:20:00 Multisim and UltiBoard Circuit Design and PCB Manufacturing Introduction 00:03:00 Download and Install Multisim and Ultiboard 00:07:00 Multisim User Interface Explained 00:16:00 Drawing a Simple Schematic 00:10:00 Create a Schematic for Arduino UNO Shield 00:16:00 Arduino Boards Templates for Multisim 00:04:00 Multisim Templates for Custom Arduino Shields 00:18:00 Create PIC Microcontroller Breakout Board Schematic 00:13:00 Obtain Your Certificate Order Your Certificate of Achievement 00:00:00 Get Your Insurance Now Get Your Insurance Now 00:00:00 Feedback Feedback 00:00:00