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Pilates is a great way to get your body moving, with low resistance body weight exercises it is suitable for any fitness level. If you work from home or are just wanted to improve yourself then look no further
I am a Reiki Teacher in Manchester and one of the few traditionally trained Reiki Masters in the UK who have been trained by international best-selling Reiki author Penelope Quest. My teaching methods use traditional Reiki techniques perfected over many years and you can be assured of my support during and after your course. I teach all three levels of Reiki courses, level 1 reiki. level 2 reiki and reiki master level 3
Ten live dialogues between Prof Ernesto Spinelli and International Existential Therapists followed by an Experiential Study Group. A phenomenological approach to re-view psychopathology: We aim to explore the lived experiences of irregular perceptions of reality with an open mind. Each Saturday includes a live dialogue between Prof Ernesto Spinelli and an International Existential Therapist; a moment to share your thoughts and feelings with the teachers; and a final integration facilitated by Bárbara Godoy. This series of ten Dialogues set out to explore the multifaceted dimentions and complexities associated with Existential Therapies. It attempts to engage with various interpretations of insanity through the lens of patients' often painful, confounding, and deeply unsettling life experiences. TIMES AND DATES 2025 25 Jan. “Knots” with Prof. Ernesto Spinelli 2 Feb. “Healing” with Dr. Michael Guy Thompson 22 Mar. “Difference” with Dr. Todd DuBose 12 Apr. “Polarization” with Prof. Kirk Schneider 3 May “Character” with Prof. Robert Romanyshyn 21 Jun. “Opening” with Dr. Yaqui Martinez 19 Jul. “Meaning” with Dr. Jan Resnick 25 Oct. “Invention” with Dr. Betty Cannon 15 Nov. “Hallucination” with Prof. Simon du Plock 13 Dec. “Hysteria” with Bárbara Godoy Full course (including dialogues): £1260 (2 pm to 5 pm – UK time) Only Dialogues: £630 (2 pm to 3 pm – UK time) Venue: Online Zoom Read the full Programme here > Course Organised by:
I am a Reiki Teacher in Manchester and one of the few traditionally trained Reiki Masters in the UK who have been trained by international best-selling Reiki author Penelope Quest. My teaching methods use traditional Reiki techniques perfected over many years and you can be assured of my support during and after your course. I teach all three levels of Reiki courses, level 1 reiki. level 2 reiki and reiki master level 3
A standalone 10 week/session course that will introduce you to the basic materials, tools, equipment and techniques used in paper crafting and mixed media work and to Craft4Smiles C.I.C and our tutors. You will be sent all the materials and equipment needed to complete the course. At the end of each lesson you will have a crafted item to take away to keep or show family and friends. You will be told about the other courses you offer so that you can make an informed choice about further learning.
Train with us to facilitate Critical Incident Stress Debriefings. CISD are effective interventions that help care professionals to process stressful events in the workplace. A CISD helps restore well-being and protect from prolonged reactions. This excellent 2-day training will cover theory and practice, including lectures, videos, and small-group work. By the end you will be able to facilitate CISDs.
The two-day Youth MHFAider® course is tailored for people who teach, work, live with, support and care for young people aged 8 to 18. This mental health first aid course can be attended by anyone from age 16 upwards.
Wellbeing Champion Facilitator Training course enables you to train your students or pupils to become Wellbeing Champions within your school or college.