Come and join Supported Loving's Community of Practice for anyone working with people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people delivering relationships and sex education, this can be formally groups or informally within your job role. Working in this area can be challenging but as a community we can grow and learn - there is always something new to learn! Each month we will take a topic to discuss and reflect upon what are the challenges and what has worked/ positive approaches. Each session will include a case study to explore , a section where we share our favourite resources to use on this topic and space to discuss our practice surrounding this topic. Please book on and lets get sharing :) This months topic- Dealing with staff anxiety
Challenging behaviour is causing increasing concern today as many individuals have increasing levels of stress and uncertainty in their lives. Understanding the causes of challenging behaviour is the first step towards finding ways to support individuals and manage their behaviour.
This course is developed for care staff and volunteers to raise awareness of the causes of incontinence, the use of continence aids and promotion of good practice.
Understanding Trauma-Informed practices and becoming a more empathetic leader, coach, teacher and or self-employed individual.
PPWD’s Compassionate Safety approach generates environments that accommodate humans for being human. Our approach aligns personal and organisational mindsets, beliefs and values. In doing so, workplaces are created where people thrive and flourish.
The Academic Profiling Test (APT) is an online assessment for students aged 6 to 16. It is designed for use with professional consultants and advisors, who can support your child's learning goals and aspirations. It might be used for finding gaps in their learning, identifying academic strengths or weaknesses, establishing their profile to assist in applying to a new school, or simply to get an independent idea of your child's progress.
To explore the factors which affect and influence feacal continence when supporting individuals in order to effectively manage bowel incontinence.
Learners will be able to demonstrate much improved awareness of pressure sores and understand how they can help positively impact the service users' lives. They will be able to identify the function of the different layers of skin, highlight how and why pressure sores form, understand how they can prevent them and have a better understanding of the dressings, aids, and equipment used.
This course will explore what we mean when we say someone has dementia. The course will challenge you to think more about how we can best care for and support people with dementia.