gavin gooden
the Elusive 4th Dimension Welcome to Mind ReMapping. The Mind is an Elusive
Pattern of Geometric Symmetry. Its patterns incorporate dynamics of Time like
continuous rhythms that are hidden beneath every thought, and those thoughts
eventually become archives to layered Frameworks of Time that control how we
recall memory as Imagination that paints the world into perceptions. Each
habitual thought is Intuitive and Instinctive, and just like the theme of a
piece of Music that has its own rhythm, pitch, and melody, our behaviours will
have unique Time Signatures. And these Time Signatures control Awareness and
Consciousness by Distorting and Refracting our Minds into Augmented Realities,
using dynamics of Time. The Mind, as you will come to realise is nothing that we
expect it to be, but is instead, a far more bizarre proposition than we
consciously could ever Dream or Imagine. Without literature, art, history,
philosophy, and the sciences the concept of Mind may have never been known, but
even to this day, it still remains convoluted to the point that it creates more
obscurity than answers. Thus, whenever the integrity of any structure is faulty,
it must be brought down and rebuilt again…..