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When used effectively, questioning is a useful teaching and learning strategy. During this workshop we will discuss how questioning can be used effectively to assess, challenge and stretch pupils progress.
Get strategies for developing numeracy and literacy across the curriculum.
How purposeful, high quality feedback can be used effectively to drive progress.
Stories and metaphor are a powerful way to stimulate hope and by-pass resistance – they can also enhance problem solving and creativity, beneficially impact the mind/body system and much more… Accredited CPD Certificate : 6 hours Length 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm) Wonderful – inspiring, informative and empowering communication skills masterclassJENI NELSON, PSYCHOTHERAPIST / HYPNOTHERAPIST Why take this course Stories can be incredibly powerful therapeutic tools. They help bypass rigid views about life, enhancing the listener’s flexibility of thought. And by suspending ordinary constraints, they help people reclaim optimism whilst fueling their imaginations with the energy necessary to attain goals. In the physically ill, they can also stimulate the immune system and speed recovery. All successful psychotherapy and counselling involves storytelling and the use of pertinent metaphors, both of which tap into the natural way our brains work. We can’t know what goes on in another person’s mind but, if you perceive the ‘pattern’ of a story and understand that it could be useful to them at a specific point in their life, that is reason enough to tell it. Their unconscious, creative imagination will seek and find the ‘meaning’ relevant to their situation. No explanation, no direct statement of a story’s meaning can substitute for the way it acts on the hearer’s mind. Join us to discover more and learn how to source and tell such therapeutic tales yourself… Gareth was fantastic, brought a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm as well as stories to the course...PROJECT MANAGER Wonderful practical skills - I was entranced the whole day...PSYCHIATRIST What will you learn How and why our brains work through ‘pattern-matching’ How to use this profoundly useful tool for getting through to people stuck in the black-and-white thinking of emotional distress A powerful way to stimulate optimism, hope and independence in distressed people Increased ability to source and tell therapeutic stories yourself Ways to enhance your own problem solving capacity, as well as being better able to help others with theirs A new way to motivate and engage people Insights into the mind/body communication system and how useful this tool can be for promoting healing and recovery A great way to build rapport and bypass resistance How to choose the appropriate stories and metaphors for different people, and when to use them Practical ways in which therapists, teachers, GPs, managers, policy planners etc can apply this knowledge to their work The ability to enhance flexibility of thought, creativity and confidence in your clients How stories and metaphor can also help us diagnose where problems lie A new love and deeper understanding of the value, resonances and resources within stories Greater confidence in dealing with a wide range of people – and a solid understanding of, and practise in, the therapeutic precision of metaphor and more… So informative and relevant to my everyday work..SCHOOL COUNSELLOR Pat Williams, creator of this course, talks you through its benefits Course Programme The ‘How to tell stories that heal’ course starts at 9.30am and runs until 4.00pm. From 8.30am Registration (Tea and coffee served until 9.25am) 9.30am How and why stories help people 11.00am Discussion over tea/coffee 11.30am How to find the right story for each situation 1.00pm Lunch (included) 1.45pm How to use stories as therapy 2.45pm Discussion over tea/coffee 3.00pm How to tell stories well: the three simple rules 4.00pm Day ends This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.
Discover the highly effective psychological techniques that are helping people overcome all kinds of addictions and compulsive behaviours… Accredited CPD Certificate : 6 hours Length 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm) Hugely informative - one of the best addiction training daysADDICTIONS COUNSELLOR NEXT available date: Tuesday 27th February, London – join Emily Gajewski for this popular addiction recovery training workshop – to ensure your place, book online now or call our friendly team on 01323 811690. Other dates and venues available. When combined with key insights into the addictive process and what drives it, the techniques covered on this day prove effective at helping people successfully quit a wide range of addictions. They also help to reduce withdrawal symptoms, minimise relapses and give people the best chance at effective, long-lasting recovery… What will you learn New insights into the addictive process and why people become addicted Common traps to avoid when treating addictions A range of psychological techniques for overcoming addiction How to develop a treatment plan and deepen a client’s commitment to change Ways to overcome resistance – and prevent relapses Also covered: Demonstrations – by a leading expert in addiction counselling – of the powerful skills that help to quickly break the patterns of addictive behaviour Guidance and practise in using some of these yourself How to break the cycle of shame involved in addictions, using self-compassion and generation of hope Essential motivational interviewing techniques – and how to incorporate them into the ‘cycle of change’ Up-to-date knowledge of the most useful ways to beat a wide variety of addictions – and prevent relapse Increased understanding of the addictive trance and its false promises How to use harm-reduction techniques Why the social-based model of addiction is more helpful than the disease-based model An understanding of the importance of guided imagery in overcoming addictions and substance abuse (particularly ‘counter-conditioning’ which is taught on Guided Imagery 2: additional techniques) Co-morbid conditions – the link with addiction and how to deal with them as effectively and quickly as possible A total revelation – very upliftingMENTAL HEALTH WORKER Why take this course The numbers of people affected by addictions and substance abuse continue to rise – causing immense mental, physical and financial suffering to individuals, their families and colleagues – while the resources to help are dwindling. But thankfully it is possible to help most addicts transform their lives – often in only a few sessions – as you will discover on this practical day which draws together, from various schools of solution-focused therapy, the most effective and proven techniques for treating addictions (including motivational interviewing and self compassion techniques) with essential neuroscientific insights into the addictive process to create powerful interventions. You will leave the day with renewed confidence knowing how it is possible to help most people with addictions, enabling them to transform their lives, often in a small number of sessions. The skills covered are essential to have (along with guided imagery) if you wish to improve your effectiveness when helping people quit any addiction, including: alcohol addiction, smoking, gambling addiction, shopping, social media addiction, sex, substance abuse, self-harm and eating disorders. Please note You will leave this workshop with essential information and a variety of skills that you can implement straight away. However, the key concepts and most effective ways of treating addictions, which you will see demonstrated and explained, incorporate guided imagery skills. We therefore recommend, if you aren’t proficient in these already, that you attend the Guided imagery and visualisation for therapeutic change workshop (either before or after this one). The counter-conditioning technique that you will see demonstrated and explained on ‘Stopping Addictions’, is taught in detail and practiced by workshop participants on Guided Imagery Day 2: additional techniques. ‘Stopping Addictions’ complements our online course Tackling Addiction and what you will learn on it will also be very useful if you support or work with people who self-harm. Course Programme The ‘Stopping Addictions: effective treatment and recovery’ course starts at 9.30am and runs until 4.00pm. From 8.30am Registration (Tea and coffee served until 9.25am) 9.30am How and why people develop addictions 11.00am Discussion over tea/coffee 11.30am Dealing with resistance 1.00pm Lunch (included) 1.45pm How to create the optimal environment for positive change 2.45pm Discussion over tea/coffee 3.00pm Utilising the imagination 4.00pm Day ends Who is this course suitable for? All members of the caring professions, including: psychotherapists, addiction counsellors, drug workers, youth workers, nurses and detox support specialists, doctors, sober companions and drug and alcohol workers, therapists, vocational counselors, clinical psychologists, occupational therapists, psychiatrists, cognitive behavioural therapists, teachers and education professionals, social workers, supervisors, physiotherapists, support workers and anyone wishing to improve their understanding of addictive behaviour and how to treat it. This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.
Embark on a journey to become a workplace hero with our comprehensive one-day Pediatric First Aid course. This dynamic and engaging training program is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to handle emergency situations confidently and effectively.
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The 3-hour Baby & Child First Aid class covers CPR, Choking, Bumps, Burns, Breaks, Bleeding, Febrile Seizures and Meningitis & Sepsis Awareness and will give everyone who attends the peace of mind they deserve.
Embark on a journey to become a workplace hero with our comprehensive one-day Pediatric First Aid course. This dynamic and engaging training program is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to handle emergency situations confidently and effectively.