Catch up with Dr John Graham Brown (University of Liverpool), Phillipa Page (NADIS) and Matt Colston (ELANCO) on their discussion around liver fluke control in sheep. Dr Graham Brown works with NADIS and SCOPS to calculate and predict the parasite and fluke forecast for the year ahead. He discusses the risks posed for this year and specific farm risks to consider for your farm. Matt and Phillipa discuss testing, management and treatment options for effective control on your farm. This event concluded with a Q&A session. This webinar was hosted by NADIS in association with Elanco. Dr John Graham-Brown, BVSc, MSc, PhD, MRCVS John graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2010. As part of his studies, he also completed a master’s degree in Veterinary Parasitology. Having spent some time in mixed practice in Wales, John returned to Liverpool in 2012 to complete a PhD investigating liver fluke infection in cattle under the supervision of Professor Diana Williams. Since 2016, John has been working as a researcher and lecturer at the university investigating a range of parasitic diseases of livestock and domestic animals in the UK and abroad. John is also currently collaborating with the national animal disease information service (NADIS) to develop and produce their monthly parasite forecasts. Phillipa Page, BVSc BSc MRCVS Phillipa qualified from Liverpool Vet School in 2006 and started her first job in Neath, South Wales in a mixed practice. Following a short time as a locum dairy vet in Devon she then joined Wood Vet group in 2009 as a large animal vet. Her work was predominantly dairy but she had a special interest in sheep and developed the sheep side of the practice. In 2016 she then moved to specialize in sheep veterinary work with Flock Health Ltd. This involves a mixture of consultancy flock health work, farmer and vet CPD training and collaboration with retailers, processors and pharmaceutical companies and industry levy bodies. Phillipa was part of the co design groups for the DEFRA Animal Health and Welfare Pathway and Endemics disease program. Phillipa also works with NADIS (National Animal Disease Information Service) as the sheep lead on the Blowfly, parasite control, online health planning and disease alerts information. She has been a board member on the British Cattle Veterinary Association and the Sheep Veterinary Society and is the current conference organiser for the Sheep Veterinary Society and the current Junior Vice President. Phillipa co authored and published a book ‘Sheep Keeping’ as part of the professional small holders series by 5M Publishing and the chapter ‘Lameness’ in Differential Diagnosis in Sheep. 2022 Herriot Publications. She is involved with research and works on regular contributions to publications and is currently working towards a Diploma of the European College of Small Ruminant Health and Production. Outside of work she is a tenant farmer of 100 acres. Together with her husband and two boys she farms a flock of 300 commercial ewes and has a farm shop. Matt Colston, BM & S, CertSHP, MRCVS Matt graduated from the R(D)SVS in Edinburgh in 1986. He then spent five years working in a mixed practice in Fife and the Borders before taking up a two-year demonstrator’s position (shared between R(D)SVS and SAC (Edinburgh Genetics), concentrating on equine reproduction and artificial breeding in small ruminants. He later obtained the Cert.SHP qualification before returning to general practice in Penrith, where he has worked since 1997. In November 2013, Matt joined Novartis Animal Health as a Veterinary Technical Advisor for the Farm Animal Team. When Novartis was acquired by Elanco, he continued in this role with the company. Also, Matt currently serves as the Chairman of Moredun Foundation's North of England Regional Board.
Catch up with Dr Katie Lihou (University of Bristol), Phillipa Page (NADIS) and Matt Colston (ELANCO) for discussions around blowfly control. A review of the blowfly life cycle along with preventative management strategies and appropriate chemical use was discussed by Matt from ELANCO. Phillipa described effective treatments of clinically affected sheep to minimise compromised sheep welfare. Dr Lihou discussed the costs associated with prevention and treatment of clinical cases of blowfly using cost/benefit analysis modelling. The webinar was a useful refresher ahead of the blow fly season to ensure that knowledge is up to date for improved client and customer engagement. This event concluded with a Q&A session. This webinar, aimed at Vets, SQPS and farmers, was hosted by NADIS in association with Elanco. Dr Katie L Lihou, PhD, BSc Katie completed her PhD at the University of Bristol on the prevalence and distribution of livestock ectoparasites in the UK, in the department of Veterinary Parasitology and Ecology. Before her PhD, she studied 3 years of Veterinary Medicine, before moving into Biology. Katie is now a post-doctoral researcher working in the Bristol Vaccine Centre on infectious disease epidemiology and modelling. Phillipa Page, BVSc BSc MRCVS Phillipa qualified from Liverpool Vet School in 2006 and started her first job in Neath, South Wales in a mixed practice. Following a short time as a locum dairy vet in Devon she then joined Wood Vet group in 2009 as a large animal vet. Her work was predominantly dairy but she had a special interest in sheep and developed the sheep side of the practice. In 2016 she then moved to specialize in sheep veterinary work with Flock Health Ltd. This involves a mixture of consultancy flock health work, farmer and vet CPD training and collaboration with retailers, processors and pharmaceutical companies and industry levy bodies. Phillipa was part of the co design groups for the DEFRA Animal Health and Welfare Pathway and Endemics disease program. Phillipa also works with NADIS (National Animal Disease Information Service) as the sheep lead on the Blowfly, parasite control, online health planning and disease alerts information. She has been a board member on the British Cattle Veterinary Association and the Sheep Veterinary Society and is the current conference organiser for the Sheep Veterinary Society and the current Junior Vice President. Phillipa co authored and published a book ‘Sheep Keeping’ as part of the professional small holders series by 5M Publishing and the chapter ‘Lameness’ in Differential Diagnosis in Sheep. 2022 Herriot Publications. She is involved with research and works on regular contributions to publications and is currently working towards a Diploma of the European College of Small Ruminant Health and Production. Outside of work she is a tenant farmer of 100 acres. Together with her husband and two boys she farms a flock of 300 commercial ewes and has a farm shop. Matt Colston, BVM & S, CertSHP, MRCVS Matt graduated from the R(D)SVS in Edinburgh in 1986. He then spent five years working in a mixed practice in Fife and the Borders before taking up a two-year demonstrator’s position (shared between R(D)SVS and SAC (Edinburgh Genetics), concentrating on equine reproduction and artificial breeding in small ruminants. He later obtained the Cert.SHP qualification before returning to general practice in Penrith, where he has worked since 1997. In November 2013, Matt joined Novartis Animal Health as a Veterinary Technical Advisor for the Farm Animal Team. When Novartis was acquired by Elanco, he continued in this role with the company. Also, Matt currently serves as the Chairman of Moredun Foundation's North of England Regional Board.
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There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this Project Management Training. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds. Requirements Our Project Management Training course is designed for maximum flexibility and accessibility: It is optimised for use on PCs, Macs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Study easily on your tablet or smartphone, accessible with any Wi-Fi connection. No time limit for completion; study at your own pace and on your own schedule. Basic English proficiency is required to ensure effective learning. Career Path Having this Project Management qualification will enhance your CV and open you up to multiple sectors, such as : Project Manager: £45k - £90k per year Project Coordinator: £35k - £70k per year Program Manager: £50k - £95k per year Project Analyst: £30k - £65k per year Project Management Consultant: £55k - £100k+ per year Note: Salaries vary based on experience, location, and industry. Course Curriculum 12 sections • 86 lectures • 03:24:00 total length •1.1 Introduction to Project Management: 00:04:00 •1.2 6 Pathways of Project Management: 00:03:00 •1.3 Course Structure: Simplified Framework: 00:01:00 •1.4 System Thinking: 00:01:00 •1.5 Project Timeline: 00:01:00 •1.6 Pyramid Project: 00:03:00 •2.1 Project: 00:02:00 •2.2 Project Management mbmbmbm: 00:01:00 •2.3 The Matrix Environment: 00:04:00 •2.4 Enterprise Environmental Factors and Organisational Process Assets: 00:01:00 •2.5 Project Constraints: 00:01:00 •2.6 Process Groups: 00:03:00 •2.7 Integration Management: 00:02:00 •2.8 Stakeholder Management: 00:01:00 •2.9 Scope Management: 00:01:00 •2.10 Schedule Management: 00:01:00 •2.11 Cost, HR, Quality and Risk Management: 00:02:00 •2.12 Communication and Procurement Management: 00:01:00 •2.13 Knowledge Areas and Process Groups: 00:01:00 •3.1 Develop Project Charter: 00:05:00 •3.2 Project Charter Template: 00:06:00 •3.3 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:01:00 •4.1 Identify Stakeholders: 00:04:00 •4.2 Stakeholder Register Template: 00:01:00 •4.3 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:04:00 •5.1 Project Scope: 00:04:00 •5.2 Collect Requirements: 00:02:00 •5.3 Define Project Scope: 00:01:00 •5.4 Create WBS: Work Breakdown Structure: 00:03:00 •5.5 Project Scope Baseline: 00:06:00 •5.6 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:01:00 •5.7 Microsoft Project: 00:02:00 •5.8 MS Project - User Interface Explained: 00:02:00 •5.9 MS Project - Entering Scope Items: 00:06:00 •6.1 Define Activities: 00:04:00 •6.2 Sequence Activities: 00:02:00 •6.3 Estimating Activity Durations: 00:02:00 •6.4 Develop Schedule Process: 00:01:00 •6.5 Critical Path Method: 00:03:00 •6.6 Compressing Schedule : Crashing and Fast-tracking: 00:03:00 •6.7 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:01:00 •6.8 Microsoft Project - Entering Activities and Duration: 00:03:00 •6.9 Microsoft Project - Sequencing Activities & Creating Gantt Chart: 00:07:00 •6.10 Microsoft Project - The Project Schedule: 00:06:00 •7.1 Estimated Costs: 00:03:00 •7.2 Determined Budget: 00:01:00 •7.3 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:01:00 •7.4 Estimate Activity Resources: 00:02:00 •7.5 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:01:00 •7.6 Plan Quality: 00:04:00 •7.7 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:01:00 •7.8 Introduction to Risks: 00:03:00 •7.9 Identify Risks: 00:02:00 •7.10 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis: 00:04:00 •7.11 Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis: 00:01:00 •7.12 Plan Risk Responses: 00:02:00 •7.13 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:01:00 •8.1 Plan Communication: 00:02:00 •8.2 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:01:00 •8.3 Plan Procurement: 00:02:00 •8.4 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:01:00 •9.1 HOW are things done on the project: 00:06:00 •9.2 Develop Project Management Plan: 00:01:00 •9.3 Individual Management Plans: 00:04:00 •9.4 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:01:00 •9.5 Timeline View of Project Documents-2: 00:01:00 •9.6 Direct and Manage Project Work: 00:04:00 •9.7 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:01:00 •9.8 Manage Project Knowledge: 00:02:00 •9.9 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:01:00 •9.10 Monitor and Control Project Work: 00:02:00 •9.11 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:01:00 •9.12 Perform Integrated Change Control: 00:04:00 •9.13 Steps to perform Change Control: 00:05:00 •9.14 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:01:00 •9.15 Budget at Completion: BAC: 00:05:00 •9.16 Planned Value: PV: 00:02:00 •9.17 Earned Value: EV: 00:02:00 •9.18 Schedule Variance (SV) & Schedule Performance Index (SPI): 00:02:00 •9.19 Actual Cost(AC), Cost Variance and Cost Performance Index: 00:03:00 •9.20 Budget Forecasting - Estimate at & to completion: 00:06:00 •9.21 Close Project or Phase: 00:03:00 •9.22 Timeline View of Project Documents: 00:01:00 •Resources - Project Management Training: 00:00:00 •Assignment - Project Management Training: 3 days •Order Your Certificate: 00:00:00
Want learn how to use social media to market your business effectively? Join this short course from Let’s Do Marketing to learn how to create your social media strategy for success – and come away with the knowledge, skills and confidence to start connecting with your customers online!
Want learn how to use social media to market your business effectively? Join this short course from Let’s Do Marketing to learn how to create your social media strategy for success – and come away with the knowledge, skills and confidence to start connecting with your customers online!
LOOKING FOR: ADULT FICTION / NON-FICTION Ciara McEllin is building her list as a Junior Agent at Watson Little. She reads widely across book club, upmarket and literary fiction. Within these areas, she is drawn to novels that examine family and relationship dynamics, sexuality, identity, and vulnerability. Ciara is keen to hear from writers who take a fresh approach to these themes, whether that be a new perspective on a traditional narrative or a focus on characters and voices that remain underrepresented: think Kairos by Jenny Erpenbeck, Asymmetry by Lisa Halliday or Monkey Grip by Helen Garner. She will always want to read beautifully written novels with a strong sense of place, tangible characters and an essence that stays with you – living deep in your bones – long after you’ve finished reading. Recent reads Ciara has enjoyed include: Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry, Enter Ghost by Isabella Hammad, Close to Home by Michael Magee, Siblings by Brigitte Reimann, Trespasses by Louise Kennedy, The Idiot by Elif Batuman, Highway Blue by Ailsa McFarlane and My Phantoms by Gwendoline Riley. At the moment Ciara is particularly eager to see: - Sexy, sensual and seductive stories that explore desire and sexual boundaries not often represented in literature such as Little Rabbit by Alyssa Songsiridej, Cleanness by Garth Greenwell and Mrs. S by K Patrick - An atmospheric and existential thriller in the vein of Intimacies by Katie Kitamura, In The Cut by Susanna Moore and Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk - An intoxicating coming of-age-tale that captures the aliveness, intelligence and wildness of girlhood like Brutes by Dizz Tate, The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides and The Girls by Emma Cline - Books that are joyful or brutal, particularly those that are both, similar to Headshot by Rita Bullwinkel, Kick the Latch by Kathryn Scanlan and Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan - Stories exploring an Australia or Ireland that is rarely seen in literature for example A Loving, Faithful Animal by Josephine Rowe and Wild Houses by Colin Barrett In non-fiction, Ciara enjoys narrative, memoir and essay collections. She is interested in hearing from experts, academics, critics and journalists writing about society, culture and food, and excited by writers seeking to revise, reshape or revolutionise the conversation in their area of expertise. Some of her favourite non-fiction titles include How To Survive A Plague by David France, The Transgender Issue by Shon Faye, the Living Autobiography Series by Deborah Levy, Last Witnesses: Unchildlike Stories by Svetlana Alexievich, King Kong Theory by Virginie Despentes; and she particularly enjoys the work of M.F.K Fisher, Annie Ernaux, Natalia Ginsburg and Helen Garner. Ciara is not looking for Children’s, YA or Fantasy. Ciara would like you to submit a covering letter, 1 -2 page synopsis and the first 5,000 words of your completed manuscript in a single word document. (In addition to the paid sessions, Ciara is kindly offering one free session for low income/under-represented writers. Please email to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print). By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Thursday 13th March 2025
Learn how to present your charity or social business in a way that captivates customers and inspires potential funders. This workshop will guide you through the process of creating an impactful pitch that effectively communicates your mission, value, and social impact. We’ll cover key elements such as understanding your audience, structuring your message, and using storytelling techniques to make your pitch memorable. You’ll also gain tips on delivering your pitch with confidence and clarity to maximise its effectiveness. Whether you're seeking funding or attracting new customers, this workshop will equip you with the tools to promote your organisation with purpose and impact!
This masterclass will focus on supporting Key Safeguarding staff in understanding the current context around SVSH and HSB in your setting.