This SharePoint 2016 Site Owner course is intended to introduce you to the SharePoint 2016 and provide a comprehensive overview of SharePoint Site Owner roles and responsibilities in an accessible and extensive guide to the mind. Throughout the course, you'll learn how to add and configure sites, create libraries and lists, create and modify views. Discover how to implement SharePoint sites, features, and content structures suitably and securely share files, collaborate on documents, and access information and work with colleagues more productively. In addition to that, learn how to create and customize columns, manage content types and create a document set. This course also includes how to enhance the site using web parts and working with pages, navigate within SharePoint and how to change regional settings. This course will be ideal for you for sharing information and collaborating efficiently with your team or organisation. What Will I Learn? Understand the Role of the Site Owner Add and Configuring Sites Create Libraries Create Lists Create and Modify Views Create and Customize Columns Create and Manage Content Types Manage Permissions Enhance the Site Work with navigation and regional settings Requirements Pre-requisites: SharePoint 2016 Site User or similar experience Who is the target audience? Any student wishing to learn more about the SharePoint Site Owner roles and responsibilities Introduction Introduction FREE 00:02:00 Role of the Site Owner 012-16-Site Owner-C1L1-Understanding the Role of the Site Owner 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C1L2-The Limitations of Folders 00:05:00 Adding and Configuring Sites 012-16-Site Owner-C2L1-Working with Collaboration Site Templates 00:02:00 Creating a Subsite with the Team Site Template 00:05:00 Creating a Subsite with the Project Site Template 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C2L4-Creating a Subsite with a Blog Site Template 00:05:00 012-16-Site Owner-C2L5-Creating a Subsite with a Community Site Template 00:05:00 012-16-Site Owner-C2L6-Understanding Site Settings 00:05:00 012-16-Site Owner-C2L7-Customizing the Look of a Site 00:06:00 012-16-Site Owner-C2L8-Changing a Site's Title, Description, Logo, or URL 00:04:00 Creating Libraries 012-16-Site Owner-C3L1-Adding Apps 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C3L2-Creating a Document Library 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C3L3-Reviewing Library Settings 00:04:00 Switching Between the New and Classic Views 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C3L5-Creating a Picture Library 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C3L6-Deleting and Restoring a Library 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C3L7-Changing the Name of a Library or List 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C3L8-Modifying Library Versioning Options 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C3L9-Restoring a Previous Version 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C3L10-Overriding a Checked Out Document 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C3L11-Saving a Library as a Template 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C3L12-Adding Enterprise Key Words to a Library or List 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C3L13-Allowing Folder Creation in Libraries and Lists 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C3L14-Adding or Removing the Sync Library Feature 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C3L15-Using Content Approval for a Library 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C3L16-Using Content Approval with Alerts for Simple Workflows 00:06:00 Creating Lists 012-16-Site Owner-C4L1-Creating Lists 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L2-Reviewing List Settings 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L3-Deleting and Restoring a List 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L4-Creating a Calendar List 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L5-Adding or Removing the Group Calendar Option 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L6-Creating a Task List. 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L7-Creating an Announcement List 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L8-Creating a Links List or Promoted Links List 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L9-Creating a Contact List 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L10-Creating a Survey 00:05:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L11-Creating an Issue Tracking List 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L12-Creating a List From an Excel Worksheet 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L13-Creating a Custom List 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L14-Changing a List Name or Description 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L15-Adding or Removing Versioning from a List 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L16-Adding or Disabling the Add Attachments Feature for a List 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C4L17-Adding or Removing the Quick Edit Feature for a Library or List 00:02:00 Creating and Modifying Views 012-16-Site Owner-C5L1-Changing or Modifying the List or Library Default View 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C5L2-Creating Public Views 00:06:00 012-16-Site Owner-C5L3-Creating a Grouped Library or List View 00:05:00 012-16-Site Owner-C5L4-Creating a Flat Library View 00:03:00 Creating and Customizing Columns 012-16-Site Owner-C6L1-Understanding SharePoint Columns 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C6L2-Adding an Existing Site Column to a Library or List 00:03:00 Creating a Site Column 00:05:00 012-16-Site Owner-C6L4-Modifying, Renaming, or Deleting a Site Column 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C6L5-Creating a Library or List Column 00:04:00 Modifying or Renaming a List or Library Column 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C6L7-Removing a Column from a List or Library 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C6L8-Creating a Text Column 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C6L9-Creating a Choice Column 00:05:00 012-16-Site Owner-C6L10-Creating a Number Column 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C6L11-Creating a Currency Column 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C6L12-Creating a Date and Time Column 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C6L13-Creating a Look Up Column 00:05:00 012-16-Site Owner-C6L14-Creating a Calculated Column 00:04:00 Creating and Managing Content Types 012-16-Site Owner-C7L1-Exploring Content Types 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C7L2-Creating a Custom Content Type 00:08:00 012-16-Site Owner-C7L3-Adding a Custom Content Type into a List or Library 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C7L4-Removing a Content Type from a Library or List 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C7L5-Creating a Document Set 00:08:00 012-16-Site Owner-C7L6-Modifying a Content Type 00:03:00 Managing Permissions 012-16-Site Owner-C8L1-Understanding Permissions 00:05:00 012-16-Site Owner-C8L2-Editing Permission Level Priveleges 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C8L3-Understanding Default Permission Groups 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C8L4-Viewing and Editing Group Permissions 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C8L5-Changing Permission Levels for a Group 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C8L6-Viewing,Adding, or Removing Users from a Group 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C8L7-Creating New SharePoint Groups 00:05:00 012-16-Site Owner-C8L8-Changing a Group Name or Group Owner 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C8L9-Adding a SharePoint Group to a Site 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C8L10-Adding, Removing, or Editing Permission Levels for an Individual 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C8L11-Checking an Individuals Permission on a Site 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C8L12-Granting Access to the Site Using the Share Option 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C8L13-Changing the Default Share Group for the Site 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C8L14-Creating and Removing Unique Permissions for a Site 00:05:00 012-16-Site Owner-C8L15-Creating and Removing Unique Permissions for a Library 00:06:00 012-16-Site Owner-C8L16-Creating and Removing Unique Permissions for a Document or Folder 00:06:00 Enhancing the Site 012-16-Site Owner-C9L1-Working with Pages in SharePoint 00:04:00 012-16-Site Owner-C9L2-Modifying or Adding Text to a Page 00:06:00 012-16-Site Owner-C9L3-Understanding Web Parts or App Parts 00:09:00 012-16-Site Owner-C9L4-Creating a Page in SharePoint 00:06:00 012-16-Site Owner-C9L5-Adding a Page to the Quick Launch 00:03:00 012-16-Site Owner-C9L6-Adding the Excel Web Access Web Part 00:07:00 012-16-Site Owner-C9L7-Adding the Relevant Documents Web Part 00:04:00 Navigation and Regional Settings 012-16-Site Owner-C10L1-Changing Regional Time and Work Week Settings 00:05:00 012-16-Site Owner-C10L2-Inheriting Top Links Navigation 00:02:00 012-16-Site Owner-C10L3-Working with Top Links Bar 00:05:00 012-16-Site Owner-C10L4-Working with the Quick Launch Area 00:06:00 012-16-Site Owner-C10L5-Enabling Tree View 00:03:00 Conclusion Course Recap 00:01:00 Course Certification
Duration 3 Days 18 CPD hours This course is intended for This course is intended for beginner to intermediate business and requirements analysts who are looking to improve their elicitation and requirements writing and documentation skills. This course is also a great fit for technical writers, product and software testers, project managers, product owners who work closely with business analysts or who perform some for of business analysis themselves. Overview Understand the role of the business analyst and core competencies for performing successfully Discuss the criticality of business analysis and requirements for successful project outcomes Understand the main professional associations and standards supporting business analysts in the industry Discuss the common problems with requirements and explore approaches to address these issues Obtain a clear understanding of the various requirements types and the significance for eliciting each type Demonstrate your ability to identify stakeholders Explore various methods for understanding and analyzing stakeholders Discuss and apply good planning practices to requirements elicitation efforts Obtain knowledge and understanding of over 15 current and commonly applied elicitation techniques Understand how to progress from elicitation to analysis to documentation Write well-formed and validated requirements Gain understanding of the best practices for writing quality requirements Learn the technical writing techniques that apply directly to writing requirements documents Discuss writing pitfalls, risks that impact requirements, and how to address them Learn best practices for communicating and collaborating with stakeholders, sharing the results of elicitation and the resulting documentation Learn approaches for validating requirements Understand the difference between validating requirements and validating the solution With elicitation serving as a major component of the requirements process, it is imperative that business analysts maintain high competency levels in elicitation practices and technique use to help organizations overcome the requirements related challenges faced on projects. Regardless whether you are a practitioner just starting off your career in business analysis or whether you have been performing the role for some years, this course will provide insight into the latest thoughts on elicitation and writing effective requirements and present a number of current techniques that are being applied on projects across industries today. Review of Foundational Concepts Definition of a business analysis Definition of business analyst BA role vs. PM role Business analysis competencies Benefits of business analysis Purpose for having a BA standard IIBA?s BABOK© Guide and PMI?s Practice Guide in Business Analysis Business analysis core concepts Discussion: Project challenges Understanding Requirements Common problems with requirements Understand the problem first Define the business need Situation statements and moving to requirements Understanding requirement types Business requirements Stakeholder/User Requirements Solution Requirements Functional Requirements Non-Functional Requirements Assumptions and Constraints Discussions: Requirement problems, business needs, and identifying non-functional requirements Discovering Stakeholders Definition of a stakeholder Stakeholder types Identifying stakeholders Performing stakeholder analysis Stakeholders and requirements Tips for identifying stakeholders Grouping stakeholders Creating a RACI model Tips for analyzing stakeholders Documenting results of stakeholder analysis Workshop: Discovering stakeholders Preparing for Requirements Elicitation Planning for elicitation Benefits of elicitation planning What do you plan? The elicitation plan Setting objectives for elicitation Determining the scope for elicitation Establishing pre-work Determining the outputs for the session The iterative nature of elicitation Elicitation roles Elicitation planning techniques Discussions: Who to involve in elicitation, planning impacts, and unplanned elicitation Workshop: Planning for elicitation Conduct Requirements Elicitation Elicitation skillset Types of elicitation techniques Using active listening in elicitation Techniques for performing elicitation Benchmarking/Market Analysis Brainstorming Business Rules Analysis Collaborative Games Concept Modeling Data Mining Data Modeling Document Analysis Focus Groups Interface Analysis Interviews Observation Process Modeling Prototyping Survey or Questionnaire Workshops Write Effective Requirements Elicitation and Analysis Requirements related issues Implications of bad requirements Elicitation and documentation Writing skillset Documenting requirements Modeling requirements Defining the project life cycle Impact of project life cycle on documentation Requirements specifications Characteristics of good requirements Guidelines for writing textual requirements Structuring a requirement Writing pitfalls Traceability Requirements attributes Risks associated to requirements Discussions: Project Life Cycle and Correcting Poorly Written Requirements Workshops: Documenting Requirements and Identify Characteristics of Good Requirements Confirm and Communicate Elicitation Requirements Business analysis communication Requirements communication Communication skills The 7 Cs Timing of communication Planning communication Importance of Collaboration Planning collaboration Documenting communication/collaboration needs Confirming elicitation results Verify requirements Characteristics of good requirements (revisited) Requirements checklist Requirements validation Signing off on requirements Discussions: Responsibility for Communication, Eliciting Communication Needs, Validation Signoff Workshops: Communicating Requirements and Obtaining Signoff Evaluate the Solution Business analyst role in solution evaluation Why solutions under perform What we are looking for in solution evaluation When does solution evaluation occur Performing solution evaluation Planning solution evaluation Metrics that might exist Evaluating long term performance Qualitative vs. quantitative measures Tools & techniques used in solution evaluation Comparing expected to actuals When solution evaluation discovers a variance Tools/techniques for analyzing variances Proposing a recommendation Communicating results of solution evaluation Discussion: Addressing Variance Wrap up and Next Steps Useful books and links on writing effective requirements BABOK© Guide Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide Additional course details: Nexus Humans BA04 - Eliciting and Writing Effective Requirements training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the BA04 - Eliciting and Writing Effective Requirements course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.
10 QLS Endorsed Courses for Project Quantity Surveyor | 10 QLS Endorsed Certificates Included | Lifetime Access
10 QLS Endorsed Courses for Archaeological Surveyor | 10 Endorsed Certificates Included | Life Time Access
Whetstone Communications and comms2point0 are pleased to bring you the Data Bites series of free webinars. Our aim is to boost interest and levels of data literacy among not-for-profit communicators.
Whetstone Communications and comms2point0 are pleased to bring you the Data Bites series of free webinars. Our aim is to boost interest and levels of data literacy among not-for-profit communicators.
About this Training Course Seismic interpretation requires an understanding of structural development and its interrelation with the stratigraphic system. Bias and misunderstanding have unfortunately resulted in countless dry holes. So go beyond tracing horizons and understand their context within the structural system by extracting key information from seismic surveys and other datasets. In this 5 full-day training course, participants will learn a variety of modern structural concepts and techniques and their role in the interpretation of seismic data. Using an applied 'hands-on' approach, participants will be exposed to a diversity of worldwide case examples with complementary exercises - both of an individual and group nature. The course is designed from an applied standpoint, with numerous examples and hands-on exercises from the petroleum industry. This course can also be offered through Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) format. Training Objectives By the end of this course, the participants will be able to: Go beyond tracing horizons and marking faults and truly understand the structural and stratigraphic system. Understand the role of tectonics and deformation in the formation of various types and orientations of geologic structures. Understand the interaction of the structural system with the stratigraphic and sedimentologic environment for better prediction of reservoir formation. Integrate data from the large seismic scale to subseismic scale, including seismic anisotropy, to understand better the overall petroleum system. Learn about the common pitfalls of interpretation. Target Audience This course is intended for geologists, geophysicists, reservoir engineers, and exploration/production managers. Course Level Intermediate Trainer Your expert course leader received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Geology from the now University of Louisiana-Lafayette in 1989 and 1990 respectively, and his Ph.D. as a National Science Foundation fellow at Baylor University, Waco, Texas, in 1993. From 1994 - 1996, he studied planetary tectonics as a NASA-funded postdoctoral fellow at Southern Methodist University. In 1996, he returned to UL-Lafayette, where he was awarded in 1997 the Hensarling-Chapman Endowed Professorship in Geology. He began independent consulting activities in 1991, and in 2001, he left academia for full-time consulting for clients ranging from one-man shops to supermajors. He rejoined UL-Lafayette as an adjunct professor from 2011 - 2018. He is an active researcher, receiving several million dollars in grants from federal, state, and industry sources, presenting numerous talks, including a 2019 AAPG Levorsen award, and publishing on a diversity of geoscience topics, including a Grover E. Murray Best Published Paper award in 2017. He is co-author of the inaugural GCAGS/GCSSEPM Transactions Best Student Paper award in 2018. He served as the GCAGS Publisher since 2006 and in various GCAGS/GCSSEPM Transactions editing capacities since 2006, including the 2014 and 2017 - 2022 Editor (named Permanent Transactions Editor in 2017), and Managing Editor since 2011, receiving a GCAGS Distinguished Service Award in 2018. He served as the General Chair for GeoGulf 2020 (70th GCAGS/GCSSEPM Convention), the 1st hybrid geoscience conference in the world. He is a Past President of the Lafayette Geological Society and served as its Editor and Publisher from 2002 - 2018. In 2018, he founded the Willis School of Applied Geoscience, reformulating decades of industry-training experience to provide alternative opportunities for graduate-level education. In 2020, he received an Honorary Membership from GCSSEPM. He also joined the LSU faculty as an adjunct professor in 2020. In 2021, he co-founded the Society of Applied Geoscientists and Engineers, serving as its President, General Chair for the SAGE 2022 Convention & Exposition, and Vice-Chair for the Benghazi International Geoscience & Engineering Conference 2022 (BIGEC 2022). POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information about post training coaching support and fees applicable for this. Accreditions And Affliations
In this competitive job market, you need to have some specific skills and knowledge to start your career and establish your position. This Flourish Studio Masterclass : Create Animated Visualisation will help you understand the current demands, trends and skills in the sector. The course will provide you with the essential skills you need to boost your career growth in no time. The Flourish Studio Masterclass : Create Animated Visualisation will give you clear insight and understanding about your roles and responsibilities, job perspective and future opportunities in this field. You will be familiarised with various actionable techniques, career mindset, regulations and how to work efficiently. This course is designed to provide an introduction to Flourish Studio Masterclass : Create Animated Visualisation and offers an excellent way to gain the vital skills and confidence to work toward a successful career. It also provides access to proven educational knowledge about the subject and will support those wanting to attain personal goals in this area. Learning Objectives Learn the fundamental skills you require to be an expert Explore different techniques used by professionals Find out the relevant job skills & knowledge to excel in this profession Get a clear understanding of the job market and current demand Update your skills and fill any knowledge gap to compete in the relevant industry CPD accreditation for proof of acquired skills and knowledge Who is this Course for? Whether you are a beginner or an existing practitioner, our CPD accredited Flourish Studio Masterclass : Create Animated Visualisation is perfect for you to gain extensive knowledge about different aspects of the relevant industry to hone your skill further. It is also great for working professionals who have acquired practical experience but require theoretical knowledge with a credential to support their skill, as we offer CPD accredited certification to boost up your resume and promotion prospects. Entry Requirement Anyone interested in learning more about this subject should take this Flourish Studio Masterclass : Create Animated Visualisation. This course will help you grasp the basic concepts as well as develop a thorough understanding of the subject. The course is open to students from any academic background, as there is no prerequisites to enrol on this course. The course materials are accessible from an internet enabled device at anytime of the day. CPD Certificate from Course Gate At the successful completion of the course, you can obtain your CPD certificate from us. You can order the PDF certificate for £9 and the hard copy for £15. Also, you can order both PDF and hardcopy certificates for £22. Career path The Flourish Studio Masterclass : Create Animated Visualisation will help you to enhance your knowledge and skill in this sector. After accomplishing this course, you will enrich and improve yourself and brighten up your career in the relevant job market. Course Curriculum Introduction to Flourish Studio Welcome 00:04:00 Flourish Studio Background Story 00:01:00 Features of Flourish Studio 00:02:00 Flourish Studio Plans (Free, Business, Enterprise) 00:02:00 Getting Started with Flourish Signing up 00:02:00 Home Page Interface Walkthrough 00:06:00 Creating our First Flourish Visualisation 00:04:00 Adding and Managing Data in Flourish Templates Managing Data in Visualisations 00:08:00 Column Bindings 00:06:00 Merge Datasets 00:07:00 Creating Visualisations in Flourish Studio from scratch Creating a Bar or Line Chart in Flourish Studio - First Steps 00:08:00 Changing Settings to update Chart's look and feel - 1 00:21:00 Changing Settings to update Chart's look and feel - 2 00:10:00 Changing Settings to update Chart's look and feel - 3 00:12:00 More Visualisation Templates in Flourish Studio Table Charts (including mini visualisations) 00:09:00 Creating a Hierarchy Visualisation 00:05:00 Scatter Plot 00:06:00 More interesting variations of Scatter Plot 00:04:00 Map & Projection Charts + 3D Maps 00:08:00 Survey Charts 00:07:00 Gantt Chart 00:06:00 Radar Chart in Flourish Studio 00:06:00 Creating a Story and other Options How to create a Story in Flourish 00:13:00 Exporting, Publishing and Sharing 00:05:00 Flourish's Embed Options 00:06:00 How to Delete Projects 00:02:00 Other Exciting and Important Features Controlling access to Visualisations and stories with different Account Types 00:03:00 How to create a video or GIF from Flourish Visualisation/Story 00:04:00 How to generate the thumbnail of your visualisation 00:02:00 Customise colours in Flourish palettes 00:02:00 How to show published projects on your profile page 00:03:00 How to colour parts of your text with custom HTML 00:03:00 Add Social icons in Footer 00:02:00 Data Visualisation Tips & Resources How to select the right Visualisation Template 00:05:00 Dashboard Development Best Practices 00:04:00 Sources to get Datasets to use in Visualisations 00:02:00 Useful Resources to get Help & Continue Learning 00:06:00 Congratulations Congratulations on Course Completion 00:01:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates or Transcripts 00:00:00