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Python in Practice - 15 Projects to Master Python

Python in Practice - 15 Projects to Master Python

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  • On-Demand course

  • 20 hours 40 minutes

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This course will help you learn the programming fundamentals with Python 3. It is designed for beginners in Python and is a complete masterclass. This course will help you understand Python GUI, data science, full-stack web development with Django, machine learning, artificial intelligence, Natural Language Processing, and Computer Vision.

In this course, the initial few sections help you take a tour of programming in Python, covering all the basic to advanced concepts that are further used to build projects from scratch. You will create 15+ applications with Python. First, you will be creating a Dice Roller (a Python GUI application with Tkinter to generate random dice outputs) and Total Seconds and Days Counter. After that, you will create a Length Converter Python GUI application. Next, you will work on the image-to-icon converter to convert .png, .jpg, and .jpeg images into icons. You will work on a random element selector, perform data analysis and data visualization with the help of NumPy, Pandas, and matplotlib. You will also create a trees survey report, user credentials data, and sales data report. You will create eBook Store with Django 3 and an eCommerce website with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. You will also create a weight predictor, rainy or clear weather, and flavor predictor. Finally, you will make a rating bot, which will create a natural language processing model to rate comments and reviews automatically, and Face Recognizer that performs human face recognition with computer vision and OpenCV. By the end of this course, you will have learned the programming fundamentals to an advanced level with Python 3 and become an advanced-level programmer. All the resource files are added to the GitHub repository at: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Python-In-Practice---15-Projects-to-Master-Python

What You Will Learn

Learn about built-in functions in Python and how to create one
Create a Python GUI application with Tkinter to generate random dice outputs
Analyze the sales report in a week with Python data analysis
Generate a survey report with data science
Create an NLP model to rate comments and reviews automatically
Perform human face recognition with computer vision and OpenCV


This course is ideal for individuals curious about Python programming, beginners at programming, and Python developers curious about data science, data analysis, and data visualization. This will also help full-stack web developers, artificial intelligence researchers, machine learning researchers, and GUI application developers.

You just need curiosity and enthusiasm to get going with this course; the rest of everything will be taught from scratch.


The course is designed for beginners in Python to level up their knowledge with the help of engaging and comprehensive content. Starting with the basics, you will learn from short video lessons to grasp information without turning it into boredom. After creating a strong base, you will perform coding exercises to practically apply your skills and build applications from scratch.

Key Features

Learn to apply the skills learned with the help of guided code exercises * A course designed for beginners in Python but takes you through the advanced levels * Build 15+ projects with the help of codes, coding exercises, quizzes, and other allied resources

Github Repo


About the Author
Rahul Mula

Rahul Mula is a passionate developer with expertise in Python, Flutter, and web development. He was really intrigued the first time he learned about programming and realized what could be done with it. Rahul thrives on exploring diverse technologies and crafting innovative applications. He's the mastermind behind Keyviz, a remarkable open-source tool for real-time keystroke visualization. Rahul's contributions extend to the realm of education, where he has authored books and crafted courses on Python programming, benefiting thousands of eager learners.

Course Outline

1. Programming with Python: Basics and Environment Setup

1. What Is Programming?

This video provides a basic idea about programming.

2. Setting Up IDE

This video explains how to set up an IDE.

2. Data Types and Variables

1. Data Types in Python

This video explains the data types, what are the data types in Python, and Python keywords.

2. Variables

This video explains the variables, how to create variables, and different types of variables.

3. Variable Names

This video talks about the different variable names.

3. Text Data Types

1. Python Strings

This video explains the strings, how to create strings, and how to use the "\" escape character. You will learn about the backlash "\" codes, how to create multi-line strings, and concatenation.

2. Extracting Values from Strings: Strings, Slicing, and Indicing

This video explains how to extract characters from strings, learn about slicing and indicing, and finally look at the indexing.

3. String Built-In Functions

This video explains the string built-in functions, how to use these functions, and string operations.

4. Numeric Data Types

1. Numbers in Python

This video explains the different types of numbers in Python, integers, floats, and complex numbers.

2. Numeric Functions

This video explains the basic operations with numbers in Python, mathematical functions with numbers, and built-in functions for numbers in Python.

5. Boolean

1. Python Booleans

This video explains Booleans, how to create conditions using the bool( ) function, talks about True values and False values.

6. Lists

1. Python Lists

This video explains Python lists, how to create lists, lists properties, list elements, how to extract a list element, and how to extract a sub-list.

2. List Built-In Functions

This video explains the list built-in functions in detail.

7. Tuples

1. Python Tuples

This video explains tuples, how to create tuples, tuple properties, and accessing tuple elements.

2. Tuple Operations and Tuple Built-In Functions

This video explains the tuple built-in functions, how to perform these functions, and basic operations with tuples.

8. Sets

1. Pythons Sets

This video explains sets, how to create sets, sets properties, and sets elements.

2. Sets Built-In Functions

This video explains the sets built-in functions, how to use these functions, and basis sets operations.

3. Mathematical Sets Operations

This video explains mathematical sets operations, how to perform union on sets, how to perform intersection on sets, how to perform difference on sets, and how to perform symmetric difference on sets.

9. Dictionary

1. Python Dictionaries

This video explains dictionaries, key-value pairs, how to create dictionaries, how to create dictionaries with tuples as keys, accessing key-value pairs, accessing values in a dictionary, and accessing keys in a dictionary.

2. Dictionary Built-In Functions

This video explains the dictionary built-in functions, how to perform dictionary functions, and basic operations with dictionaries.

10. Decision Control in Python

1. Decision Control using if statements

This video explains decision control in Python, if statements, and how to write if statements.

2. Creating conditions Using or and and keywords

This video explains how to use the "or" keyword, the "and" keyword, and helps with creating conditions.

3. elif Statements

This video explains elif statements and how to write elif statements.

4. else Statements

This video explains else statements and how to write else statements.

5. Decision Control with Strings and Lists

This video explains decision control with strings and lists in detail.

11. Loops in Python

1. Creating Loops Using While Statements

This video explains the loops, how to create loops using while statements, creating conditions for while loops, exiting a loop, nested if-else statements in while loops, continue keyword, and break keyword.

12. Iterating over Elements

1. Iterating over Datatypes Using For Loops

This video explains for loops, how to iterate over elements in data type, nesting if-else statements, and nesting for loops in a "for loop".

13. Functions

1. Functions in Python and Defining Our Own

This video explains functions in Python, how to create functions using the def keyword, and how to call the functions we created.

2. Getting Arguments during Function Call

This video explains using arguments in functions and how to pass arguments to functions we created.

3. Positional and Keyword Arguments

This video explains positional arguments, keyword arguments, and arguments and parameters.

4. Arguments and Parameters

This video explains the difference between arguments and parameters, talks about the must arguments, and optional arguments or parameters.

5. Arbitrary Arguments (*args)

This video explains arbitrary arguments, or *args, and how to get a list as an argument.

6. Arbitrary Keyword Arguments (**kwargs)

This video explains arbitrary keyword-arguments, or **kwargs, and how to pass multiple key-value pairs to a function.

7. Return Values from User-Defined Functions Using the Return Keyword

This video explains how to return values from a function with the return keyword.

8. Pass Keywords for Functions

This video explains the pass keyword and how to use pass in functions.

9. Lambda Functions

This video explains lambda functions and how to create lambda functions.

10. Creating a Duplicate List Elements Remover Function

This video explains the functions exercise to remove duplicates from a list.

11. Redefining the Built-In type( ) Function

This video explains the functions exercise to redefine the built-in type( ) in Python.

12. Creating a Function to Smartly Round Decimal Points in a Result of Addition

This video explains the functions exercise to create a sum_r( ) function.

14. Object-Oriented Programming

1. What Are Classes and How to Create Them

This video explains classes and how to create them.

2. Defining Class Methods

This video explains the process of defining class methods.

3. Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Class Attributes

This video talks about adding, modifying, and deleting class attributes.

4. Class Attributes and Identifier Naming Convention

This video explains class attributes and identifier naming convention.

5. Functions Versus Class Methods

This video explains the difference between functions versus class methods.

6. Operator Overloading on User-Defined Classes

This video explains the operator overloading on user-defined classes.

7. Built-Ins Overloading on User-Defined Classes

This video explains the built-ins overloading on user-defined classes.

8. Creating User-Defined Iterable Classes

This video explains creating user-defined iterable classes.

15. Inheritance

1. Containership

This video explains containership.

2. Inheritance

This video explains inheritance.

3. Accessing Inherited Objects

This video explains accessing inherited objects.

4. The Object Class

This video explains the Object class.

5. Multi-Level Inheritance

This video explains multi-level inheritance.

6. Multiple Inheritance

This video explains multiple inheritance.

16. Dealing with Errors

1. Error Handling in Python

This video explains error handling in Python.

2. User-Defined Errors

This video explains user-defined errors.

3. Catching Errors with Except Block

This video explains catching errors in Python programming with except block.

4. Use of else and finally Blocks

This video explains the use of else and finally blocks.

17. Modules and Packages

1. Modules and Packages

This video explains modules and packages.

2. random Module

This video explains the random module.

3. datetime Module

This video explains the datetime module.

18. All Built-In Functions

1. abs( )

This video explains the abs( ) function.

2. all( )

This video explains the all( ) function.

3. any( )

This video explains the any( ) function.

4. ascii( )

This video explains the ascii( ) function.

5. bin( )

This video explains the bin( ) function.

6. callable( )

This video explains the callable( ) function.

7. compile( ), exec( ), and eval( )

This video explains the compile( ), exec( ), and eval( ) functions.

8. delattr( )

This video explains the delattr( ) function.

9. dir( )

This video explains the dir( ) function.

10. enumerate( )

This video explains the enumerate( ) function.

11. filter( )

This video explains the filter( ) function.

12. format( )

This video explains the format( ) function.

13. getattr( )

This video explains the getattr( ) function.

14. globals( )

This video explains the globals( ) function.

15. hasattr( )

This video explains the hasattr( ) function.

16. hash( )

This video explains the hash( ) function.

17. help( )

This video explains the help( ) function.

18. hex( )

This video explains the hex( ) function.

19. id( )

This video explains the id( ) function.

20. input( )

This video explains the input( ) function.

21. isinstance( )

This video explains the isinstance( ) function.

22. issubclass( )

This video explains the issubclass( ) function.

23. iter( ) and next( )

This video explains the iter( ) and next( ) functions.

24. locals( )

This video explains the locals( ) function.

25. map( )

This video explains the map( ) function.

26. oct( )

This video explains the oct( ) function.

27. open( )

This video explains the open( ) function.

28. print( )

This video explains the print( ) function.

29. range( )

This video explains the range( ) function.

30. repr( )

This video explains the repr( ) function.

31. reversed( )

This video explains the reversed( ) function.

32. setattr( )

This video explains the setattr( ) function.

33. vars( )

This video explains the vars( ) function.

34. zip( )

This video explains the zip( ) function.

19. PyCharm IDE

1. Creating Files in PyCharm

This video explains creating files in PyCharm.

2. Editing the Themes and Color Schemes

This video explains editing the themes and color schemes.

3. Keymapping Shortcuts

This video explains keymapping shortcuts.

4. Executing Python Programs

This video explains executing Python programs.

20. Advanced Level: Python GUI

1. GUI Introduction

This video introduces the GUI.

2. Creating GUI Application Tk( ) Windows and Widgets

This video explains creating GUI application Tk( ) windows and widgets.

3. Creating Button Widgets

This video explains creating button widgets.

4. Getting Input from the User Using Entry Field Widgets

This video explains how to get input from the user using entry field widgets.

5. Using Grid System to Place Widgets

This video explains how to use the grid system to place widgets.

6. Button States

This video explains button states.

7. Customizing Colors and Fonts

This video explains customizing colors and fonts.

8. Adding Color Theme to Your Applications

This video explains adding color theme to your applications.

9. Stylizing the Appearance of the Widgets (Relief)

This video explains stylizing the appearance of the widgets (relief).

10. Creating Checkbox Widgets

This video explains creating checkbox widgets.

11. Creating Radio Button Widgets

This video explains creating radio button widgets.

12. Creating Slider Widgets

This video explains creating slider widgets.

13. Creating Dropdown Menu widgets

This video explains creating dropdown menu widgets.

14. Adding more windows on top of our existing main window

This video explains adding more windows on top of our existing main window.

15. Working with Images

This video helps in working with images.

16. File Dialog Boxes for Application

This video explains file dialog boxes for application.

21. Applications with Python GUI

1. Dice Roller

This video helps to create a Dice Roller.

2. Age Calculator (Total Days and Seconds Lived)

This video helps to create the Age Calculator (total days and seconds lived).

3. Length Converter Applications

This video helps to create length converter applications.

4. Image to Icon Converter

This video helps to create the image to icon converter.

22. Advanced Level: Data Science

1. Data Science with Python

This video explains data science with Python.

2. Anaconda

This video talks about Anaconda.

3. Jupyter Notebook

This video talks about the Jupyter Notebook.

4. Data Processing with NumPy Package

This video explains data processing with NumPy package.

5. Pandas Series

This video explains the Pandas series.

6. n-darrays to Pandas Series

This video explains n-darrays to Pandas series.

7. Slicing Values from Pandas Series

This video explains slicing values from Pandas series.

8. Pandas DataFrames

This video explains the Pandas DataFrames.

9. Slicing Columns, Rows, and Values from Pandas DataFrames

This video explains slicing columns, rows, and values from Pandas DataFrames.

10. Matplotlib Library

This video explains the Matplotlib library.

11. Data Processing

This video explains data processing.

12. Data Cleaning

This video explains data cleaning.

13. Data Analysis

This video explains data analysis.

14. Data Visualization

This video explains data visualization.

15. Customizing Visualizations with Matplotlib

This video explains customizing visualizations with Matplotlib.

16. Different Types of Plots with Matplotlib

This video explains different types of plots with Matplotlib.

23. Data Science Project 1

1. Inspecting the Data

This video explains inspecting the data.

2. Importing the Data

This video explains importing the data.

3. Data Processing and Cleaning

This video explains data processing and cleaning.

4. Data Analysis

This video explains data analysis.

5. Data Visualization

This video explains data visualization.

6. Generating the Final Report

This video explains generating the final report.

24. eBook Web Store

1. Web Development with Python and Django

This video explains web development with Python and Django.

2. How Websites Work and How We Can Create One?

This video explains how websites work and how we can create one?

3. Starting Our Website Project with Django

This video helps in starting our website project with Django.

4. Customizing the Homepage View

This video explains customizing the homepage view.

5. HTML Basics

This video explains the HTML basics.

6. Admin Application and Creating Our Own Applications

This video explains the Admin application and creating our own applications.

7. Creating Our Store View

This video explains creating our Store view.

8. Creating Models and Storing eBooks in the Database

This video explains creating models and storing eBooks in the database.

9. Adding eBooks Through the Admin Application

This video helps in adding eBooks through the admin application.

10. Django Template and Context System for html Views

This video explains the Django template and Context system for html views.

11. Web Design: Stylizing Our html Tags with CSS

This video explains the web design where you will be stylizing our html tags with CSS.

12. Bootstrap as Base Template

This video explains Bootstrap as base template.

13. Adding Bootstrap Cards as eBooks in Our Store Webpage

This video helps in adding Bootstrap Cards as eBooks in our store webpage.

14. Adding Bootstrap Navigation Bar to Our Website

This video helps in adding Bootstrap navigation bar to our website.

15. Adding the Cart to Our Website

This video helps in adding the cart to our website.

16. Bootstrap Containers

This video explains Bootstrap containers.

17. Creating Model for Cart Items

This video explains creating a model for cart items.

18. Getting Book ID from the Add to Cart Button

This video helps in getting the book ID from the Add to Cart button.

19. Defining add_to_cart( ) View Function

This video helps in defining add_to_cart( ) view function.

20. Displaying the Cart Sub-Total

This video explains displaying the cart sub-total.

21. Adding a Delete Button to Cart Items

This video explains adding a delete button to cart items.

22. Defining del_cart_item( ) View Function

This video helps in defining del_cart_item( ) view function.

23. What to Display When the Cart Is Empty?

This video explains what to display when the cart is empty.

24. Using Bootstrap Icons for html Elements

This video helps in using Bootstrap icons for html elements.

25. Machine Learning with Python

1. What Is Machine Learning?

This video explains machine learning.

2. How Machines Learn

This video explains how machines learn.

3. Creating a Machine Learning Model with Dataset

This video helps in creating a machine learning model with a dataset.

4. Preparing Data to Train the Machine Learning Model

This video explains preparing data to train the machine learning model.

5. Asking the Model to Make Predictions

This video talks about asking the model to make predictions.

6. Testing the Performance of the Model

This video helps in testing the performance of the model.

7. How to Make Training and Testing Sets Easily

This video explains how to make training and testing sets easily.

8. Working of the Regression Model

This video explains working of the regression model.

9. Creating a Classification Model

This video helps in creating a classification model.

10. Predicting Whether It Will Rain or Not and Testing the Predictions

This video explains predicting whether it will rain or not and testing the predictions.

26. Flavor Predictor

1. Preparing the Data

This video explains preparing the data.

2. Training the Model

This video explains training the model.

3. Asking the Model to Make Predictions

This video helps in asking the model to make predictions.

27. Artificial Intelligence

1. What Is Artificial Intelligence?

This video explains Artificial Intelligence.

2. Natural Language Processing

This video explains Natural Language Processing.

3. Feature Extraction from Text Data with CountVectorization

This video explains feature extraction from text data with CountVectorization.

4. Finding TF and IDF in Extracted Features from Text Data: Text Analytics

This video explains finding TF and IDF in extracted features from text data, that is, text analytics.

5. Working with Images: Computer Vision

This video explains working with images with the help of Computer Vision.

6. Changing Color-Spaces of Images from BGR to RGB to GRAY

This video explains changing color-spaces of images from BGR to RGB to GRAY.

28. Rating Bot

1. Reviews and Ratings Data to Create the Model

This video explains the reviews and ratings data to create the model.

2. Extracting Features and Transforming the Reviews Data

This video explains extracting features and transforming the reviews data.

3. Training the Model to Rate Reviews

This video explains training the model to rate reviews.

4. Creating the Function to Rate Reviews (In Raw Format)

This video explains creating the function to rate reviews (in raw format).

29. Face Recognition Model

1. Getting the Data to Create the Model

This video helps in getting the data to create the model.

2. Detecting Faces in Images with Our Model

This video helps in detecting faces in images with our model.

3. Creating a Function to Detect Faces and Show Them

This video explains creating a function to detect faces and show them.

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  1. 1Python in Practice - 15 Projects to Master Python

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