Weaving with a frame loom and a wide range of textured yarns and fabrics you can create a wall hanging in just three hours. Pick your favourite colours and textures from our extensive range of fibres and create something beautiful for your home
Join us at Stitching Kitchen for a wonderful few hours learning how to create a rag rug or rag rug cushion.
Knit a fair isle bauble in the next steps in knitting class where you will learn the stranded knitting method.
Create a stylish stay put scarf. Using chunky wool this scarf grows quickly and is suitable for those who have a little experience.
Make your own Christmas Stocking using woven fabrics and a sewing machine.
A lace making taster session - learn basic stitches and make a small piece of simple lace.
An evening of making Christmas ornaments with felt and hand stitching.
Join us for a festive evening, up cycling an old jumper to become your Christmas jumper
A chance to learn amigurumi style of crochet to make yarn creatures.
Join us at Stitching Kitchen for a day of Wet Felting Fun - you will create your own unique bowl from merino wool fibres.