Make your own Christmas Stocking using woven fabrics and a sewing machine.
A lace making taster session - learn basic stitches and make a small piece of simple lace.
An evening of making Christmas ornaments with felt and hand stitching.
Join us for a festive evening, up cycling an old jumper to become your Christmas jumper
A chance to learn amigurumi style of crochet to make yarn creatures.
Join us at Stitching Kitchen for a day of Wet Felting Fun - you will create your own unique bowl from merino wool fibres.
A needle felting workshop to create Christmas decorations. Full instruction and guidance, materials a cuppa and cake included.
Lace Knitting project.
Wet felting workshop, create a glasses case from merino wool in 2 hours with Hannah at Stitching Kitchen.
A festive Dorset button workshop with Danielle. Make a sparkly snowflake or Christmas tree. Tea and cake included in the price.