CRRUK equips professionals with the concepts, skills and tools to build conscious, intentional relationships, and to coach relationship systems of any size.
Maximising the team's sales capability is the key aim for any sales manager. When sales people struggle to hit their targets, it falls to the sales manager to provide support and help colleagues to find their way again. One of the most effective techniques for sales managers to improve and maintain sales performance is by providing live sales coaching. Sales coaching encourages sales people to find their own solutions and take responsibility for their own development. This course will help participants: Develop people to fulfil their sales potential Provide motivational feedback Identify strengths and weaknesses of their team members Understand personal learning styles Identify and adapt for different personality styles Prepare and conduct on-the-job observations Motivate sales people to greater performance 1 How is sales coaching different from sales training? What is coaching? Discover how coaching empowers sales people Learn the best time to use sales coaching Decide which people should be coached first Creating a development plan 2 Understanding learning, behavioural and communication styles Use practical tools to help you assess individual styles Tap into the essence and energy of the person you are developing Understand your own learning, behavioural and communication preferences Develop a strategy to adopt for each member of your team Discover what motivates you and your salespeople to perform Appreciate how this knowledge will improve your sales conversion 3 Using the GROW coaching model Learn the secrets of a successful coaching session Discover the importance of SMART objectives and instructions Understand and capture what coachees are currently doing right Develop their problem-solving and decision-making skills Help your colleagues crystalise their plans and actions Provide follow-up opportunities to embed the learning 4 Giving motivational feedback Understand why effective feedback is so powerful in sales Learn key models for motivational feedback Discover how to manage and structure more difficult conversations Understand the power of positive reinforcement Encourage sales people to coach and support colleagues 5 Putting it into practice Use realistic scenarios to provide opportunities for practice Discover what it feels like to be coached Receive immediate feedback on your coaching style Share common performance issues with fellow sales managers Create a personal development plan 6 Preparing on-the-job observations and joint visits Build a strategy for coaching and team development Prepare an observation template for effective coaching Learn the key elements of preparation for your next coaching session Agree common areas to focus on with coachees 7 Action planning Personal action plans
Introspective test Emotional regulation and emotional intelligence training Help in addressing pain points areas Full Makeover and beauty treatments 10 V.I.P confidence building sessions Personality test Addressing trauma issues Personal life coach available daily Behavioural pattern training Relationships analysation Happiness test Dating advice for low confidence and insecurity triggers Eradication of negative patterns Cognitive behavioural therapy
Develop your technical report writing and presentation skills with EnergyEdge's course designed for oil & gas professionals. Sign up now!
Bekah Legg, CEO of Restored, leads this webinar on how to raise our families with a culture of consent in a highly sexualised world.
Overview This course is a rare opportunity to acquire important leadership skills and use those newfound skills to gain the respect of co-workers and those you supervise. It's filled with insights into the special and often-overlooked talents women leaders can bring to the table and cutting-edge tactics successful women leaders are using right now to make things happen in their organizations.
This workshop helps you understand the neuroscience behind why working ‘harder’ isn’t the answer to being effective at work. You'll get to recognise your default behaviour and helpful alternatives to managing competing requests on your time.
Legal Writing and Drafting Skills Why Attend There is a misconception that legal writing and legal drafting is the same but there is a substantial difference between the two. While legal writing typically deals with persuasive documents such as court briefs and legal letters, legal drafting involves creating documents such as contracts. They are both equally important in legal practice. Legal writing is an important skill needed in every practice area of law. Words are used to advocate, inform, persuade and instruct. Are you giving the right impression? Are your clients receiving the right message? This course focuses on clear legal writing for a global audience. Effective communication with English speaking lawyers is about more than simply words. It entails understanding the unique way these speakers think and approach the legal, political, and business world. Did you know that most international commercial agreements are drafted in English, irrespective of the nationality of the contracting parties. Drafting contract skills is ideal for lawyers working in English as a foreign language who need to draft, explain or interpret contract clauses written in English. During the course, delegates will look at a wide variety of commercial agreements through to practical drafting sessions. This course will help participants to draft confidently and effectively in English regardless of the governing law. This is a practical course with many exercises and examples in order to achieve an interactive and stimulating outcome. The course's activities involve the production of typical work-place legal documents. Course Methodology The course consists of group discussions as well as individual and team tasks. There will be writing practice throughout the exercises. Course Objectives By the end of the course, participants will be able to: Apply plain English style of writing to all legal documents Recognize the need for legal clarity in different types of legal documents: legal letters, emails, memorandum and opinions Apply good legal writing practice Demonstrate the register of legal writing Correct common mistakes in legal writing Dispense and deal with pitfalls and issues relating to the use of legal jargon Proofread effectively Target Audience This course is for lawyers, legal secretaries, commercial managers, contract managers and anyone who must draft, amend or update contracts, legal letters and legal opinion. The course is suitable for non-native English speakers looking for a better understanding of English legal terms. Target Competencies Drafting letters Proofreading Writing in plain English Understanding legal terms Legal writing practice Note The Dubai Government Legal Affairs Department has introduced a Continuing Legal Professional Development (CLPD) programme to legal consultants authorised to practice through a licensed firm in the Emirate of Dubai. We are proud to announce that the Dubai Government Legal Affairs Department has accredited EMG Associates as a CLPD provider. In addition, all our legal programmes have been approved. Legal Drafting Signs of a well drafted contract: The simple rules! The language of drafting: Will v Shall v Must Identifying the legal formalities for a binding contract Structure and formation of a commercial contract: follow the formula and you won't go wrong The importance of Boilerplate clauses: No waiver Notices Assignment v Novation Governing v Jurisdiction Force majeure - are we covered for viruses (covid19)? Dispute resolution clause: Litigation v Arbitration v Mediation The preliminary documents in international transaction - using Heads of Terms effectively Vague words and expressions in commercial contracts- know the pitfalls! Best endeavors v All reasonable endeavors v reasonable endeavors Overview of cross border contracts: Distribution v Joint venture v Agency agreements Share Purchase Agreements Warranties and indemnities Allocating risks and liabilities between the buyer and seller Negotiating warranties from a Share Purchase Agreement Plain English in Legal Correspondence Good legal writing practice Moving from legalese to Plain English Unnecessary archaic and meaningless phrases Collocations Importance of collocations in legal writing Pitfalls and issues relating to the use of legal jargon in legal writing Writing short emails Writing long emails Writing formal emails Writing A Legal Letter Layout of a letter Body of a letter Putting a letter together The register of letter writing Typical sentences in legal letters The letter writing clinic: looking at the ten most common problems Rewriting letters Rewriting informal sentences to modern alternatives Correcting common mistakes in letter writing Legal Writing Troubleshooting The problem of English idioms Rephrasing English idioms Easily confused words Cutting unnecessary words Use of consistent terminology Ambiguity: how to avoid it Vagueness: how to avoid it Misuse of preposition in dates Problem words Constantly litigated words Rewriting sentences to remove gender specific language