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Feeling overwhelmed at work is a familiar pattern you'd like to fix
You might be at risk of burnout and urgently need to pull back from the edge
You don't want to let others down but you don't know how to comfortably say ‘no’
Stress and your brain: cognitive overload and the myth of multi-tasking
Why ‘working harder' won't work
What drives you to say ‘yes’ when it's not the best option
Handling pressure and the easiest way to prioritise where to spend your time
Simple decision-making tools for your to-do list
Dealing with negative thought spirals
Owning your actions (and inactions)
How and when to hold your ground - being gracious with people and ruthless with time
Exkavate aims to help everyone have a better day at work, by unearthing the hidden golden nuggets that too often lie dormant in our skills and abilities to get the best out of...