Building High-Performance Teams: In-House Training This course pulls together the most current and popular theories and writings on this complex topic and presents this amalgamated view in a highly interactive workshop and activity-based approach. Students will understand and have the skills required to build and participate in high-performance project teams and will possess the insight to proactively affect change within their respective organizations by guiding the existing culture to one that promotes high performance. What you will Learn At the end of this program, you will be able to: Define a team and describe the optimum team size for effective performance Describe characteristics and guiding behaviors of high-performance teams Describe the major elements of each development stage in two distinct models Recognize cultural barriers in achieving high performance List the attributes of a high-performing corporate culture Assess your own corporate culture Discuss corporate leadership as a factor in building high-performance project teams Describe the three A's of selecting team members State three leadership responsibilities Describe leadership responsibilities, styles, and roles List and describe the eight components of the team charter model for building high-performance teams Foundation Concepts The Nature of Teams Characteristics of High-Performance Teams Understanding Team Development Stages of Team Development - Model 1 Stages of Team Development - Model 2 Designing a High-Performance Culture Corporate Cultures Corporate Leadership Establishing the Attributes of High Performance Choosing the Right People Team Effectiveness Team Leadership The Team Charter Model
Leading People through Change: In-House Training Research shows that 70% of change initiatives fail in large organizations. The largest factor contributing to this failure rate is leadership - the inability to plan and lead people through change. In many change situations, tremendous focus is put on strategy, processes, and systems, while the issue of changing people's behavior is assumed it will 'just happen'. In this interactive course, you will learn why the people side of change is crucial. We will begin by understanding why and how people resist change, and how important it is to become strong and effective change champions. Next, we will focus on critical change management practices - creating our vision of the future state, planning for acceptance in our change audience and stakeholders, mitigating threats, and capitalizing on opportunities. We will use metrics to plan, show progress, and confirm success. Lastly, we will focus on the need to reinforce and sustain change, and to prevent relapse to old ways and methods. What you will Learn At the end of this program, you will be able to: Realize the nature of change and describe how resistance manifests in people Compare prevalent change models and categorize their similarities Identify and rate the skills, traits, and behaviors of effective change champions Envision the future state and assess stakeholders Plan for change communication, training, and risks Evaluate change effectiveness using feedback and metrics Develop reinforcement practices for benefits and communication Foundation Concepts What is Change? Resistance to Change Common Change Management Theories Becoming a Change Champion Plan Envisioning the future state Planning for people Change management plan Do Change communication Training Piloting Risks Study Feedback Metrics Variance analysis Act Benefits realization Change sustainment Reinforcement messaging and communications
Learn how to create easy to read accessible person centred profiles for children of all ages and young adults. Course Category Person Centred Planning Inclusion Description Person centred planning is a way of expressing a set of inclusive values through a unique range of tools and techniques. The most easily used approach is called creating a one page plan or a person centred profile. All person centred planning tools and processes are driven by a commitment to achieve inclusive outcomes for the person whose plan it is, and the young people involved are always present throughout their planning session. The focus of all person centred approaches is the whole person irrespective of the label they carry. Two people, a process facilitator and a graphic facilitator, typically facilitate plans. The role of the support service staff in this work is as a facilitator not as an expert participant, problem solver, assessor or provider of consultation. One Page Plans are especially effective tools in planning and supporting children and young people with additional support needs and for through-care planning for young people who are looked after or accommodated. Over time person centred working will reveal areas of unmet need in current provision and thereby inform the ongoing strategic planning within any particular region. Testimonials Be the first… Learning Objectives To Explore the values underpinning person centred working To show how One Page Plans naturally capture young people’s strengths and capacities A demonstration of how person centred planning encourages meaningful consultation and participation with young people (particularly for those who cannot make their views known in typical ways To show how Person Centred Planning leads to the building of stronger parent/school partnerships To indicate how person centred planning can promote multi-agency teamwork and shared responsibilities To increase understanding the how of process and graphic facilitation in person centred work. Who Is It For ? Teachers and School Staff Education Services Social Care Staff Health Professionals Transition Coordinators Family Support Workers Link Workers Course Content An introduction to the person centred planning tool of creating a One Page Plan We would stress that this is an introductory day and that participants will be expected to make plans for their own follow up and further practice of the tools covered in the course of the day. If you liked this course you may well like: PERSON CENTRED REVIEWS
This course is an exploration of our understanding of structural racism in the UK and provides a good foundation for anyone wanting to be a responsible ally. Are you working with young people, but struggling with conversations about race? Are you worried that you have been getting it wrong when it comes to race? Do you have questions about race that you are afraid to ask? This course is for you. Description Racism is a real problem in the UK, but it is much more hidden and covert than it has been in the past. People know its not ok to say the ’N-word’, but sadly, racism has permeated British society much more deeply than this. On this course we will help redefine the idea of racism and explain the complex nature of its modern day manifestation. We will explore how to talk with young people about race and particularly how to challenge when racism occurs. To achieve this, we need to start with ourselves. We will cover the idea of Unconscious Bias making us react differently to people based on our socialisation. We will cover the concept of White Privilege making it difficult for white people to get into the shoes of someone of another race. We will cover the concept of micro-aggressions that are difficult to report to a superior because they may be misconstrued as a mere “interpretation” of the situation and not an incident of racism. We will introduce the idea of the “racism binary”, and how we need to become more accountable for our own actions, and instead of getting offended, take responsibility when someone says something we did or said was racist. This can lead to a much more useful conversation than trying to defend yourself by saying “I’m not racist”. When we live in a world where racism doesn’t exist, only then can we say “I don’t see colour”, because it does exist, and it does have an impact on peoples lives. When racist incidents happen, people get hurt. Unfortunately, it is an all too familiar feeling for a lot of people in the UK who have been forced to accept it as part of life. Most of these situations will never be resolved, because they will never be reported. Poor handling of racist incidents teach young people not to say anything, thinking it will only make the situation worse. A lot of people believe that racism is never going away, because their experiences have confirmed this belief. There is a lot of work to be done, and the time is now. This course is an exploration of our own socialisation and personal expressions of race, which will leave you feeling positive and hopeful about the future. Be bold, and join us on this journey into the ever growing multicultural melting pot. Enquire for more information about this thought provoking training day. Learning objectives Develop understanding of modern racism in the UK Strengthen knowledge of key terminology Understanding how to think like an “Ally” Explore strategies for dealing with racism when we encounter it Developing our confidence and ability to hold conversations with young people about race Who is it for? Leadership teams seeking guidance and reflection Multi Agency Teams Social workers CAMHS teams Year Managers Primary and secondary staff teams College staff Early Years and School based Practitioners Heads and Deputies SENCOs Advanced Skills Teachers Primary and secondary teachers Local Authority Support Services Voluntary Organisations People who want to “get it right” Content AM What makes a good welcome? Why don’t we talk about race? History of racism in the UK Definition of modern racism – how racism manifests in a post-racist world Unconscious bias The ‘racism binary’ – taking accountability for our words/actions Examining our privilege What does your race mean to you? PM Trust and difference exercises – how can we become more trustworthy? What is good Allyship? What to do and what not to do Strategies for dealing with racism incidents Restorative Justice How can we create dialogue with young people about race? Affinity groups What does the ideal workplace/school look like? What actions will we take away?
In this course we deepen participants understanding of systemic racism and the spectrum of privilege. It challenges the participants to examine their behaviours and take close looks at some of the views they have held since a very young age, e.g. this area is a “bad” area, because it has a high proportion of black/brown people living in it, or that young black men in tracksuits are “thugs”. We think about where these messages come from and how people are indoctrinated by the media. Course Category Inclusion Team Building Leadership Emotional needs Description In this course we deepen participants understanding of systemic racism and the spectrum of privilege. It challenges the participants to examine their behaviours and take close looks at some of the views they have held since a very young age, e.g. this area is a “bad” area, because it has a high proportion of black/brown people living in it, or that young black men in tracksuits are “thugs”. We think about where these messages come from and how people are indoctrinated by the media. We explore the reasons why white people are so defensive when it comes to talking about race. We discuss having racial biases and the implications of them, such as unconsciously insulting people around us in the workplace. When we become aware of how our behaviours can affect people, we then look for solutions. The course is designed for groups of professionals to come together as a team to try and take responsibility for the racism that goes on in their workplace – empowering the leadership to have difficult conversations with team members and create a paradigm shift across the entire organisation. Please come with an open mind, and you might be surprised at what you find out. We are striving for a world where racism is an open conversation and not a topic that we shy away from. Testimonials “That was a really insightful session and thought provoking. I would love to attend more sessions on racism. Thank you for the engaging questions and delivery” “Lots of things to reflect on!” Learning Objectives Participants will: Confront their own racism and unconscious biases Become aware of the ways they treat people differently based on race Think about practical changes they can make in their workplaces Who Is It For? Leadership teams seeking guidance and reflection Educators who want to get it right People who have had not had much contact with people outside their own race People who believe they are “not racist” Course Content Background – brief history of systemic racism Racism as a binary – the problem with thinking only “bad” people can be racist Trust – how do we feel around people we don’t trust? Difference – how do we act when we feel different? What do Good Manners look like around people of different cultures? What does Good Allyship look like in the workplace? Why don’t we talk about race? What does your race mean to you? Examining our privilege – activity Interracial friendship video Visioning – what does the ideal workplace look like? Setting Actions – what achievable actions can we set to bring us closer to our dream future?
One of the most frequent telephone queries we receive at Inclusive Solutions is from parents whose disabled son or daughter is about to make the transition from Primary to Secondary School. Typically there is a tale to be told of LA planning procedures that are too little and too late, and a severe lack of confidence from all parties that the transition will be successful. Little wonder that transfers from mainstream to special schools continue to peak at Year 7! Course Category Peer Support Strategic Work Visioning and Problem Solving Person Centred Planning Description One of the most frequent telephone queries we receive at Inclusive Solutions is from parents whose disabled son or daughter is about to make the transition from Primary to Secondary School. Typically there is a tale to be told of LA planning procedures that are too little and too late, and a severe lack of confidence from all parties that the transition will be successful. Little wonder that transfers from mainstream to special schools continue to peak at Year 7! Because of this we have put together a different kind of support plan that aims to maximise the chances of Primary/Secondary transitions being successful. In essence our approach brings together a person centred planning tool called ‘MAPS’ and a ‘Circle of Friends’ recruited from within the Year 7 tutor group. The Circle of Friends forms the core of the MAPS session and are central in developing (with parents and staff) a Plan for embedding the focus child in the new school setting. Community Circles bring together disabled and non disabled pupils in a network of mutual support. Peer support is an approach to impacting on inclusion and transition in primary and secondary schools by actively involving other pupils. Enjoy participating in a multi media workshop that will challenge, entertain and reach for your emotions. Watch young people doing their stuff! Testimonials ‘It had a huge impact on all levels’ ‘Very user friendly’ Learning Objectives To be able to understand the values and wider context of peer support To be able to set up and run a peer counselling scheme to reduce bullying To understand and be able to maximise the power of the peer group in supporting relationships, achievement and behaviour change Who Is It For ? Primary and secondary teachers Heads and Deputies SENCOs Learning Support and Guidance staff Advanced Skills Teachers Parents Local Authority Support Services Community Development workers Early Years and School based Practitioners Course Content The course explores the questions : How can we improve our transition arrangements? Practically how do we go about involving pupils in this process? Do you have any fresh ideas on transition processes? Take a tour through this range of strategies for bringing about smooth transitions, meeting challenging emotional needs and to develop inclusion. Circles of friends: peer support and inclusion. Pupils work to problem solve with and actively support the inclusion and behaviour change of one of their peers Community Circles of Exchange and Mutual Support set up between disabled and non disabled group Peer support, counselling and mediation: reduce bullying and address emotional needs as older pupils offer active listening support and interventions Cross Age Mentoring: older pupils offer supportive mentoring to younger pupils in the same school or in feeder primary schools MAPS and PATH as person centred planning for transitions
Circle of Friends is an approach to enhancing the inclusion, in a mainstream setting, of any child or young person who is experiencing difficulties in school because of disability, personal crisis or because of their challenging behaviour towards others. The ‘circle of friends’ approach works by mobilising the young person’s peers to provide support and engage in problem solving with the person in difficulty. Online Course now available via Teachable Platform – Creating Circles ofFriends Learn at your own pace… lots of text and video support Course Category Inclusion Peer Support Behaviour and Relationships Autism and Communication Description Circle of Friends is an approach to enhancing the inclusion, in a mainstream setting, of any child or young person who is experiencing difficulties in school because of disability, personal crisis or because of their challenging behaviour towards others. The ‘circle of friends’ approach works by mobilising the young person’s peers to provide support and engage in problem solving with the person in difficulty. ‘Circle of friends’ is not the same as ‘circle time’ but many of the skills and techniques used by teachers in ‘circle time’ can be used to support the ‘circle of friends’ process. Over the past 12 years Colin Newton and Derek Wilson have been encouraging the use of ‘circle of friends’ in a wide variety of primary and secondary schools, often with very successful outcomes. Some of these are described in their books ‘Circles of Friends’, (Folens, 1999) and ‘Creating Circles of Friends’ (Inclusive Solutions, 2005). This is an excellent opportunity to learn from Colin Newton and Derek Wilson the educational psychologists who brought this Department of Education endorsed approach to the UK. Learn how to build teams around challenging pupils by drawing on a resource which is always there…. other children. Enjoy participating in a multi media workshop that will challenge, entertain and reach for your emotions. Circles of support are for us all, for life…. and they work! Testimonials ‘Absolutely fantastic session – so thought provoking and positive.’ ‘Well presented excellent course’ ‘Wonderful, mind blowing day. Lots of children and young people there we need to really see – not treat’ ‘Excellent presentation, lively, modern, current – definitely got the attention. Course gave great food for thought and I feel confident that this way of working will have a place in the future of our school. Learning Objectives To be able to understand the values and wider context of inclusion To be able to set up and run a ‘circle of friends’ to reduce likelihood of a pupil being excluded or segregated To understand and be able to maximise the power of the peer group in supporting relationships, achievement and behaviour Who Is It For ? Primary and secondary teachers Heads and Deputies SENCOs Learning Support and Guidance staff Advanced Skills Teachers Parents Local Authority Support Services Community Development workers Early Years and School based Practitioners Course Content The course answers the questions: What do you do with the child who is isolated by their aggression and anger, through being different, disabled or new to the school or community? Practically how do we go about including high profile children or young people? How can we help some children be friends? We will cover: The importance of Welcome Inclusion values underpinning this work The Intentional Building of Relationships – ‘Circle of Friends’ work as an example Not doing it alone – The Importance of Teams in developing inclusive practice Practical setting up of circles of friends Lessons learned Stories of circles in primary and secondary mainstream schools ^ Circles of Friends Training in Kiev, Ukraine
Inclusion Facilitation (IF) is an approach to enhancing the inclusion, in a mainstream community of any child or young person who is experiencing difficulties in the world because of disability, personal crisis or because of their challenging behaviour towards others. The IF approach works by mobilising the young person’s natural supports to provide support and engage with the person in difficulty. Inclusion Facilitation is designed to create a better life for an individual by the provision of an intense input designed to being about social change. This usually entails a series of visits focused on getting the person out and about to increase confidence, social skills and presence in their local community and to pursue goals and dreams. Uniquely, the work is carried out under the close clinical supervision of a practicing psychologist. What is Inclusion Facilitation Work? ‘We do whatever it takes!’ Usually a Person Centred Planning event would be carried out using the PATHor MAP process – majoring on dreams and goal setting leading to precise action planning. An experienced psychologist alongside the inclusion facilitator would carry out a PATH. A large graphic will be one of the outcomes of the meetings this is a great visual record and a shared memory of the event. This will also inform the priorities for the inclusion facilitation work Optionally following the PATH event a ‘scoping report’ is created outlining what Inclusion Facilitation could offer and highlighting what dreams and goals the individual has. The PATH is also provides a good opportunity for the Facilitator to meet the focus person in a comfortable positive environment. 12 weekly visits from the Inclusion Facilitator followed by 5 monthly visits is our preferred model but we can be flexible with the delivery of this input. This is just a guideline, however we have received good results using this time frame. After this intensive input the Inclusion Facilitator will hand over to the existing family, carers and PA team to carry on where he or she has left off. This transition time is planned from the outset. An experienced psychologist is there to support the facilitator at all times and will guide all work done by the inclusion facilitator. Is this just Support work? No! This is proactive engagement – doing whatever is required. We are not just passively or reactively providing what is asked for – we are actively pursuing a good life for the individual. Our work is built on careful research around a person’s interests and what opportunities exist locally. We carry out community mapping. We actively work to tackle an individual’s own resistance and reluctance to engage more socially. We actively engage with people in social settings that the individual attends to build bridges and connections – we are bridge builders. We build circles around a person. We create the conditions in which friendships can flourish. We have direct psychological supervision and support throughout. This work is short term and intense. Enjoy participating in a multimedia workshop that will challenge, entertain and reach for your emotions. Learning Objectives 1.To be able to understand the values and wider context of inclusion. 2.To be able to set up and run an ‘Inclusion Facilitation project to improve the life chances and connections of a child or young person. 3.To understand and be able to maximise the power of the peer group in supporting relationships, achievement and behaviour. Course Content The course answers the questions: What do you do with the child who is isolated by their aggression and anger, through being different, disabled or new to the school or community? Practically how do we go about including high profile children or young people? How can we help some children be friends? We will cover: Inclusion values underpinning this work The Intentional Building of Relationships –‘Inclusion Facilitation’ work as an example Not doing it alone – The Importance of Teams in developing inclusive practice Practical setting up and running of IF work Lessons learned Stories of IF work
This is our lead workshop/training day on behaviour and relationship work in Primary and Secondary schools and Academies, as well as Early Years, FE and adult settings and is both a values primer and a practical guide to successful innovative strategies for improving behaviour and strengthening relationships for challenging children and people of all ages. Course Category Behaviour and Relationships Meeting emotional needs Early Years Inclusion Description This is our lead workshop/training day on behaviour and relationship work in schools and other settings and is both a values primer and a practical guide to successful innovative strategies for improving behaviour and strengthening relationships for challenging children and young people of all ages. Not just another day on ‘Behaviour Management’ – our ‘Fresh Approaches to Behaviour and Relationships’ day goes well beyond a rewards and sanctions approach to ‘behaviour’. We will be focused on those young people for whom rewards and punishments do not always work and who confuse the adults who work with them. We aim to take a relationships based approach and to give those attending an opportunity to think more deeply about why young people do the things they do and what our part as adults is in creating, sustaining and changing these behaviours. The day gives those present opportunities to reflect on their attitudes and practice in relation to children’s behaviour and relationship building. If your usual approaches to managing behaviour aren’t working with particular individuals then take a tour through this range of cutting edge strategies for bringing about positive behaviour change, and for meeting challenging emotional needs. Testimonials ‘Thank you so much for the excellent training day you delivered last week. I found the whole experience quite uplifting and inspirational.’ ‘Thought provoking and empowering. Probably the best training day we’ve had in school’ ‘There was already evidence on the first day of school for pupils that staff were adopting a different approach. Thank you so much for helping us to make a difference.’ ‘Today has to have been one of the very best INSET days I have personally been to – full of practical tips and techniques to use in the classroom; and also proof that this approach does work in practice. It really was inspirational and an excellent start to the term.’ ‘Very motivating and exciting course.’ ‘Another fantastic Colin and Derek training session’ ‘Enjoyed this course very much. Derek and Colin worked very hard and I understood it. Thank you.’ Learning Objectives Reinforce and affirm good practice Re-energise, stimulate and challenge thinking about inclusion of challenging young people and children Increased understanding about behaviour and emotions Increased confidence in managing challenging pupils in childcare settings mainstream schools Access to a wider range of practical strategies to impact on behaviour problems Opportunity to reflect on professional attitudes and behaviour towards families and children and young people Learn new skills and processes to make inclusion successful Who Is It For ? Primary and secondary staff teams All Childcare Providers – Out of School club staff/Childminders/Youth Workers Early years and school based practitioners Heads and deputies SENCOs Advanced skills teachers Primary and secondary teachers Year Managers Parents Local authority support services Course Content The course answers the questions: Are there any new ways to include our most challenging young people? Should we focus on behaviour or relationships? How do we go about including high profile children or young people? Can we find an alternative to exclusion? What would a relationship policy look like? The following are some of the key themes and tools we are likely to explore during the day Getting the welcome right for the most challenging Encouraging – getting the best from the most challenging- Circle of Courage – belonging-achievement-generosity – independence Active listening – Listening to the person underneath the behaviour Compass of Shame – which directions do children and young people head when they feel shame? And what helps children work through these feelings in more healthy ways? Involving other children and young people in solutions and interventions – Circles of friends: peer support, counselling and mediation Team Problem Solving – Solution Circles: a 30 minute group problem solving process to get Teams ‘unstuck’ and to generate positive first action steps Circle of Adults: a process that ‘listens deeper’ to generate reflective problem solving creating lasting behaviour change and effective behaviour intervention plans. A particularly valuable process for those looking to enhance their leadership and facilitation skills Restorative justice and restitution: principles and practice of this approach to repairing harm and restoring relationships without reliance on punishment Understanding the effects of Separation, Loss, Trauma and Neglect on children’s learning and relationships in school and what adults can do to reach and support these children
Click to read more about this training, in which we demonstrate a live problem solving approach which is based on the active participation of family members. Course Category Inclusion Parents and Carers Behaviour and relationships Problem Solving Description In this training we demonstrate a live problem solving approach which is based on the active participation of family members. ‘Family Circles’ is an evolving new approach to problem solving with families and is based on our years of family work and the development and use of the Circle of Adults process. Inspired by our own Parent Solutions work and the Circle of Adults process as well as Family Group Conferencing and other Restorative Interventions we bring you Family Circles. Essentially the approach involves gathering a family together for a process that is facilitated but majors on the family members offering each other their wisdom and ideas. The approach is capacity focused, person centred approach to working with families rather than the dominant deficit oriented and ‘medical model’ of viewing and planning for or doing things to families. This training can be modelled with a group of professionals or better still with a family. In our work with families we develop the importance of naming stories or theories and seeking linkages and synthesis between what is found out and explored about the family situation and its history. We like participants to sit with the uncertainty, to reflect on the question ‘why’ but without judgement of each other. Deeper reflections may span a whole range of perspectives from ‘within person’ considerations, to situational or systemic possibilities. Health or emotional issues can be reflected on alongside organisational or transactional aspects of what is going on for the family. The better the shared understanding the better the strategy or actions which emerge from these meetings. Quality hypotheses with a close fit to reality lead to more effective implementation in the real world. We encourage ‘loose’ thinking, a search for connections, deeper listening, an ‘open mind’, speculation and exploration without moral judgements. From this stance self-reflection as well as reflection on the situation can produce remarkable insights. The quality of theories or new stories generated is directly influenced by family members’ experiences and the models of learning, behaviour and emotion, systems, educational development, change and so on that they have been exposed to. Learning Objectives To provide opportunities for: Shared problem solving in a safe exploratory climate in which the family will find its own solutions. Individuals to reflect on their own actions and strategies An exploration of whole-family processes and their impact Emotional support and shared understandings of issues at a child, parent, family, school and community level. Feed back to each other on issues, ideas and strategies that are agreed to be worth sharing with them. Who Is It For? Anyone interested in working with families in a way that builds and makes use of their capacities rather than focus on their challenges and difficulties. Social Care teams School staff Community organisers Educational Psychologists Course Content True family empowerment Deepening shared stories and understandings Facilitating groups Problem solving process Handling family group communication Allowing direct feedback and challenge between participants in a safe way Building relationships Process: Family members are welcomed: Introductions are carried out, ground rules and aims clarified whilst coffee is drunk. A recap from the last session is carried out: To follow up developments and reflections after the last meeting. One issue is selected for the main focus Issue presentation: The family member who raised the concern is asked questions to tell the ‘story’ of the issue or problem. Additional questions/information from the group about the problem are gathered: Ground rules may need to be observed carefully here. Individual participants need to be kept focused and prevented from leaping to premature conclusions or to making ‘helpful’ suggestions about strategy. Relationship aspects to the problem are explored. Metaphors and analogies are invited. How would a fly on the wall see your relationship? If you were alone together on a desert island, what would it be like? Impact of previous relationships/spillage from one relationship to another are explored. Eg what situation they are reminded of? For instance, does this situation remind you of any of those angry but helpless feelings you had with your other son when he was an adolescent? This provides opportunities to reflect on how emotions rub off on other people. The parent feels really frustrated, and on reflection we can see that so does the child System/Organisation factors (Family system/school and community systems and so on): What aspects help or hinder the problem? For instance, does the pastoral system of the local school provide space, or time and skilled personnel able to counsel this young person and work actively with their parents? Synthesis. At this stage the Graphic facilitator summarises what they have heard. They then go on to describe linkages and patterns in what they have heard. This can be very powerful. The person doing the graphic work has been able to listen throughout the presentation process and will have been struck by strong messages, emotions and images as they have arisen. The story and meaning of what is happening in the situation may become a little clearer at this point. Typical links may be ‘mirrored emotions’ strong themes such as loss and separation issues, or repeated processes such as actions triggering rejection. This step provides an excellent grounding for the next process of deepening understanding. What alternative strategies/interventions are open to be used? Brainstormed and recorded. ’Either/ors’ need to be avoided at this time also. This needs to be a shared session in which the family member who is presenting the concern contributes as much as anyone. Care is needed to ensure that this person is not overloaded with other people’s strategies. The final selection of strategy or strategies from the brainstormed list is the problem presenter’s choice. Strategies might include: a special time for the young person, a meeting with the child’s parents to explore how she is being managed at home and to share tactics, a home-school diary, counselling, or an agreed action plan that all are aware of, agreed sanctions and rewards and so forth. Strategies may productively involve processes of restitution and restoration, when ‘sorry’ is not enough. Making it right, rather than punishments or rewards, may then becomes the focus. First Steps. The problem presenter is finally asked to agree one or two first steps which they can carry out over the next 3-7 days. It can help to assign a ‘coach’ who will check in with them to ensure they have carried out the action they have named. This is a time to be very specific. Steps should be small and achievable. The person is just ‘making a start’. A phone call, or making an agreement with a key other person not present at the meeting would be ideal examples. Final reflections. Sometimes referred to as a ‘round of words’ help with closure for all involved. Reflections are on the process not the problem. In large families this is best done standing in a circle. In smaller groups all can remain sitting. Passing around a ‘listening stick’ or something similar such as a stone or light heighten the significance of the process ending and improve listening. Finally the problem presenter is handed the ‘Graphic’ this is their record of the meeting and can be rolled and presented ceremoniously by the facilitators for maximum effect! If you liked this course you may well like: Parent Solutions