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+ VAT£80
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2 hours
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Who should attend?
This masterclass is valuable for all governors, not just the nominated Safeguarding Governor, as all governors have 'strategic leadership responsibility for safeguarding' (as outlined in KCSIE).
This session will provide a clear update for governors as to the latest developments in terms of risk, updates on statutory guidance and KCSIE requirements from the governance perspective, and an overview of what the safeguarding team should be working on.
Delivered live-online by one of our safeguarding experts, this course is written and delivered specifically to provide an annual update for governors to ensure they are kept fully up to date with emerging risks, trends and good practice in relation to safeguarding in schools and colleges in order to fulfil their statutory responsibilities.
We will cover:
How this year’s changes to KCSIE relate to governance
Emerging risks and trends that your DSLs will be encountering and dealing with
Supporting and challenging the DSL and the senior leadership team in creating a safer culture
Monitoring the effectiveness of your setting’s whole school/college approach including preparing for inspections.
Learning Objectives
The course is delivered live-online in a real-time environment, with a range of discussion points and Q&A opportunities to ensure that you are able to provide effective oversight, scrutiny and challenge in relation to your setting’s whole school/college approach. It will enable you to:
understand key changes to the statutory guidance and what that means for your role and responsibilities, (including the whole Board).
develop a greater awareness of emerging trends, risks and safeguarding issues and how these are affecting schools & colleges.
know how to work effectively with the DSL and the whole senior leadership team in creating a safer culture and ensuring safer recruitment, through providing effective oversight.
Understand best practice nationally regarding safeguarding governance through the use of case studies and examples of excellent practice.
Brightcore Consultancy was founded by Oliver Welsby to provide dynamic and forward-thinking training and consultancy services. With a wealth of experience as both a DSL and a...