Wanna learn something simple yet so amazing that it's going to blow your mind? Good, because this little workshop's a gem. Join Happy Human Training's Cami Rose as she shares her decades of experience as a counsellor and coach with an introduction to the power of noticing and the crucial role it can play in helping us better manage our day to day stresses, challenges and relationships.
The classes are an opportunity for everyone from different countries to dance together - old, young, dancers and non-dancers - and to move, stay healthy.
We would love to invite you to Art in the Park's ONLINE Life Drawing with harp player, Tatyana!
We would love to invite you to Art in the Park's ONLINE Life Drawing with Cuban born, Singer-Song writer: Jesús Cutiño!
Inclusive organizations are ones where members of the LGBTQAI+ community thrive. Providing a welcoming environment means ensuring that all employees have an understanding about respecting sexual identity. The acronym used to refer to this large segment of the population continues to grow to represent the identities of others. This video outlines the meaning behind 'LGBTQIA' and is intended to provide employees with further cultural competency. Length: 5:14 Learning Objectives Define and explain the components of the LGBTQIA+ acronym, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, aromantic, agender, non-binary, and genderqueer identities.;Recognize the distinction between sexual orientation and gender identity, emphasizing the importance of respecting both aspects of an individual's identity.;Understand the significance of recognizing and supporting diverse gender and sexual identities, fostering inclusivity, and becoming an ally within the LGBTQIA+ community.
Inclusivity is something a lot of organizational leaders say they want, but what about restrooms? Gender-neutral restrooms are a great way to make sure that everyone feels welcome, understood, and respected in your organization. There are multiple approaches to making the change, and while some take more effort than others, it is worth it for the inclusion benefits it provides. This video is great for HR professionals, managers, and decision-makers in a company. Length: 3:39 Learning Objectives Acknowledge the importance of gender-neutral restrooms in promoting inclusivity and understanding the needs of transgender, non-binary, and diverse individuals in the workplace.;Recognize how gender-neutral restrooms are designed to prioritize safety, privacy, and comfort for all users, with an emphasis on individual stalls and appropriate signage.;Develop strategies to address objections and encourage open dialogue, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and accepting workplace that respects the diverse needs and experiences of all individuals.
An inclusive work environment is created by individuals who value each other's differences âÃì and, are proactive in stopping workplace discrimination or harassment. And while D&I commitments and initiatives on an organizational level are crucial, it takes proactive work on an individual level to see results. This video outlines ways that all members of a team can work to promote inclusion at work and build valuable connections with their co-workers. It is great for all members of an organization. Length: 3:54 Learning Objectives Recognize early warning signs of potential discrimination conflicts within the workplace, enabling you to take preemptive measures to address and mitigate issues.;Develop strategies for proactive communication and conflict prevention, creating a more harmoniously diverse work environment.;Apply conflict resolution techniques to resolve disputes swiftly and effectively when they do arise, ensuring minimal disruption and maintaining a positive workplace atmosphere.;Employ effective listening and empathy techniques to facilitate productive conversations during workplace conflicts, ensuring all parties feel heard and understood.