Help! I Can't Stop Thinking is a ten day meditation course packed with stories, mindfulness techniques, tools to help you calm your mind.
One of the most powerful ways to tap into intrinsic motivation is by cleaning up your mindset. The way you talk to yourself, visualise and manage your emotions is directly related to your ability to stay motivated and focused. This session will introduce you to a menu of mind hacks to help you Free your Mind?
Tackle Stress Before It Tackles You! Work-related stress affects 875,000 people every year, and its impacts go beyond the workplace—affecting your mind, body, and personal life. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Join our Stress Management Workshops to: ✔️ Understand the difference between stress and pressure ✔️ Learn the causes of stress in and out of the workplace ✔️ Discover practical coping strategies and build mental resilience These workshops are packed with insights, tools, and strategies to help you take control of your stress levels and improve your well-being—personally and professionally. There are two different ones to choose from - a 2 hour workshop and a 4 hour workshop! Course Contents of 2 hour course: What is Stress Stress versus Pressure Statistics Absenteeism, Presenteeism and Leaveism Workplace Causes of Stress Personal Causes of Stress Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Stress Coping Strategies Mental Resilience Benefits of this Workshop: In 2022/23. 875,000 people suffered from work-related stress, depression or anxiety The affects of stress are far reaching, affecting one's mind, body, social and personal life Become more aware of what stresses you, what is does to you and find ways to reduce those stress levels
‘Collage is a metaphor for any discovering, gathering ad reweaving of energy bits already formed and present in the universe. A new and personal creation can be made from the ever-present divine chaos of images all around us. Just choose, assemble, name and then inhabit your SoulCollage® cards’ -Seena Frost. Originator/birther of SoulCollage® When we come together to make SoulCollage® in community, amazing things happen. There is a magic in the paradoxes built into this journey that only requires you coming along with your curiosity and imagination. No artistic genius recquired whatsoever. Just your presence! Images have things to say to us. They can call us through our hearts, our instinctual knowing, and our open intuitive minds. In this sense, images offer us potals and openings to a deep wisdom stream. All you need to do is be open to the images that are asking for your attention. Then you make a collage, then you listen to what it wants you to know. It is simple, and prodound. Because SoulCollage® is a transformational experience, it is hard to convery this in writing. Here are some things people have said about a SoulCollage® session at The Soul Shed: "Loved this workshop, from start to finish it made my heart sing. It was a feast for the soul with words and images that were crafted into something rich and deep for me" -J.E "What stood out for me was how it just happened thing alchemised into another thing” - L.B "I'd describe it as a good way to reconnect with your creative side, relax and maybe gain insight into what is happening inside you" - D.F. This is an in place event in a creative studio in the delightful village of Hartley Wintney. You might like to linger after we close and take a look at the local crafts and antique shops, or take a stroll around the village green just outside of where we will be for the day. It is really quite unique. Getting there: Full directions by car to the venue will come in the follow up to your booking. There is free weekend parking. The nearest train station is Winchfield.
Overview There are many companies that have designed a creative environment for their employees to help them relax and spark creative thinking to enhance the performance of the people working in the organisation. The creative way help boost the mind of the employees and thereby generate a positive attitude. This course will help organizations to do regular brainstorming sessions when working on a project to allow employees to contribute and build on a project. This will create an immense engagement as their team members are involved in the creative process.
From exploring basic psychological phenomena like perception, memory, cognition, language, consciousness, and emotion to dissecting the latest advancements in brain imaging technology, this course offers a rapid deep dive into the intricacies of the human psyche. Gain a scientific understanding of the mind and behaviour while honing critical thinking skills essential for psychological inquiry.
During pregnancy, hypnotherapy fosters a calm mindset, eases discomfort, and aids in preparing for childbirth (hypnobirthing). By harnessing the power of the mind-body connection, hypnotherapy proves advantageous in alleviating challenges when birthing fostering overall women's health and empowerment.
During pregnancy, hypnotherapy fosters a calm mindset, eases discomfort, and aids in preparing for childbirth (hypnobirthing). By harnessing the power of the mind-body connection, hypnotherapy proves advantageous in alleviating challenges when birthing fostering overall women's health and empowerment.
Communication is the essence of leadership. This programme is the flagship of our leadership courses, focusing on creating a culture of positive interaction and clear, respectful exchanges whilst maintaining high-performance productivity, ownership, and innovation. Prior to the learning session, delegates complete the TruTalent™ Learning & Productivity (TTL & P), a 20-minute online survey assessing individual productivity preferences and learning styles. This assessment identifies work and learning preferences across 4 styles and 12 environmental and mindset preferences. These elements significantly influence how individuals achieve and perform in work-based learning environments. They also affect how people concentrate, make decisions, solve problems, process information, approach and complete tasks, retain new and complex information, develop new skills, and interact with others. Throughout the course, delegates will learn how to: Utilise the TruTalent™ Learning & Productivity assessment to increase productivity and maximise performance Set meaningful professional goals and celebrate success for incremental progress towards achievement Inspire innovation within teams to increase ownership and accountability Empower employees and increase engagement through effective, positive feedback Focus on positivity, setting an example for others that the organisation embraces a "yes" and solutions-oriented approach Improve spoken and written communications, creating an authoritative image of expertise This Leadership Skills course is a 4-hour interactive virtual class. Upon registration, delegates will receive online login instructions prior to the class date. This format allows for a collaborative learning experience from the comfort of one's own home or office, enabling leaders to enhance their skills and drive organisational success.