This class runs weekly to encourage psychic and spiritual gifts through meditation
Hatha yoga tuition in the style of shadow yoga, includes asana (yoga postures) and a meditative aspect using mantra and a focus on the breath
Birth Right Hypnobirthing is a full antenatal birth preparation course for pregnancy. Particularly useful for those who are scared of giving birth. Whether this is your first or tenth baby this information is essential. Whether you're looking for a natural birth or support for your caesarean birth this course will support you and give you the tools for the best birth for you.
The Jade Lady is another name for the Kundalini Shakti. This kriya uses hand and arm movements, coordinated with the breath to harmonise the prānic force and direct it inward for the subtle practices of hatha yoga
Learn tools to set workplace boundaries
Understanding Trauma-Informed practices and becoming a more empathetic leader, coach, teacher and or self-employed individual.