78, 79, 88 and 99 series Handsets & Voicemail Cisco Call Manager (CCM) & Self Care Portal Jabber WebEx Meetings WebEx Training Centre WebEx Events Centre Attendant Console Standard and Advanced Console (ARC) UCCX/UCCE and Finesse Agent & Supervisor CUIC Reporting
Getting the design and implementation of your recruitment and selection process right is the first critical step to attracting great people into your business.
A dynamic and interactive one-day or two-half-day live virtual workshop for women leaders in business, government and non-profit organizations.
All i-series handsets & 90 series handsets and Voicemail UCE/UCS Softphone UCE/UCS Mobile Apps iOS & Android iPECS ONE Softphone & Mobile Apps iOS & Android Phonelink User Web Portals (Cloud and UCP) Cloud Manager Web Portal/UCP Admin tool Cloud and UCP Attendant Consoles iCalls (Tollring) Call Centre product
Embark on a journey to become a workplace hero with our comprehensive one-day Pediatric First Aid course. This dynamic and engaging training program is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to handle emergency situations confidently and effectively.
A four-hour workshop on how to accelerate the learning and development of your Neurodiverse colleagues.
A four-hour Neurodiversity Workshop aimed at Leaders looking to understand Neurodiversity and how to create an environment to allow Neurodiverse colleagues to thrive.
Grateful Leadership: In-House Training Effective leaders must find ways to enhance people's level of engagement, commitment, and support, especially during the difficult periods of time that all organizations may face. Grateful leaders can tap into the power of personal commitment and dedication by acknowledging people in an authentic and heartfelt manner. Those leaders who model true acknowledgment behavior will inspire others to do the same and to want to dramatically increase their levels of contribution to the organization, making the power of acknowledgment transformational. What you will Learn You'll learn how to: Understand and develop the capability to act upon the need for Grateful Leadership to create a culture of appreciation in the workplace Understand the potentially huge benefits of Grateful Leadership in the workplace Overcome the barriers to using acknowledgment Demonstrate the language and subtleties of authentic and heartfelt acknowledgement behavior Describe the Seven Principles of Acknowledgment for 'High-Interest Benefits' in the context of participant's personal leadership style Describe how to coach teams, managers, and other corporate stakeholders in using Grateful Leadership to produce breakthrough results Getting Started Introductions Course goals and objectives Introspection on the practice of Grateful Leadership The Workforce Engagement Sustainability Challenge Employees who are engaged, not engaged, and actively disengaged The costs of non-engagement Meeting the workforce engagement challenge Acknowledgment, Engagement, and Leadership Acknowledgment and its benefits Recognition versus acknowledgment 'Challenging people' case study Blanchard, Covey, Keith (Servant Leadership): how acknowledgment fits into these leadership models Leadership and acknowledgment The 5 C's - Consciousness, Courage, Choice, Communication, Commitment Employing the Power of Acknowledgment Overcoming barriers to acknowledgment The Seven High-Interest Benefits Principles of Acknowledgment Exploring the acknowledgment process Applying the Principles of Acknowledgment within the Context of Your Personal Leadership Style Case study The ROI of Grateful Leadership Creating your Grateful Leadership Personal Action Plan™ Creating a Vision Statement for your organization that incorporates Grateful Leadership into your corporate culture The 360° Grateful Leadership Competency Assessment Summary What did we learn, and how can we implement this in our work environments?
Embark on a journey to become a workplace hero with our comprehensive one-day First Aid course. This dynamic and engaging training program is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to handle emergency situations confidently and effectively.
Electric Vehicle Technicians have had access to certified training at different levels of competency for a number of years, but this has not been the case for Vehicle Dismantling Technicians until now. Vehicle repairers have been taught how to diagnose faults on Electric or Hybrid vehicles, make them safe, repair or replace the high voltage component and then put the vehicle back together and make them work. Vehicle dismantlers need to know how to assess Electric and Hybrid vehicles, store them properly, make them safe and dismantle them, store the parts and ship them out for re-use, repurposing or recycling, so the accredited and certified training for vehicle repair technicians met some of the criteria for dismantling but not all. Electric Vehicle Dismantling Training raises the professional standards of the vehicle dismantling and recycling industry, provides consistent training standards across the world, helps develop knowledge and understanding, enables team members to grow their own abilities, and achieve accredited training.