Are you interested in learning how to make polymer clay jewellery? Join us for a fun and informative workshop that will teach you everything you need to know about conditioning the clay, texturing, cutting, shaping the clay, forming and moulding. You'll create a range of finished jewellery pieces that you can take home with you afterwards. This is a great way to learn some new skills and explore a wide variety of style and techniques that are easy enough for beginners but also have room for more advanced learners!
Are you interested in learning how to make polymer clay jewellery? Join us for a fun and informative workshop that will teach you everything you need to know about conditioning the clay, texturing, cutting, shaping the clay, forming and moulding. You'll create a range of finished jewellery pieces that you can take home with you afterwards. This is a great way to learn some new skills and explore a wide variety of style and techniques that are easy enough for beginners but also have room for more advanced learners!
Learn the art of tambour beading in this class
Learn the art of silk shading from home
An extended group Zoom session covering the science of wire wheels & some very useful practical applications What you will learn: Part 1: How a wire wheel works Wheel patterns - Radial & tangential, Tramlines & crosses, Exotic patterns Spoke count identification: Easily distinguish between 32 spoke, 36 spoke and 40 spoke wheels instantly, without counting. Part 2: The unique Colwood Wheel Works wheel configuration chart (this will be sent to you by email): How to use it & how to work it all out without the chart. (Hint: it's easier with the chart) Practical use of wheel configurations to work out spoke lengths. Part 3: Weight and how it effects performance. Wheel weight v frame weight. Sprung weight v unsprung weight. There will be a short Q & A time between each part and another Q & A at the end of the course.. The content of this course is relevant to all wire wheels: motorcycles, bicycles, wheelchairs, sulkies, and pretty much every other place where you will find a tensioned wire wheel.
Improve your knowledge of goldwork with this intricate design
Learn goldwork with this intricate rose
Improve your embroidery skills with Mr Rudolph