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The misuse of these terms can lead to delays, penalties, problems with payment and more. This half day seminar will explain Incoterms® and their importance in international trade contracts.
Introduction to International Trade This module provides a foundational understanding of the development and significance of international trade, focusing on the UK's trade strategy and its global role. Participants will explore key topics such as trade definitions, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the evolution of customs, and major post-WW2 trade developments. Additionally, the module covers the UK's entry into and exit from the EU, and the current UK Digital Strategy for International Trade. **Agenda Highlights**: - Definitions and importance of international trade - Overview of the WTO - Customs fundamentals - Post-WW2 global trade growth - Impact of EU membership and Brexit - UK Digital Strategy for international trade growth
International markets offer huge Export opportunities for UK businesses. Finding and developing new markets for products is a hugely valuable avenue for expansion and in some sectors in particular, global demand for British brands and products makes international trade an excellent means of growth.
This module aims to develop knowledge from research activities to gain an understanding of international trade theory, global economic development and growth, currency and exchange rates, trade policies and their impact on an organisation, free trade agreements, direct investment from financial sources outside the UK, tariffs and no trade barriers, supply chain and logistics, intercultural management and international law and treaties.
This module aims to develop an understanding of supply chain management in international trade. This includes defining supply chain management, the relationship between supply chain and logistics, effective supply chain planning and responding to problems and issues associated with international trade.
This module aims to develop knowledge and understanding as to how an organisation develops an international trade strategy. It includes establishing export goals, undertaking research into potential markets, developing an international pricing strategy, investigating shipping and logistics, marketing and promotion, documentation, distribution and review and monitoring.
This module aims to develop knowledge and understanding of the exporting process used in international trade from novice to practitioner. It includes documentation, incoterms, responsibilities of an exporter, commodity codes, origin and duties and taxes.
This module aims to develop knowledge from research activities to gain an understanding of international trade theory, global economic development and growth, currency and exchange rates, trade policies and their impact on an organisation, free trade agreements, direct investment from financial sources outside the UK, tariffs and no trade barriers, supply chain and logistics, intercultural management and international law and treaties.
Understanding commodity codes is vital to internationally trading businesses. Commodity codes are used worldwide to determine the customs duty and other charges levied on the goods when importing and exporting. They also determine any preferential treatments or restrictions and prohibitions that may apply to the goods and are used for monitoring trade volumes and applying international trade measures. This virtual half-day course will provide an insight into what commodity codes are and how getting them wrong can have a big impact on your business. By attending this course, we will ensure you: Are aware of what a commodity code is and what it is used for Understand the process of how to classify goods Successfully classify a range of goods Understand the importance of getting your commodity codes correct. Please note: If you are working towards your British Chamber of Commerce (BCC) Foundation Award, this course will count towards 1 of your 6 modules. Please make sure you select the ‘Yes’ option in the dropdown option for BCC when booking.
This module aims to develop knowledge from research activities to gain an understanding of international trade using Marketing , Social Media and how AI plays a role in International Marketing